Commit Diff

commit - f4262cd049b12d1ddebb100c2ab8aca3983e4b45
commit + 38232a0aceee26098c65f025b64dbdad5ebeee9b
blob - 6d5e7ffb83940f3518c98bd667a2a4da4db3012f
blob + e385e15b393c9867b61ccf028d9c76a567e7172f
--- .mblaze/Makefile
+++ .mblaze/Makefile
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ dist:
-	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/gotmarc/mblaze
-	${INSTALL_DATA} filter seq ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/gotmarc/mblaze
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/smarc/mblaze
+	${INSTALL_DATA} filter seq ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/smarc/mblaze
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/gotmarc/mblaze/filter
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/gotmarc/mblaze/seq
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/smarc/mblaze/filter
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SHAREDIR}/smarc/mblaze/seq
 .PHONY: all dist install uninstall
 include ../
blob - 9289bc39e41cda915f55fe1ec281b329cfc60a2c (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# GotMArc was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
-# the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
-# source code.
-package GotMArc;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use v5.32;
-use Exporter;
-use File::Basename;
-our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(san urlencode parse initpage endpage index_header
-    search thread_header threntry thrslice thrnav);
-sub san {
-	my $str = shift;
-	$str =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
-	$str =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
-	$str =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;
-	return $str;
-sub urlencode {
-	my $str = shift;
-	unless (defined($str)) {
-		my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller 1;
-		die "bad $pkg / $file:$line";
-	}
-	$str =~ s/([^-_~.A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%2X", ord($1))/ge;
-	return $str;
-sub ssan {
-	my $str = shift;
-	$str =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-	$str =~ s/\s+$//;
-	return san($str);
-sub parse {
-	my $line = shift;
-	my ($indent, $fname, $date, $from, $subj) = $line =~ m{
-		^([^-]*)-			# the indent level
-		([^ ]+)\s			# filename
-		(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d[ ]\d\d:\d\d)	# date
-		<([^>]+)>			# from
-		(.*)				# subject
-	}x or die "can't parse: $line";
-	my $level = length($indent);
-	$level = 10 if $indent =~ m/\.\.\d+\.\./;
-	$from = ssan($from);
-	$subj = ssan($subj);
-	my ($time, $id) = split /\./, basename($fname);
-	my $mid = "$time.$id";
-	return {level => $level, fname => $fname,
-	    mid => $mid, date => $date, from => $from, subj => $subj};
-sub readall {
-	my $path = shift;
-	local $/ = undef;
-	open my $fh, "<", $path or die "can't open $path: $!";
-	<$fh>;
-my $templates = $ENV{TMPLDIR};
-die 'undefined $TMPLDIR' unless defined $templates;
-my $small_logo = readall "$templates/logo-small.html";
-my $hdr = readall "$templates/head.html";
-my $foot = readall "$templates/foot.html";
-my $idxhdr = readall "$templates/index-header.html";
-my $search = readall "$templates/search.html";
-sub initpage {
-	my ($fh, $title) = @_;
-	say $fh $hdr =~ s/TITLE/$title/r;
-sub endpage {
-	my $fh = shift;
-	say $fh $foot;
-sub index_header {
-	my ($fh, $page, $subtitle) = @_;
-	my $html = $idxhdr =~ s/PAGE/$page/r;
-	$html =~ s/SUBTITLE/$subtitle/;
-	print $fh $html;
-sub search {
-	my $fh = shift;
-	my $html = $search =~ s/QUERY//r;
-	print $fh $html;
-sub thread_header {
-	my ($fh, $e, $mail, $p, $n) = @_;
-	my @entries = @$e;
-	my $enctid = urlencode $mail->{tid} if defined $mail;
-	my $encmid = urlencode $mail->{mid} if defined $mail;
-	print $fh "<header class='mail-header'>\n";
-	print $fh "<p>";
-	print $fh $small_logo;
-	print $fh "<a href='/'>Index</a>";
-	print $fh " | <a href='/thread/$enctid.html#$encmid'>Thread</a>"
-	    if defined $enctid;
-	print $fh " | <a href='/search'>Search</a>";
-	print $fh "</p>\n";
-	say $fh "<dl>";
-	foreach my $entry (@entries) {
-		my ($k, $v) = split /: /, $entry, 2;
-		chomp $v;
-		say $fh "<dt>$k:</dt><dd>$v</dd>";
-	}
-	say $fh "</dl>";
-	say $fh "<p>Download raw <a href='/text/$encmid.txt'>body</a>.</p>"
-	    if defined $encmid;
-	if (defined($p) and defined($n)) {
-		say $fh "<details>";
-		say $fh "<summary>Thread</summary>";
-		thrslice($fh, $mail, $p, $n);
-		say $fh "</details>";
-		thrnav($fh, $p, $n, $mail->{mid}, $mail->{tid});
-	}
-	say $fh "</header>\n";
-sub threntry {
-	my ($fh, $type, $base, $last_level, $mail, $cur) = @_;
-	my $level = $mail->{level} - $base;
-	say $fh "</ul></li>" x ($last_level - $level) if $last_level > $level;
-	say $fh "<li><ul>" if $last_level < $level;
-	my $encmid = urlencode $mail->{mid};
-	print $fh "<li id='$encmid' class='mail'>";
-	print $fh "<p class='mail-meta'>";
-	print $fh "<time>$mail->{date}</time> ";
-	print $fh "<span class='from'>$mail->{from}</span>";
-	print $fh "<span class='colon'>:</span>";
-	print $fh "</p>";
-	print $fh "<p class='subject'>";
-	my $subj = $mail->{subj};
-	if (!defined($cur) || $mail->{mid} ne $cur->{mid}) {
-		print $fh "<a href='/$type/$encmid.html'>$subj</a>";
-	} else {
-		print $fh "<span>$subj</span>";
-	}
-	print $fh "</p>";
-	print $fh "</li>";
-	return $level;
-sub min_level {
-	my $l = 999;
-	return 0 unless @_;
-	for (@_) {
-		$l = $_->{level} if $_->{level} < $l;
-	}
-	return $l;
-sub thrslice {
-	my ($fh, $mail, $p, $n) = @_;
-	my @prev = @{$p};
-	my @next = @{$n};
-	my @thread = (@prev, $mail, @next);
-	return unless @thread;
-	my $base = min_level @thread;
-	my $level = 0;
-	print $fh "<div class='thread'>";
-	print $fh "<ul class='mails'>";
-	$level = threntry $fh, "mail", $base, $level, $_, $mail for @thread;
-	print $fh "</ul></li>" x $level;
-	print $fh "</ul></div>";
-sub thrnav {
-	my ($fh, $p, $n) = @_;
-	my @prev = @{$p};
-	my @next = @{$n};
-	return if !@prev && !@next;
-	print $fh "<nav>";
-	if (@prev) {
-		my $mail = $prev[-1];
