
small refactor

kill debug comment

sync new config syntax for prefix

rework color management: introduce the trailing props now, instead of prefix and line style, I'm adding the trailing style too. This changed the configuration syntax too.

improve colors when olivetti-mode is enabled

first scratch for colour support!

kill empty line

add enable-colors (variable) currently unused, will help later when adding colour support

work around some GCC warnings clang doesn't emit any. To be honest, some of them are actually right (like the missing `void'), others are impossible but still it's not a bad idea to initialize some variable. Future me maybe will be thankful.

detect tab switch and force redraw in case

bring back the ugly hack for the side window

improve variable section


fix end-of-buffer glitch before, the cursor went one line after the end and glitch everything.

fix cmd_scroll_line_up buffer->current_line *IS NOT* the first line at the top of the window...