commit eb82dcfbf4a4013f0ad3ba359c32c79c87953e25 from: Omar Polo date: Mon Oct 04 12:56:11 2021 UTC improve the service file usage instructions Thanks Martin for providing these information :) commit - 12866f1911ebefc40cf4f988cd59d620e8b50a96 commit + eb82dcfbf4a4013f0ad3ba359c32c79c87953e25 blob - 4f453a063285875b311a99210d6c815f88c6fe10 blob + fa0772f4820a10ea890345bffc95deffe80e4511 --- site/contrib.gmi +++ site/contrib.gmi @@ -45,9 +45,19 @@ A simple service file for systemd. To install it then the usual ‘systemctl [status|start|enable|stop] gmid’ commands can be used to manage the server. Some things to keep in mind: -* the ExecStart path depends on the installation -* decomment “User” and “Group” to start gmid without root priviledges. It’s not needed, since gmid can lower its privileges, but may come in handy. +* the ExecStart path may depend on the installation +* a ‘gmid’ user needs to be create for e.g. with +```how to create a dedicated user +# useradd --system --no-create-home -s /bin/nologin -c "gmid Gemini server" gmid +``` + +* logs can be inspected with journalctl(1) + +```reads gmid logs with journalctl +# journalctl -t gmid +``` + ## Vim syntax files => contrib/vim blob - c9b5c2f01d0721ee1db02c32bb82c091593e53ae blob + 3d10296260b190b351296ea1bf6b6e91bf746ae0 --- site/contrib.html +++ site/contrib.html @@ -182,13 +182,16 @@

Some things to keep in mind:

Vim syntax files