-		my $encmid = $mail->{mid};
-		say $fh "<a href='/mail/$encmid.html'>Previous in thread</a>";
-	} else {
-		say $fh "<span>Previous in thread</span>";
-	}
-	if (@next) {
-		my $mail = $next[0];
-		my $encmid = $mail->{mid};
-		say $fh "<a href='/mail/$encmid.html'>Next in thread</a>";
-	} else {
-		say $fh "<span>Next in thread</span>";
-	}
-	print $fh "</nav>";
blob - 97faafb39a2cb90cba73863cc62058316deaad49
blob + 30f702b9f760ccca07311ea189206eeefeb3b003
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include
 # -- build-related variables --
 VERSION =	0.1
-DISTNAME =	gotmarc-${VERSION}
 # -- public targets --
@@ -25,42 +25,42 @@ distclean: clean
 	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}
-	sed	-e "/^libexec=/s@=.*@=${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc@" \
-		-e "/^mblaze=/s@=.*@=${SHAREDIR}/gotmarc/mblaze@" \
-		-e "/^tmpldir=/s@=.*@=${REALSYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc@" \
-		gotmarc > ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/gotmarc
-	chmod 0755 ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/gotmarc
-	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} filter-ignore ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} mkindex ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc
-	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc
-	${INSTALL_DATA} style.css ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/
+	sed	-e "/^libexec=/s@=.*@=${LIBEXEC}/smarc@" \
+		-e "/^mblaze=/s@=.*@=${SHAREDIR}/smarc/mblaze@" \
+		-e "/^tmpldir=/s@=.*@=${REALSYSCONFDIR}/smarc@" \
+		smarc > ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/smarc
+	chmod 0755 ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/smarc
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc
+	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} filter-ignore ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc
+	${INSTALL_DATA} style.css ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc/
 	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PERL_LIB}
 	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1
-	${INSTALL_MAN} gmimport.1 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/
-	${INSTALL_MAN} gotmarc.1 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/
+	${INSTALL_MAN} smingest.1 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/
+	${INSTALL_MAN} smarc.1 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/
 	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man7
-	${INSTALL_MAN} gotmarc.7 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man7/
+	${INSTALL_MAN} smarc.7 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man7/
 	${MAKE} -C .mblaze   install
 	${MAKE} -C msearchd  install
 	${MAKE} -C templates install
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/gmimport
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/gotmarc
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc/filter-ignore
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc/mexp
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc/mkindex
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/gotmarc/pe
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/style.css
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PERL_LIB}/
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/gmimport.1
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/gotmarc.1
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man7/gotmarc.7
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/smingest
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/smarc
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc/filter-ignore
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc/mexp
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc/mkindex
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${LIBEXEC}/smarc/pe
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc/style.css
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PERL_LIB}/
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/smingest.1
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/smarc.1
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man7/smarc.7
 	${MAKE} -C .mblaze   uninstall
 	${MAKE} -C msearchd  uninstall
 	${MAKE} -C templates uninstall
@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@ uninstall:
 PUBKEY =	missing-PUBKEY
-DISTFILES = Makefile README TODO configure \
-		filter-ignore gmimport gmimport.1 gotmarc gotmarc.1 \
-		gotmarc.7 mexp mkindex pe style.css
+DISTFILES = Makefile README TODO configure \
+		filter-ignore smingest smingest.1 smarc smarc.1 \
+		smarc.7 mexp mkindex pe style.css
 MANOPTS = man='%N.%S.html;',style=mandoc.css,toc
 	touch msearchd.8
-	man ${MANFLAGS} -l gmimport.1 > gmimport.1.html
-	man ${MANFLAGS} -l gotmarc.1  > gotmarc.1.html
-	man ${MANFLAGS} -l gotmarc.7  > gotmarc.7.html
+	man ${MANFLAGS} -l smingest.1 > smingest.1.html
+	man ${MANFLAGS} -l smarc.1 > smarc.1.html
+	man ${MANFLAGS} -l smarc.7 > smarc.7.html
 	man ${MANFLAGS} -l msearchd/msearchd.8  > msearchd.8.html
 	rm msearchd.8
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz: ${DISTFILES}
 	mkdir -p .dist/${DISTNAME}
 	${INSTALL} -m 0644 ${DISTFILES} .dist/${DISTNAME}
 	cd .dist/${DISTNAME} && chmod 0755 configure filter-ignore \
-		gmimport gotmarc mexp mkindex pe
+		smingest smarc mexp mkindex pe
 	${MAKE} -C .mblaze   DESTDIR=${PWD}/.dist/${DISTNAME}/.mblaze   dist
 	${MAKE} -C templates DESTDIR=${PWD}/.dist/${DISTNAME}/templates dist
 	${MAKE} -C msearchd  DESTDIR=${PWD}/.dist/${DISTNAME}/msearchd  dist
blob - 389da3009756ace78ee9146f0159713cb7e5c0e2
blob + 9a19ae9aaff787637dc7f2309fb2fada2eb4f070
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-GOTMARC -- A static mailing list web archive generator
+SMARC -- static web mail archive generator
 A collection of scripts to generate a static mail archive from a
 Maildir; originally intended to provide a public web interface for the
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ component on libevent and sqlite3.
