
tabs are 8 space wide

Kup and Kdown move the cursor up and down

various desktop-y keybindings

soft-tabs thanks to mkhl and neutralinsomniac (and probably other guys at 9front)

Fix a typo

Fix tyop

acme: allow larger paste amounts

page: scale ppi on high-res displays Also fix wording of -w warning.

rio: check the return value of malloc(3)

fix double free bug, simplify error handling, reduce X11 calls

fix double free bug, simplify error handling, reduce X11 calls, improve style

fix indentation

acme/wind.c: redraw window body with bg color if too small for a single line; ref #10

factotum: fix log read inuse bug When log reading exits, inuse flag should be cleared. Signed-off-by: Tw <>

acme: accept paths with spaces in the 'name' ctl message As it is allowed to use spaces in file names set interactively through the tag since 7b1c85f, do not reject names with spaces in the 'name' ctl message either. Fixes #559.