Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

add signify pubkeys

Omar Polo

update vim screenshot

Omar Polo

fix configtest with chroot

The configtest checks try to open the root directories too, operation that can fail when they're expected to be inside a chroot.

Omar Polo

adjust vim syntax file: `fastcgi param' is not deprecated

Only a server-level bare `param' is (and in hindsight it was just a terrible idea to add it in the first place.)

Omar Polo

update ChangeLog

Omar Polo

Update Vim syntax file

Omar Polo

contrib/vim: add ALE linter

ALE is faster and otherwise better alternative to Syntastic.

Omar Polo

fix ge^W gemexp version string

Omar Polo

make `serve-gemini' use gemexp (from repo) instead of gmid

the standalone / config-less mode was removed from gmid and put into gemexp time ago...

Omar Polo

mark private function as static