 How it works
-gotmarc(1) incrementally generate a set of static files from a maildir,
-gmimport(1) and msearchd(8) are used to populate an sqlite3 database to
+smarc(1) incrementally generate a set of static files from a maildir,
+smingest(1) and msearchd(8) are used to populate an sqlite3 database to
 provide a web-based full text search on all the mails.
-gotmarc(7) documents the step needed for a first setup, how to operate
+smarc(7) documents the step needed for a first setup, how to operate
 it and tips for generating multiple archives.
-gotmarc, gmimport and msearchd are released in the public domain.  The
+smarc, smingest and msearchd are released in the public domain.  The
 configure script loosely based on oconfigure and is released under the
 terms of ISC license.  Some OpenBSD-compats are included to build on
 multiple platforms, these are released under a BSD-style license.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 9289bc39e41cda915f55fe1ec281b329cfc60a2c (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# GotMArc was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
+# the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
+# source code.
+package GotMArc;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use v5.32;
+use Exporter;
+use File::Basename;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(san urlencode parse initpage endpage index_header
+    search thread_header threntry thrslice thrnav);
+sub san {
+	my $str = shift;
+	$str =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
+	$str =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
+	$str =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;
+	return $str;
+sub urlencode {
+	my $str = shift;
+	unless (defined($str)) {
+		my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller 1;
+		die "bad $pkg / $file:$line";
+	}
+	$str =~ s/([^-_~.A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%2X", ord($1))/ge;
+	return $str;
+sub ssan {
+	my $str = shift;
+	$str =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	$str =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return san($str);
+sub parse {
+	my $line = shift;
+	my ($indent, $fname, $date, $from, $subj) = $line =~ m{
+		^([^-]*)-			# the indent level
+		([^ ]+)\s			# filename
+		(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d[ ]\d\d:\d\d)	# date
+		<([^>]+)>			# from
+		(.*)				# subject
+	}x or die "can't parse: $line";
+	my $level = length($indent);
+	$level = 10 if $indent =~ m/\.\.\d+\.\./;
+	$from = ssan($from);
+	$subj = ssan($subj);
+	my ($time, $id) = split /\./, basename($fname);
+	my $mid = "$time.$id";
+	return {level => $level, fname => $fname,
+	    mid => $mid, date => $date, from => $from, subj => $subj};
+sub readall {
+	my $path = shift;
+	local $/ = undef;
+	open my $fh, "<", $path or die "can't open $path: $!";
+	<$fh>;
+my $templates = $ENV{TMPLDIR};
+die 'undefined $TMPLDIR' unless defined $templates;
+my $small_logo = readall "$templates/logo-small.html";
+my $hdr = readall "$templates/head.html";
+my $foot = readall "$templates/foot.html";
+my $idxhdr = readall "$templates/index-header.html";
+my $search = readall "$templates/search.html";
+sub initpage {
+	my ($fh, $title) = @_;
+	say $fh $hdr =~ s/TITLE/$title/r;
+sub endpage {
+	my $fh = shift;
+	say $fh $foot;
+sub index_header {
+	my ($fh, $page, $subtitle) = @_;
+	my $html = $idxhdr =~ s/PAGE/$page/r;
+	$html =~ s/SUBTITLE/$subtitle/;
+	print $fh $html;
+sub search {
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $html = $search =~ s/QUERY//r;
+	print $fh $html;
+sub thread_header {
+	my ($fh, $e, $mail, $p, $n) = @_;
+	my @entries = @$e;
+	my $enctid = urlencode $mail->{tid} if defined $mail;
+	my $encmid = urlencode $mail->{mid} if defined $mail;
+	print $fh "<header class='mail-header'>\n";
+	print $fh "<p>";
+	print $fh $small_logo;
+	print $fh "<a href='/'>Index</a>";
+	print $fh " | <a href='/thread/$enctid.html#$encmid'>Thread</a>"
+	    if defined $enctid;
+	print $fh " | <a href='/search'>Search</a>";
+	print $fh "</p>\n";
+	say $fh "<dl>";
+	foreach my $entry (@entries) {
+		my ($k, $v) = split /: /, $entry, 2;
+		chomp $v;
+		say $fh "<dt>$k:</dt><dd>$v</dd>";
+	}
+	say $fh "</dl>";
+	say $fh "<p>Download raw <a href='/text/$encmid.txt'>body</a>.</p>"
+	    if defined $encmid;
+	if (defined($p) and defined($n)) {
+		say $fh "<details>";
+		say $fh "<summary>Thread</summary>";
+		thrslice($fh, $mail, $p, $n);
+		say $fh "</details>";
+		thrnav($fh, $p, $n, $mail->{mid}, $mail->{tid});
+	}
+	say $fh "</header>\n";
+sub threntry {
+	my ($fh, $type, $base, $last_level, $mail, $cur) = @_;
+	my $level = $mail->{level} - $base;
+	say $fh "</ul></li>" x ($last_level - $level) if $last_level > $level;
+	say $fh "<li><ul>" if $last_level < $level;
+	my $encmid = urlencode $mail->{mid};
+	print $fh "<li id='$encmid' class='mail'>";
