
fix gemini home page link label

improve gopher item type matching URLs like gopher:// weren't matched as type 1 before and worse, they weren't really loaded, even thought the spinner started (that's behaviour is from push_button). Now matching of items types is better and a (simple) error page is loaded on unknown types selector.

change some links in about:new - don't link gemini' /docs/ and /software/. Link the home page and let the user proceed from there - add a link to the floodgap gopher server

don't mark about: pages as verified Initially telescope only supported about:* pages and gemini, so it made sense to set TS_VERIFIED on about pages. Now, also various non-tls protocols and TS_UNKNOWN is used more, so is more coherent to use it also for about pages.

reword the license section a bit

improve error reporting

add has_suffix

redirect on directories without slash

skip "." (and ".." if in /)


generate directory listings

group the protocols into the same section; mention about: and file://


handle file:// URIs

add make_fs_request