Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

rework `load' description

Omar Polo

keep the current song if load input was generated by show -p

`amused show -p' generates a listing in the form of song > current song song ... This adds an heuristic to `amused load' so that the current song can be set if it's prefixed by "> ". It's particularly useful when re-importing the state from a previous run.

Omar Polo

reuse main_senderr

Omar Polo

typo (tags/0.1)

Omar Polo

don't crash when trying to play a directory

with pledge(sendfd) we can't send a fd that represents a directory, so we have to check before and eventually skip.

Omar Polo

sync dist list

Omar Polo

switch from libmad to libmpg123

libmpg123 is more "loud" than libmad, at least for the mp3s that I have around. Is also newer and maintained. I've heard is also faster, but amused is so simple that it doesn't make any difference.

Omar Polo

change the log debug string for player_setup

now it includes all the params, not only the rate

Omar Polo

fix player wrt unknown files

Omar Polo

stray newline