
typo: missing Ic

added ``alias'' option to define hostname aliases for a server

pidfile support with `-P pidfile'

wait for logger after fatal() With -f, when the main process exits after a fatal() (usually) the shell prompt is printed before the logger message. This adds a small poll to wait for the logger process to exit.

fix some logging - we can't use log_* or fatal() before logger_init - err -> errx if errno isn't involved

fatal: send log to logger

send priority to the logger process

added ``env'' option to define environment vars for CGI scripts

lower log priority for fatal errors from CRIT to ERR found by Anna, thanks!

keep verbosity level after config reload



add compat for reallocarray

use memcpy instead of bcopy memcpy is ANSI C89, bcopy seems to be an history BSD function.

d->d_namelen doesn't seem to be available on linux