Commit Diff

commit - f8f64f0968e941dae8f92007f221914c47a2851b
commit + f63db357ac95baa4d1d2115c1da2aa7ba9e24c58
blob - cc926c272ce118e599019e3f403998c938bbf36c
blob + 0316bdd155c5f9c1cdd050a171709351bd2d938e
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ to aid the development.
 ## FAQ
+ - it does not seems to work!
+   There’s currently a limitation, star-platinum won’t work with
+   reparenting window manager (such as the heavier DE, but also some
+   lighter WM like stumpwm or i3).
  - the name is a jojo reference?
    Sort of.  I was listening to 「sono chi kioku」, the fourth opening,
blob - 0637242edeb5139d84599fd50df7f7ed07ae92c4
blob + d2ae96254066cf98e826f5fc3f3db8c6c38db7ea
--- star-platinum.1
+++ star-platinum.1
@@ -75,3 +75,6 @@ If not provided
 .Pa $HOME/.config
 is assumed.
+is unable to work with re-parenting window managers.