
minor semplifications to some sentences

gmid.conf.5: mention types before servers There's no strict ordering enforced; yet that list may be used to structure a configuration and having the types after the list of server is not something I'd encourage for clarity.

some initial touches at the site

sync manpages; tweak the HTML conversion

SEE ALSO for titan(1)

`make lint' to check titan.1 too

SEE ALSO for gg too

add a few Xr in SEE ALSO

sync changelog

tweak certificate generation log messages

gemexp: add -R to generate an RSA (4096) key instead of an EC one (default)

rework gencert(); make gemexp generate EC certs Taking inspiration from acme-client.


gg: prepend "Server says" to the reply code

gg: print the response header for non-2x replies to standard error