
fix static target

handle CGI scripts that replies with the maximum header length allowed the 1024 bytes limits is for the META only, not for the whole response. That means that the maximum size for the header line is 1029!

Add missing libevent-dev dependency Merge pull request #2 from kornellapacz/master, thanks!

add missing libevent-dev dependency

gmid v1.6 -- "Stargazers"


update README


fix signal handling so it works on linux too it seems that linux calls the signal handlers even when we're waiting on sigwait for that signal. Work around that.

[seccomp] allow prlimit64 it's needed by getdtablesize, at least on glibc

fix correct shutdown after SIG{INT,TERM}

sync changelog

kill only $pid during regress testing before we did `pkill gmid', but that would influence also other instances of gmid!

quit every process cleanly when receiving SIGINT or SIGTERM

move all sandbox-related code to sandbox.c while there, add capsicum for the logger process