commit e2a141ae0952c2d28a9f500bb9da6dc72e57be3c from: zhenya-1007 <> via: Dan Cross date: Mon Jan 23 20:45:55 2023 UTC Fix a typo commit - 4938281a82eee558ff0a09741afee90addaf3f3b commit + e2a141ae0952c2d28a9f500bb9da6dc72e57be3c blob - 37b2385b5348d2c21dcb52f37fb53ae32483a3bb blob + db95058bbb4704d14bd3bc5570655409499592b2 --- man/man7/plumb.7 +++ man/man7/plumb.7 @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ port of the rule set or the entire rule set will be sk .B client If no application has the port open, the arguments to a .B plumb -.B start +.B client rule specify a shell program to run in response to the message. The message will be held, with the supposition that the program will eventually open the port to retrieve it.