Commit Diff

commit - 45f7f941e77baac862e47d1e1287d2baceff936f
commit + 0a5a024b770cab86b4e9b594a36c809594b2b6cd
blob - 170af540e6aaf459d6b27af45f9e22b893b199a9
blob + 9046b7f29af41f4f003b497f1be1c3153ac78ea0
--- vc-got.el
+++ vc-got.el
@@ -515,7 +515,6 @@ FILES is nil, consider all the files in DIR."
       'mouse-face 'highlight
       'keymap (vc-got--with-emacs-version<= "28.0.50"
      "   " (propertize
             (if stage-state
                 (format "%c" stage-state)
@@ -795,7 +794,6 @@ revisions''; instead, like with git, you have tags and
           "\\([0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}\\) " ; year-mm-dd
           "\\([^ ]\\)+ ")    ; author
   "Regexp to match annotation output lines.
 Provides capture groups for:
 1. revision id
 2. date of commit
@@ -812,7 +810,7 @@ Value is returned as floating point fractional number 
   ;; instead of looking-at, as it makes the fontification of the line
   ;; start AFTER the info.  The problem is, due to the format of the
   ;; blame, it produces an ugly result, with colors starting at
-  ;; different offsets depending on how long the commiter name is.
+  ;; different offsets depending on how long the committer name is.
   (when (looking-at vc-got--annotate-re)
     (let ((str (match-string-no-properties 2)))