
1 # vc-got
3 This is an **experimental** Emacs VC back-end for the [Game of
4 Tree]( version control system.
6 Use it at your own risk.
8 ------
10 To start using it, you need to add `Got` to `vc-handled-backends` and
11 make sure that `vc-got` is within your `load-path`. You shouldn't
12 require the library.
14 ```emacs-lisp
15 (cl-pushnew 'Got vc-handled-backends)
16 ```
18 It's highly recommended to add `".got"` to the list of
19 `vc-directory-exclusion-list`.
21 ```emacs-lisp
22 (cl-pushnew ".got" vc-directory-exclusion-list)
23 ```
25 With `use-package` something like this should be enough:
27 ```emacs-lisp
28 (use-package vc-got
29 :load-path "/path/to/vc-got/"
30 :defer t
31 :init
32 (cl-pushnew 'Got vc-handled-backends)
33 (cl-pushnew ".got" vc-directory-exclusion-list))
34 ```