
implement seeking This adds the internal management of the seeking, as well as the decoder backends bits.

mark ctl_* as static too

sort commands

add missing initializers meh, just to please the compiler. Global variables are guaranteed to be zeroed so not specifying a value shouldn't matter, yet it complains.

bits, rate and channels are unsigned match the struct sio_par

declare local functions as static

typo in 'repeat'

print the duration and position

keep track of current position and total duration

don't loop indefinitely in ctl_connect if the server fails to start for wathever reason, we end up looping in ctl_connect indefinitely as we try to spawn the deamon (that dies) and try to connect to it. Add an arbitrary maximum number of retries before giving up. Reported by sikmir in the GitHub issue #1, thanks!

improving error reporting makes the player process optionally send back a string describing the failure to provide a better and more coincise error message. This turns the syslog message(s): amused: unknown file type amused: failed to play, skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg into: amused: unknown file type; skipping /home/op/pics/phos.jpg

bump version number

CHANGES for 0.9

use log_warn to report the failure of canonpath

reset path buffer before writing to it otherwise path, which is filled by the garbage that's on the stack, may not end with a NUL byte. main_enqueue fails with "malformed data" if the path sent doesn't end with a NUL. (i.e. the fact that in every case the path is NUL-terminated is not relevant. For semplicity, I'm working with paths long PATH_MAX bytes and only checking that path[PATH_MAX-1] is NUL when handling the imsgs.) Issue reported by Dirk-Wilhelm Peters, thanks!