
Fix memory errors when browsing empty directories.

Prefer VISUAL to EDITOR VISUAL is useed on many systems these days without EDITOR being set, see the manual pages for various shells or other documentation. This patch makes rover respect VISUAL being set in the environment and prefer it to EDITOR.

Forbid copy/move to the same path.

Ensure CWD ends with slash.

Don't assume CWD is a valid path.

Fix bugs in paste location.

Use $CLIP file as clipboard, when defined.

Add 'y' & 'p' to copy & paste location.

Add 'E' command to toggle execute permission of file.

Allow user to set Rover-specific programs, e.g. ROVER_SHELL.

Show directory path while loading.

Refresh directory listing on SIGUSR1 signal.

Add config option to change default listing view flags.

Also escape single quotes inside shell argument.

Fix pathname splitting when running external programs.