Commit Diff

commit - a52065867e84724748c98412a9538351bb1209a0
commit + 946915d0066d87a89d4f2434afa434db1c3fd9a1
blob - 19cc08412b9e9991cc2d23d2589ff227381362de
blob + fb31686e775606ffafb67d64a8b638d25a44634d
--- emacs/init.el
+++ emacs/init.el
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
       read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t
       read-buffer-completion-ignore-case t)
+;; "diff refinement", i.e. highlighting the changes in a more granular
+;; way, is quite awful to have it enabled by default.  sometimes is
+;; useful, but for me it's more of a visual noise most of the times.
+(setq diff-refine nil)
 (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x C-b") #'ibuffer)
 (define-key global-map (kbd "M-g i") #'imenu)