commit ab513264e882b201406436f238007a5026c2b0ad from: Omar Polo date: Sat Jun 11 18:04:46 2022 UTC add a contributing and porting section on the readme commit - f2a3064aa7c71ca923547daf78915239d6996c4e commit + ab513264e882b201406436f238007a5026c2b0ad blob - d488506d9edb4c5c65fb4e1f46f30798ae24f660 blob + 282d47fb9920e3332cddcce5bdd64d996f50f4f3 --- +++ @@ -38,6 +38,24 @@ listen on localhost port 1337 tls pki localhost auth < ``` +## Contributing + +Every form of contribution is well accepted! Just send an email or +open a pull request (either on Codeberg or GitHub.) + +Don't know where to start? Take a look at the [TODO](./TODO) file! + + +## Porting + +kamid is developed primarly on OpenBSD, but it's known to work on +Debian, Devuan and NixOS. + +Have you ported / compiled kamid on other systems? Cool, I'd be happy +to hear about it! I'm particularly interested in the difficulties in +doing so to ease the portability. + + ## Testing The regression suite uses sudo (or doas) because it needs root