Commit Diff

commit - 55a27abf2860b278676d1e0b2b5d77851ac6e4b5
commit + 4f96af192af61ec25d699c2cb12be6601274a5f8
blob - 45d81770c9315a62409f847033a018925f07dd3d
blob + 21fa8bd32efe95b2c5e1d85a8a3bcad315365c5a
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 lstun is a simple utility to lazily (on demand) spawn a ssh tunnel to
 a remote machine and optionally kill it after some time of inactivity.
-The only dependency is libevent.  It expects ssh to be `/usr/bin/ssh`,
-compile with `-DSSH_PATH=...` to alter the path eventually.
+The only dependency is libevent and openssh.
 To compile it just run