+	print $fh "<p class='mail-meta'>";
+	print $fh "<time>$mail->{date}</time> ";
+	print $fh "<span class='from'>$mail->{from}</span>";
+	print $fh "<span class='colon'>:</span>";
+	print $fh "</p>";
+	print $fh "<p class='subject'>";
+	my $subj = $mail->{subj};
+	if (!defined($cur) || $mail->{mid} ne $cur->{mid}) {
+		print $fh "<a href='/$type/$encmid.html'>$subj</a>";
+	} else {
+		print $fh "<span>$subj</span>";
+	}
+	print $fh "</p>";
+	print $fh "</li>";
+	return $level;
+sub min_level {
+	my $l = 999;
+	return 0 unless @_;
+	for (@_) {
+		$l = $_->{level} if $_->{level} < $l;
+	}
+	return $l;
+sub thrslice {
+	my ($fh, $mail, $p, $n) = @_;
+	my @prev = @{$p};
+	my @next = @{$n};
+	my @thread = (@prev, $mail, @next);
+	return unless @thread;
+	my $base = min_level @thread;
+	my $level = 0;
+	print $fh "<div class='thread'>";
+	print $fh "<ul class='mails'>";
+	$level = threntry $fh, "mail", $base, $level, $_, $mail for @thread;
+	print $fh "</ul></li>" x $level;
+	print $fh "</ul></div>";
+sub thrnav {
+	my ($fh, $p, $n) = @_;
+	my @prev = @{$p};
+	my @next = @{$n};
+	return if !@prev && !@next;
+	print $fh "<nav>";
+	if (@prev) {
+		my $mail = $prev[-1];
+		my $encmid = $mail->{mid};
+		say $fh "<a href='/mail/$encmid.html'>Previous in thread</a>";
+	} else {
+		say $fh "<span>Previous in thread</span>";
+	}
+	if (@next) {
+		my $mail = $next[0];
+		my $encmid = $mail->{mid};
+		say $fh "<a href='/mail/$encmid.html'>Next in thread</a>";
+	} else {
+		say $fh "<span>Next in thread</span>";
+	}
+	print $fh "</nav>";
blob - 397e33518ab904ab8aa7c556c08fa3966444f7a3
blob + 18c85084e04090f3f0fc6dc0fec76f804e026dfe
--- configure
+++ configure
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ echo >&2
 echo "running configure for \`msearchd':" >&2
 (cd msearchd && ./configure)
 echo >&2
-echo "returning to the configure for \`gotmarc':" >&2
+echo "returning to the configure for \`smarc':" >&2
 exec >
 echo " writing...">&2
blob - 3ea6af4dc11e261dec6f65101a63beb58f2664a7 (mode 755)
blob + /dev/null
--- gmimport
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# gmimport was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in the
-# public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
-# code.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use v5.32;
-use utf8;
-use Date::Parse;
-use File::Basename;
-use OpenBSD::Pledge;
-use OpenBSD::Unveil;
-die "usage: $0 dbpath\n" if @ARGV != 1;
-my $dbpath = shift @ARGV;
-open(my $sqlite, "|-", "/usr/local/bin/sqlite3", $dbpath)
-    or die "can't spawn sqlite3";
-unveil("/usr/local/bin/mshow", "rx") or die "unveil mshow: $!";
-pledge("stdio proc exec") or die "pledge: $!";
-say $sqlite ".import --csv /dev/stdin email"
-    or die "can't speak to sqlite: $!";
-while (<>) {
-	chomp;
-	open(my $fh, "-|", "/usr/local/bin/mshow", "-Atext/plain", "-NF", $_)
-	    or die "can't run mshow $_: $!";
-	my $f = $_;
-	my ($time, $id) = split /\./, basename $_;
-	my $mid = "$time.$id";
-	$mid =~ s/"/""/g;
-	my ($from, $subj, $date) = ('', '', undef);
-	while (<$fh>) {
-		chomp;
-		last if /^$/;
-		s/"/""/g;
-		$from = s/.*?: //r if /^From:/;
-		$subj = s/.*?: //r if /^Subject:/;
-		$date = str2time(s/.*?: //r) if /^Date:/;
-	}
-	$date //= time;
-	$from =~ s/ +<.*>//;
-	# leave open for the body
-	print $sqlite "\"$mid\",\"$from\",\"$date\",\"$subj\",\"";
-	while (<$fh>) {
-		s/"/""/g;
-		print $sqlite $_;
-	}
-	say $sqlite '"';
-	close $fh;
-close $sqlite;
-die "sqlite3 exited with $?\n" unless $? == 0;
blob - 331662d4de04a2cc038c914e66bf09f0420b1e53 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- gmimport.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-.\" gmimport.1 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
-.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
-.\" source code.
-.Dd May 5, 2023
-.Nm gmimport
-.Nd import emails into a sqlite database
-.Ar dbpath
-reads a sequence of path to emails from standard inputs and inserts them
-into the
-.Xr msearchd 8
-sqlite3 database at
-.Ar dbpath .
-To index all the messages in the
-.Pa ~/Mail/gotmarc
-maildir, useful to initially populate the database:
-.Dl mlist ~/Mail/gotmarc | gmimport /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
-Incorporate new messages in the maildir and add them to the database,
-useful after fetching new mails:
-.Dl minc ~/Mail/gotmarc | gmimport /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
-.Xr minc 1 ,
-.Xr mlist 1 ,
-.Xr msearchd 8
-doesn't detect the insert of duplicate messages.
-Should that happen, the database needs to be recreated.
blob - 035828b31af7891b28eeca6413e6f32e0c8d8c8e (mode 755)
blob + /dev/null
--- gotmarc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# gotmarc was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in the
-# public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
-# code.
