
explain how emojied_line works

don't treat sequences of numbers as emoji

keep track of the current tab and restore it after startup

handle_session_tab: check for NUL-terminator

retire current_tab() in favour of current_tab


add mini-goto-beginning/end bound to M-</M-> in minibuffer

separate the tabs with a vertical bar while there also simplify a bit the handling of the pair for tabs/current-tab.

handle unknown protocols gracefully

[minibuffer] jump_to_line: set the top_line too This way, commands like toc, link-select & co will jump to the line and make that the first line in the window.

bind [ and ] to tab-previous/next As suggested by Gnuserland, thanks!

don't stop at empty headings and use url if no text for link

wrap the page until the last column

take into account emojify_link when wrapping the page
