commit fdb1653a62fcf31a8ef3467c53c2ab99fd6109c2 from: Omar Polo date: Fri Feb 16 19:53:05 2024 UTC use gpg --batch --yes instead of redirecting standard output last time I couldn't find the right incantation to prevent gpg from prompting when the target file already exists. commit - 58798c65e0a9961b550b9a0bb911c29c422a20ee commit + fdb1653a62fcf31a8ef3467c53c2ab99fd6109c2 blob - 522ba79c1377f5a14b890b4e726180e293dd2210 blob + bfede8401b8d50ecccaa607d99abfffb90a1514e --- plass +++ plass @@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ sub edit { return; } - open(STDOUT, '>', $epath) or die "can't redirect stdout: $!"; - system ($gpg, @gpg_flags, '-e', '-r', recipient(), '-o', '-', - $tempfile); + system ($gpg, @gpg_flags, '-e', '-r', recipient(), '-o', $epath, + '--batch', '--yes', $tempfile); + die "gpg failed" if $? != 0; }