-progname="$(basename "$0")"
-usage() {
-	u="usage: $progname [-c cachedir] [-j n]"
-	u="$u [-m maildir] [-o outdir] [-t tmpldir]"
-	echo "$u">&2
-	exit 1
-# changed at install-time
-# fix perl include path for in-repo hacking
-if [ "$libexec" = . ]; then
-while getopts c:j:m:o:t: flag; do
-	case $flag in
-	c) cachedir="$OPTARG" ;;
-	m) mdir="$OPTARG" ;;
-	o) outdir="$OPTARG" ;;
-	t) tmpldir="$OPTARG" ;;
-	?) usage ;;
-	esac
-# set up the env
-export CSUMDIR="$cachedir/threadsum"
-export MAKE_JOBS="${MAKE_JOBS:-1}"
-export MBLAZE="$mblaze"
-export MBLAZE_PAGER=cat
-export MDIR="$mdir"
-export OUTDIR="${outdir:-/var/www/gotmarc}"
-export TMPLDIR="$tmpldir"
-# make sure the directories are there
-set -e
-mkdir -p "$CSUMDIR"
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/mail"
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/parts"
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/text"
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/thread"
-set +e
-export PATH="$libexec:$PATH"
-fmt='%i-%R %16D<%64f>%128S'
-mlist "${MDIR}" | mthread -r | mscan -f "$fmt" | pe | mkindex
blob - ff5cece36c866d7184bec2d2bf88229d45621408 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- gotmarc.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-.\" gotmarc.1 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
-.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
-.\" source code.
-.Dd May 5, 2023
-.Nm gotmarc
-.Nd mailing list static site generator
-.Op Fl c Ar cachedir
-.Op Fl j Ar n
-.Op Fl m Ar maildir
-.Op Fl o Ar outdir
-.Op Fl t Ar tmpldir
-generates a static web archive from a maildir incrementally.
-The arguments are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width Ds
-.It Fl c Ar cachedir
-Cache directory used for keeping track of threads during incremental
-Defaults to
-.Pa ~/.cache/gotmarc
-.It Fl j Ar n
-.Ar n
-jobs to export threads.
-With big mailing lists and on a multiprocessor machine this can save
-quite some time.
-.It Fl m Ar maildir
-.Ar maildir .
-Defaults to
-.Pa ~/Mail/gotmarc .
-.It Fl o Ar outdir
-The destination directory where the HTML files will be written to, it's
-.Pa /var/www/gotmarc
-by default.
-.It Fl t Ar tmpldir
-Path to a directory containing the template files.
-.Pa /etc/gotmarc
-by default.
-.Bl -tag -width Ds
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/foot.html
-Template with the trailing part of the page.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/head.html
-Template with the first part of the page.
-is substituted with the title.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/index-header.html
-Template with the title for index pages.
-is replaced with the page number and
-with the date range.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/logo-small.html
-Small version of the logo, included in the thread header.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/search.html
-Template for the search form.
-is replaced with the search query.
-.It Pa /var/www/gotmarc
-Default output directory.
-.It Pa ~/.cache/gotmarc
-Default cache directory.
-.It Pa ~/Mail/gotmarc
-Default maildir.
-.Xr gotmarc 7
-started as a hacky collection of perl scripts to generate a web archive
-for the Game of Trees mailing list.
-Only later it was converted to be a usable generic web mailing list
-archive tool.
-.An -nosplit
-utility was written by
-.An Omar Polo Aq Mt .
blob - f7acd2906870c8225c61e6149d82d8f6342b04d0 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- gotmarc.7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-.\" gotmarc.7 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
-.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
-.\" source code.
-.Dd May 5, 2023
-.Nm gotmarc
-.Nd mailing list web archive generation system
-is a system to incrementally generate a web archive for a mailing list
-and optionally provide search capabilities.
-The generated archive is a set of HTML files that can be served as-is,
-while searching requires the use of a FastCGI server.
-At a higher level,
-is made of three components:
-.Bl -tag -width msearchd_8_ -compact -offset indent
-.It Xr gotmarc 1
-to generate the static HTML files from a maildir.
-.It Xr gmimport 1
-to import emails into a sqlite3 database.
-.It Xr msearchd 8
-to provide search results.
-There are several step necessary to initialize the web archive:
-.Bl -enum -compact -offset indent
-Create and populate the output directory.
-Customize the templates.
-Prepare the maildir.
-Generate the web archive.
-Set up the database for searching.
-Configure the web server.
-It is reccommended to use a dedicate user.
-Commands to be run as a unpriviledged user are preceded by a dollar sign
-.Sq $ ,
-while commands requiring superuser privileges by a hash mark
-.Sq # .
-Hereafter, it will be assumed that the local user is called
-.Sq gotmarc .
-.Ss 1. Create and populate the output directory
-The web archive is made of several static files, mostly HTML, that needs
-to be served by a web server like
-.Xr httpd 8 .
-.Pa /var/www/gotmarc
-is the default location, but a different path can be used.
-To prepare it, issue:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-# mkdir -p /var/www/gotmarc
-# chown gotmarc /var/www/gotmarc
-Then copy the CSS file, optionally tweaking it.
-.Dl $ cp /usr/local/share/examples/gotmarc/style.css /var/www/gotmarc
-Other eventual assets
-.Pq e.g.\& logo images
-need to be copied here as well.
-.Ss 2. Customize the templates
-The default templates are installed at
-.Pa /etc/gotmarc .
-Since these are anonymous, they need to be tweaked to include
-information about the mailing list.
-Care should be taken when editing these files after generating the
-archive since existing pages won't be automatically updated.
-The cachedir
-.Pq see Xr gotmarc 1
-needs to be deleted and the web archive generated again.
-.Xr msearchd 8
-has to be stopped and restarted as well.
