Commit Briefs

Omar Polo

two -n to dump the parsed configuration

This adds a barebone dumping of the parsed configuration. It is not complete, but I'm interested in dumping the full path to `cert' and `key' in order to write some scripts that can inspect the configuration, extract the certificates and renew them when expired automatically. It's not easy to parse gmid configuration otherwise because the syntax is flexible and users can use macros. Instead, the idea is to run gmid and let it dump the configuration once it's been parsed in a static and predictable format. Now is possible to parse gmid configuration with, say, awk or perl.

Omar Polo

don't work around a missing -Wno-unused-parameter

It's been there for a long time, and it's frankly annoying to pretend to use parameters. Most of the time, they're there to satisfy an interface and nothings more.

Omar Polo

fix navigation in contrib page

Omar Polo


Omar Polo


Omar Polo

add the Quickstart page

Omar Polo

tweak landlock comment

Omar Polo

print the error too if we can't open a directory

It's not intuitive to print open ... for domain xyz it doesn't convey that the open failed. now it appends the error string, at least the user can understand that something went wrong. reported by cage on irc, thanks!

Omar Polo

add compat for sys/tree.h

Omar Polo

Store clients inside a splay tree

From day one we've been using a static array of client struct to hold the clients data. This has variuos drawbacks, among which: * reuse of the storage ("shades of heartbleed") * maximum fixed amount of clients connected at the same time * bugs are harder to debug The last point in particular is important because if we mess the client ids, or try to execute some functions (e.g. the various fcgi_*) after a client has been disconnected, it's harder to "see" this "use after free"-tier kind of bug. Now I'm using a splay tree to hold the data about the live connections. Each client' data is managed by malloc. If we try to access a client data after the disconnection we'll probably crash with a SIGSEGV and find the bug is more easy. Performance-wise the connection phase should be faster since we don't have to loop anymore to find an empty spot in the clients array, but some operations could be slightly slower (compare the O(1) access in an array with a SPLAY_FIND operation -- still be faster than O(n) thought.)