Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

don't crash when trying to play a directory

with pledge(sendfd) we can't send a fd that represents a directory, so we have to check before and eventually skip.

Omar Polo

sync dist list

Omar Polo

switch from libmad to libmpg123

libmpg123 is more "loud" than libmad, at least for the mp3s that I have around. Is also newer and maintained. I've heard is also faster, but amused is so simple that it doesn't make any difference.

Omar Polo

change the log debug string for player_setup

now it includes all the params, not only the rate

Omar Polo

fix player wrt unknown files

Omar Polo

stray newline

Omar Polo

always call playlist_dropcurrent after main_play_song failures

otherwise we keep garbage in the playing queue.

Omar Polo

unify IMSG_ERR and IMSG_EOF handling

IMSG_ERR needs a playlist_dropcurrent(), but otherwise is just the same as IMSG_EOF: the current song ended and we need to move forward. To unify, set current_song to NULL in playlist_dropcurrent, which make sense since right after it we're not playing anything.

Omar Polo

move to the previous song in playlist_dropcurrent()

this avoids the player skipping two songs on failure.

Omar Polo

remove siginfo handling

was useful for debugging but now ther's the `status' command for it.

Omar Polo

use the Ux macro for "UNIX"

Omar Polo

flush stdout after each monitor event

otherwise the output may get buffered by a pipe and it's not pretty.

Omar Polo

add the `monitor' command

Omar Polo

add a monitor functionality

this pings all the "interesting" events to clients that issued a IMSG_CTL_MONITOR, except to the one that generated such event.

Omar Polo

mp3: don't scale back to 16bps

libmad gives us sample at 32bps, but we scaled back to 16 because minimad.c does so. However, the scale producedure from minimad.c kinds of corrupts some audio files, they don't play well. We can leave the problem to sndio which solves it better than us.