
Use shorter prompt string to save space.

Make prompt strings configurable.

Fix failed try_to_sel() after creating directory.

Fix behavior for empty inputs.

Let scroll correction to update_view() when possible.

Remove wrap-around behavior from 'j' & 'k'. That behavior provided a way to easily move between the top and bottom of listing. However, this is no longer needed due to the recent addition of 'g' & 'G'. The new behavior is also more similar to what we are used to in other programs.

Only change scroll if necessary.

Reorganize string buffers. Global buffers used to have descriptive names, but as the need to more temporary buffer appears we have to decide between creating new global buffers or reusing existing ones disregarding their names. Therefore, to avoid the creation of too many buffers or the use of confusing variable names, this change give more generic names to buffers, except for INPUT, which is only used for input. The wide buffer has been made into a global buffer. All global string buffers now have the same size, BUFLEN.

Remove some unnecessary parentheses.

Move define to C source to unclutter CFLAGS.

Use cast to avoid comparison between signed & unsigned.

Add dollar prompt to example command for consistency.

Fix clash between function keys and wide characters.

Fix horizontal scrolling using wide chars.

Add support for locale-based multibyte strings. With this change, Rover assumes that all pathnames are encoded according to the user's locale. This requires linking to a curses library that supports wide character functions such as get_wch().