commit cfbe88f6bfb004f4cbe5417602bbba806fd1e6ef from: Omar Polo date: Sat Jul 22 17:32:09 2023 UTC add TODO regarding Y2038 commit - f229e00955140395f8685f5812c064b7fa44090d commit + cfbe88f6bfb004f4cbe5417602bbba806fd1e6ef blob - 5071c2048cea259e3c347d63363ee13bb282a518 blob + d83c6a8e60fcd065373b090e4f913058b1decb3a --- TODO +++ TODO @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Stuff that's still to-do meantime we can't do anything. Another solution would be to not to chroot(2) and just switch to the targeted user. + - design a protocol extension to avoid Y2038 issues. + - find a way to avoid opening directories twice. During a walk we open the directories, but if later we try to open that fid, we end up re-opening the same directory again! It's not easy