commit be5b89f6c0f5039e80363593120905ed3caf3eb5 from: Omar Polo date: Fri May 18 22:06:25 2018 UTC updated README commit - f5e234d6f1f8a3e7084e8bd608cb26d701283bbb commit + be5b89f6c0f5039e80363593120905ed3caf3eb5 blob - /dev/null blob + de71de8c96f99c78be97409aefe7fca1118787ef (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# MyMenu + +> A drop-in replacement for dmenu, 'cause I was bored + +![MyMenu works!](screen.png) + +--- + +## What? + +This is a drop-in replacement for `dmenu(1)`. + +## Why? + +This was the perfect excuse to learn how to make window with Xlib. + +## How? + +Check out the [manpage](mymenu.1) for further documentation. + +--- + +## Dependencies + + - Xlib + - Xinerama (optional) + For multi-monitor support + - pkg-config (optional) + used in the makefile to generate `LIBS` and `CFLAGS` correctly + +## Build + +As simple as `make`. If you want to disable Xinerama support just +delete `-DUSE_XINERAMA` from the `CFLAGS` and `xinerama` from the +`pkg-config` call from the Makefile. + +--- + +## TODO + + - Command line flags + + At the moment the X Resource Database is the only way to interact + with the graphic appearance of MyMenu. + + - Optional TrueType support + + - Opacity support + + - Alternate layout + + An alternate layout (similar to rofi) would be nice too