commit f0b2b4427a5a1d72b58dfa6def646b87658eff0a from: Omar Polo date: Sat Dec 19 10:10:30 2020 UTC add readme and screenshot commit - c708ecad1fd81315da8c6d46efd3e43c1dd31f15 commit + f0b2b4427a5a1d72b58dfa6def646b87658eff0a blob - /dev/null blob + 20c0ccd1f6fbd4bbe9e438162f12bcab52c30459 (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#+TITLE: =sndio.el= + +=sndio.el= is a major mode to interact with =sndio(8)=. + +[[file:screenshot.png][sndio.el screenshot]] + +Activate it with =M-x sndio RET=, then the following bindings will be available: + +| =d= | sndio-decrease | +| =g= | sndio-update | +| =i= | sndio-increase | +| =m= | sndio-mute | +| =t= | sndio-toggle | +| =n= | forward-line | +| =p= | previous-line | blob - /dev/null blob + 24bef621a8ffd9c1b0c250c2c49699ebc6b24bc2 (mode 644) Binary files /dev/null and screenshot.png differ