-.Ss 3. Prepare the maildir
-The maildir with the mailing list entries needs to be prepared.
-It is assumed to be at
-.Pa ~/Mail/gotmarc
-by default, but a different path can be used.
-.Ss 4. Generate the web archive
-.Xr gotmarc 1
-can be finally used to generate the web archive.
-The first run may take a while, depending on the size of the maildir,
-while subsequent runs will be incremental and take less time.
-.Dl $ gotmarc -m path/to/maildir -o path/to/outdir
-On multi-processor machines multiple processes may be used to save some
-time with the
-.Xr gotmarc 1 Fl j No flag.
-The generated files may be compressed to save bandwidth:
-.Dl $ gzip -krq /var/www/gotmarc </dev/null 2>/dev/null
-.Ss 5. Set up the database for searching
-This is an suggested yet optional step.
-.Xr msearchd 8
-offers full text search capabilities using a sqlite3 database that has to
-be populated with
-.Xr gmimport 1 .
-First, create a directory in the
-.Pa /var/www
-.Xr chroot 8
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-# mkdir -p /var/www/msearchd
-# chown gotmarc /var/www/msearchd
-Then, populate the database with all emails in the maildir:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-$ sqlite3 /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3 \e
-	</usr/local/share/examples/gotmarc/schema.sql
-$ mlist ~/Mail/gotmarc | gmimport /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
-At this point,
-.Xr msearchd 8
-can be started.
-.Ss 6. Configure the web server
-The web server needs to serve the contents of the outdir as-is and
-handle the requests for
-.Pa /search
-via the
-.Xr msearchd 8
-FastCGI server.
-A sample
-.Xr httpd 8
-configuration is provided here for reference:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-server "" {
-	listen on * port 80
-	root "/gotmarc"
-	gzip-static
-	# leave out when not using msearchd(8)
-	location "/search" {
-		fastcgi socket "/run/msearchd.sock"
-	}
-New messages should be fetched periodically using tools like
-.Xr fdm 1
-.Xr mbsync 1 ,
-the database updated with
-.Xr gmimport 1
-and the web archive refreshed using
-.Xr gotmarc 1 .
-It is reccommended to create a script like the following and schedule
-its execution periodically with
-.Xr cron 8 :
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-set -e
-fdm -l fetch
-minc ~/Mail/gotmarc | gmimport /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
-gzip -krq /var/www/gotmarc/ </dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
-.Xr msearchd 8
-is not used,
-new messages still needs to be incorporated
-.Po i.e.\& moved from
-.Pa new/
-.Pa cur/
-but no database has to be updated.
-In that case simplify the
-.Xr minc 1
-invocation as:
-.Dl minc -q ~/Mail/gotmarc
-and don't call
-.Xr gmimport 1
-at all.
-If the archive for multiple mailing lists needs to be served from the
-same box, care must be taken to use different directories and database
-files to avoid mixing messages.
-.Xr msearchd 8
-handles only one database at a time, so multiple instances need to be
-run, each pointing at the database for only one mailing list.
-Different FastCGI socket path needs to be used per-instance.
-.Xr gotmarc 1
-outdir, maildir and cachedir must be unique per-mailing list, i.e.\& the
-.Fl c , Fl m No and Fl o
-flag must always be provided.
-Very likely, each mailing list will needs its own set of templates, so
-those needs to be prepared and both
-.Xr gotmarc 1
-.Xr msearchd 8
-have to be pointed at the right template directory.
-.Xr gmimport 1 ,
-.Xr gotmarc 1 ,
-.Xr minc 1 ,
-.Xr sqlite3 1 ,
-.Xr httpd 8 ,
-.Xr msearchd 8
blob - /dev/null
blob + 5a1f4106e82d9a981c16293f0d4dd285e9bc7701 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ smarc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# smarc was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in the
+# public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
+# code.
+progname="$(basename "$0")"
+usage() {
+	u="usage: $progname [-c cachedir] [-j n]"
+	u="$u [-m maildir] [-o outdir] [-t tmpldir]"
+	echo "$u">&2
+	exit 1
+# changed at install-time
+# fix perl include path for in-repo hacking
+if [ "$libexec" = . ]; then
+while getopts c:j:m:o:t: flag; do
+	case $flag in
+	c) cachedir="$OPTARG" ;;
+	m) mdir="$OPTARG" ;;
+	o) outdir="$OPTARG" ;;
+	t) tmpldir="$OPTARG" ;;
+	?) usage ;;
+	esac
+# set up the env
+export CSUMDIR="$cachedir/threadsum"
+export MAKE_JOBS="${MAKE_JOBS:-1}"
+export MBLAZE="$mblaze"
+export MBLAZE_PAGER=cat
+export MDIR="$mdir"
+export OUTDIR="${outdir:-/var/www/smarc}"
+export TMPLDIR="$tmpldir"
+# make sure the directories are there
+set -e
+mkdir -p "$CSUMDIR"
+mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/mail"
+mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/parts"
+mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/text"
+mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/thread"
+set +e
+export PATH="$libexec:$PATH"
+fmt='%i-%R %16D<%64f>%128S'
+mlist "${MDIR}" | mthread -r | mscan -f "$fmt" | pe | mkindex
blob - 28f05814baa5f9af8a883277bc958b459ee67ba3
blob + 822c400f16c3f7fcc8294aa9405028c48438953c
--- mexp
+++ mexp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use v5.32;
 use List::Util qw(max min);
-use GotMArc qw(parse san urlencode initpage endpage thread_header
+use SMArc qw(parse san urlencode initpage endpage thread_header
     threntry thrslice thrnav);
 my $outdir = $ENV{'OUTDIR'};
blob - /dev/null
blob + 4aae3a949ad1d8b9ef98ec06af48af71b0f25ff3 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ smarc.1
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+.\" smarc.1 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
+.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
+.\" source code.
