Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

improve vc-got–diff and vc-got-diff

got expects arguments to diff to be relative to the worktree, it won’t work with full path (even if those full paths are valid, i.e. inside a worktree). With this in place, we can also adjust vc-got-diff to process all the files, and so now also vc-root-diff (C-x v D) works as intended.

Omar Polo

implement vc-got-find-ignore-file

This is optional, but with this in place `project-find-file' works as intended. Also, should we support also .cvsignore?

Omar Polo

remove ``Summary'' from the commit

Emacs add this ``Summary: '' string. it's quite annoying. vc-git doesn't seem to handle this specially, but maybe is git (the cli) that trims it? I need to check. In the meantime, drop it.

Omar Polo

Summary: add todo to vc-got-diff

by the way, this is the first commit done inside Emacs :)

Omar Polo

implemented remaninig state-changing and some history functions

`C-x v =' now works!

Omar Polo

augment vc-got--log

Omar Polo

docs improvement

Omar Polo

fix vc-got-registered

before it didn't check if the file is into a got worktree.

Omar Polo

defalias vc-got-responsible-p to vc-got-root

they had the same output, only two slightly different implementation, and vc-got-root should be faster.

Omar Polo


Omar Polo

implemented some state-changing functions

vc-got-create-repo is un-implemented: should we run got init?

Omar Polo

initial commit

All the ``BACKEND PROPERTIES'' and ``STATE-QUERYING FUNCTIONS'' functions are implemented. Why don't we start using them while developing the rest? :)