
1 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op # Projects
2 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op
3 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op Here are some projects I'm working on.
4 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op
5 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op => // gmid - fast, small and secure Gemini server
6 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op (If you're browsing this page over gemini this is the server that you're talking to.) A simple, secure, Gemini server for static content with CGI and FastCGI support. Written for fun with libtls.
7 78761026 2021-02-13 op
8 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op => // Telescope - a w3m-like Gemini browser
9 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op Telescope is a w3m- and Emacs-inspired Gemini browser.
10 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op
11 78761026 2021-02-13 op => vc-got.gmi Emacs VC backend for Game of Trees
12 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op => See also: Got VCS
13 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op Got (shorts for “Game of Trees”) is a version control system. vc-got is an attempt to bring Got to Emacs.
14 78761026 2021-02-13 op
15 cbe02868 2021-08-12 op => /dots/ My dotfiles
16 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op It’s not really a project *per se*, but it’s nice to share.
17 67baa8ad 2021-08-03 op
18 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op => star-platinum.gmi star-platinum - take control of your applications, one key at the time
19 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op It's a keybinding manager for X11. It lets you assign keys on other application and bind custom action to them. You can execute external commands or send fake keys. I'm using it to "emacs-ify" firefox, but can do more.
20 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op
21 4f46073b 2020-11-06 op => webpkg.gmi WebPKG - web-interface for the OpenBSD ports collection
22 4f46073b 2020-11-06 op CGI script to search for and visualise package from the OpenBSD port tree. Supports full-text search across the whole catalogue.
23 4f46073b 2020-11-06 op
24 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op => crest.gmi CREST - see your rest endpoints
25 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op Interactive REPL for HTTP requests with a simple and intuitive language.
26 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op
27 d72c4e8f 2020-10-05 op => sam-el.gmi sam.el - An editor for the best OS
28 9f92b7af 2020-10-05 op sam.el is an implementation of the text editor sam from plan9 for emacs. It's still far, far away from being usable.
29 1c3618fe 2020-10-14 op
30 1c3618fe 2020-10-14 op => mymenu.gmi mymenu – a menu of mine
31 1c3618fe 2020-10-14 op mymenu is a graphical menu for X11. It reads items from standard input (one per line) and present a window where the user can choose one (or more) item. It’s similar to dmenu, except it’s better (IMHO).