+.Dd May 5, 2023
+.Dt SMARC 1
+.Nm smarc
+.Nd mailing list static site generator
+.Op Fl c Ar cachedir
+.Op Fl j Ar n
+.Op Fl m Ar maildir
+.Op Fl o Ar outdir
+.Op Fl t Ar tmpldir
+generates a static web archive from a maildir incrementally.
+The arguments are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl c Ar cachedir
+Cache directory used for keeping track of threads during incremental
+Defaults to
+.Pa ~/.cache/smarc
+.It Fl j Ar n
+.Ar n
+jobs to export threads.
+With big mailing lists and on a multiprocessor machine this can save
+quite some time.
+.It Fl m Ar maildir
+.Ar maildir .
+Defaults to
+.Pa ~/Mail/smarc .
+.It Fl o Ar outdir
+The destination directory where the HTML files will be written to, it's
+.Pa /var/www/smarc
+by default.
+.It Fl t Ar tmpldir
+Path to a directory containing the template files.
+.Pa /etc/smarc
+by default.
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/foot.html
+Template with the trailing part of the page.
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/head.html
+Template with the first part of the page.
+is substituted with the title.
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/index-header.html
+Template with the title for index pages.
+is replaced with the page number and
+with the date range.
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/logo-small.html
+Small version of the logo, included in the thread header.
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/search.html
+Template for the search form.
+is replaced with the search query.
+.It Pa /var/www/smarc
+Default output directory.
+.It Pa ~/.cache/smarc
+Default cache directory.
+.It Pa ~/Mail/smarc
+Default maildir.
+.Xr smarc 7
+started as a hacky collection of perl scripts under the name of
+.Sq gotmarc
+to generate a web archive for the Game of Trees mailing list.
+Only later, while still being a hacky collection of perl and shell
+scripts, was converted to be a generic web mailing list archive tool and
+the project renamed.
+.An -nosplit
+utility was written by
+.An Omar Polo Aq Mt .
blob - 858e62ed2fb4d4c836c282d5edf5cb4b08fb9eb8
blob + 6ab5df9812402e1fb15c313fa441afd83af8e88e
--- mkindex
+++ mkindex
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use warnings;
 use v5.32;
 use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
-use GotMArc qw(parse san urlencode initpage endpage index_header
+use SMArc qw(parse san urlencode initpage endpage index_header
     search thread_header threntry);
 my $outdir = $ENV{'OUTDIR'};
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ sub nextfile {
 	$page += 1;
 	my $path;
-	($pfh, $path) = tempfile "/tmp/gotmarc.index.XXXXXXXXXX";
+	($pfh, $path) = tempfile "/tmp/smarc.index.XXXXXXXXXX";
 	binmode($pfh, ':utf8');
 	push @files, $path;
 	say $pfh "<div class='thread'><ul>";
blob - /dev/null
blob + c7c0a86c093403846ccd4411d99131332e5da4b5 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ smarc.7
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+.\" smarc.7 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
+.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
+.\" source code.
+.Dd May 5, 2023
+.Dt SMARC 7
+.Nm smarc
+.Nd mailing list web archive generation system
+is a system to incrementally generate a web archive for a mailing list
+and optionally provide search capabilities.
+The generated archive is a set of HTML files that can be served as-is,
+while searching requires the use of a FastCGI server.
+At a higher level,
+is made of three components:
+.Bl -tag -width msearchd_8_ -compact -offset indent
+.It Xr smarc 1
+to generate the static HTML files from a maildir.
+.It Xr smingest 1
+to import emails into a sqlite3 database.
+.It Xr msearchd 8
+to provide search results.
+There are several step necessary to initialize the web archive:
+.Bl -enum -compact -offset indent
+Create and populate the output directory.
+Customize the templates.
+Prepare the maildir.
+Generate the web archive.
+Set up the database for searching.
+Configure the web server.
+It is reccommended to use a dedicate user.
+Commands to be run as a unpriviledged user are preceded by a dollar sign
+.Sq $ ,
+while commands requiring superuser privileges by a hash mark
+.Sq # .
+Hereafter, it will be assumed that the local user is called
+.Sq smarc .
+.Ss 1. Create and populate the output directory
+The web archive is made of several static files, mostly HTML, that needs
+to be served by a web server like
+.Xr httpd 8 .
+.Pa /var/www/smarc
+is the default location, but a different path can be used.
+To prepare it, issue:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# mkdir -p /var/www/smarc
+# chown smarc /var/www/smarc
+Then copy the CSS file, optionally tweaking it.
+.Dl $ cp /usr/local/share/examples/smarc/style.css /var/www/smarc
+Other eventual assets
+.Pq e.g.\& logo images
+need to be copied here as well.
+.Ss 2. Customize the templates
+The default templates are installed at
+.Pa /etc/smarc .
+Since these are anonymous, they need to be tweaked to include
+information about the mailing list.
+Care should be taken when editing these files after generating the
+archive since existing pages won't be automatically updated.
+The cachedir
+.Pq see Xr smarc 1
+needs to be deleted and the web archive generated again.
+.Xr msearchd 8
+has to be stopped and restarted as well.
+.Ss 3. Prepare the maildir
+The maildir with the mailing list entries needs to be prepared.
+It is assumed to be at
+.Pa ~/Mail/smarc
+by default, but a different path can be used.
+.Ss 4. Generate the web archive
+.Xr smarc 1
+can be finally used to generate the web archive.
+The first run may take a while, depending on the size of the maildir,
+while subsequent runs will be incremental and take less time.
