Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

fix email

Omar Polo

sync changelog

Omar Polo

document the type { ... } block

Omar Polo

add tests for the type block

Omar Polo

add type { ... } block to define mime types mapping

The `map' rule is powerful but quite annoying to use if you have/need lots of entries (and clutters the configuration file too.) The `type' block is blatantly stolen from httpd(8) and allows for a way more nice usage: type { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" } or even type { text/markdown md markdown text/x-perl pl pm # ... }

Omar Polo

don't log errno, it's always zero after libtls returns

The libevent error value is much more interesting! see github issue #13

Omar Polo

remove paragraph "locally installed libressl" + some tweaks

libtls is now widely available, it's at least on gentoo, arch, void, alpine, fedora and debian sid; there's no need to show how to compile to a locally installed one.

Omar Polo

sync changelog

Omar Polo

tightens seccomp filter: allow only openat(O_RDONLY)

be more strict and allow an openat only with the O_RDONLY flag. This is kind of redundant with landlock, but still good to have. Landlock is not yet widely available and won't kill the process upon policy violation; furthermore, landlock can be disabled at boot time. tested on GNU and musl libc on arch and alpine amd64.

Omar Polo

sort syscalls in seccomp filter

Omar Polo

sync changelog

Omar Polo

update the site for the release

Omar Polo

sync changelog