
generate a RSS feed also for Gemini

copy the images also for gemini

adedd "pages" pages are static page that lives in pages/. They are pretty self-explanatory I believe. They are managed like the posts, see pages.edn. This also adds a "project" page (also liked on top of every page) and some other pages linked from them. The only thing is that I needed an hack for the HTTP part: replace link to ".gmi" files to ".html". For the moment is OK, but in the future can be a pain. I need to find a way to generate correctly link from both the gemini part and the http part from the same gemtext file.

support building and deploying BOTH http and gemini

added a local deploy function

group comments for interactive usage

listen on 3030 instead of 3000 and add (deploy) as handy comment

simplify post

switching from boot to deps.edn, posts as edn and new post!

added support for toots. while there, a touch of style for the H2s

render rss.xml


added clean task

useless log

initial commit