+.Dl $ smarc -m path/to/maildir -o path/to/outdir
+On multi-processor machines multiple processes may be used to save some
+time with the
+.Xr smarc 1 Fl j No flag.
+The generated files may be compressed to save bandwidth:
+.Dl $ gzip -krq /var/www/smarc </dev/null 2>/dev/null
+.Ss 5. Set up the database for searching
+This is an suggested yet optional step.
+.Xr msearchd 8
+offers full text search capabilities using a sqlite3 database that has to
+be populated with
+.Xr smingest 1 .
+First, create a directory in the
+.Pa /var/www
+.Xr chroot 8
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# mkdir -p /var/www/msearchd
+# chown smarc /var/www/msearchd
+Then, populate the database with all emails in the maildir:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ sqlite3 /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3 \e
+	</usr/local/share/examples/smarc/schema.sql
+$ mlist ~/Mail/smarc | smingest /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
+At this point,
+.Xr msearchd 8
+can be started.
+.Ss 6. Configure the web server
+The web server needs to serve the contents of the outdir as-is and
+handle the requests for
+.Pa /search
+via the
+.Xr msearchd 8
+FastCGI server.
+A sample
+.Xr httpd 8
+configuration is provided here for reference:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+server "" {
+	listen on * port 80
+	root "/smarc"
+	gzip-static
+	# leave out when not using msearchd(8)
+	location "/search" {
+		fastcgi socket "/run/msearchd.sock"
+	}
+New messages should be fetched periodically using tools like
+.Xr fdm 1
+.Xr mbsync 1 ,
+the database updated with
+.Xr smingest 1
+and the web archive refreshed using
+.Xr smarc 1 .
+It is reccommended to create a script like the following and schedule
+its execution periodically with
+.Xr cron 8 :
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+set -e
+fdm -l fetch
+minc ~/Mail/smarc | smingest /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
+gzip -krq /var/www/smarc/ </dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+.Xr msearchd 8
+is not used,
+new messages still needs to be incorporated
+.Po i.e.\& moved from
+.Pa new/
+.Pa cur/
+but no database has to be updated.
+In that case simplify the
+.Xr minc 1
+invocation as:
+.Dl minc -q ~/Mail/smarc
+and don't call
+.Xr smingest 1
+at all.
+If the archive for multiple mailing lists needs to be served from the
+same box, care must be taken to use different directories and database
+files to avoid mixing messages.
+.Xr msearchd 8
+handles only one database at a time, so multiple instances need to be
+run, each pointing at the database for only one mailing list.
+Different FastCGI socket path needs to be used per-instance.
+.Xr smarc 1
+outdir, maildir and cachedir must be unique per-mailing list, i.e.\& the
+.Fl c , Fl m No and Fl o
+flag must always be provided.
+Very likely, each mailing list will needs its own set of templates, so
+those needs to be prepared and both
+.Xr smarc 1
+.Xr msearchd 8
+have to be pointed at the right template directory.
+.Xr minc 1 ,
+.Xr smarc 1 ,
+.Xr smingest 1 ,
+.Xr sqlite3 1 ,
+.Xr httpd 8 ,
+.Xr msearchd 8
blob - ad72cb88fb4d2dffcbaae2c49e06b5c57106888a
blob + 5695726c77a6a9a2fb8ce8a473e32e9d6b5b7ce5
--- msearchd/Makefile
+++ msearchd/Makefile
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ install:
 	${INSTALL_MAN} msearchd.8 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man8
 	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SBINDIR}
-	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc
-	${INSTALL_DATA} schema.sql ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc
+	${INSTALL_DATA} schema.sql ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc
 	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man8/msearchd.8
 	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SBINDIR}/${PROG}
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/schema.sql
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc/schema.sql
 # -- internal build targets --
blob - 3b89a8f66f92de1b6a2ad17bb0774c2f83e748a3
blob + 5e32b4eff044d7f1e3b5c054e03156380848122e
--- msearchd/msearchd.8
+++ msearchd/msearchd.8
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Create an bind to the local socket at
 .Ar socket .
 .It Fl t Ar tmpldir
 Path to a directory containing the template files.
-.Pa /etc/gotmarc
+.Pa /etc/smarc
 by default.
 .It Fl u Ar user
 Drop privileges to
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ options increase the verbosity.
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/foot.html
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/foot.html
 Template with the trailing part of the page.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/head.html
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/head.html
 Template with the first part of the page.
 is replaced with
 .Dq Search .
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/search-header.html
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/search-header.html
 Template for the start of the search page.
-.It Pa /etc/gotmarc/search.html
+.It Pa /etc/smarc/search.html
 Template for the search form.
 is replaced with the search query.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Example configuration for
 .Bd -literal -offset -indent
 server "localhost" {
 	listen on * port 80
-	root "/gotmarc"
+	root "/smarc"
 	location "/search" {
blob - d94aee1927187a7b25c4952e9db01bc2fcd2fb0c
blob + 9ee7a8f3f1d361a0be1c5776f5ebae5f4d567045
--- msearchd/msearchd.c
+++ msearchd/msearchd.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #define MAX_CHILDREN 32
blob - /dev/null
blob + ec998e658ae70f4563baf20f9c63779585bf1529 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ smingest
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# smingest was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in the
+# public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
+# code.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use v5.32;
+use utf8;
+use Date::Parse;
+use File::Basename;
+use OpenBSD::Pledge;
+use OpenBSD::Unveil;
+die "usage: $0 dbpath\n" if @ARGV != 1;
+my $dbpath = shift @ARGV;
+open(my $sqlite, "|-", "/usr/local/bin/sqlite3", $dbpath)
+    or die "can't spawn sqlite3";
+unveil("/usr/local/bin/mshow", "rx") or die "unveil mshow: $!";
+pledge("stdio proc exec") or die "pledge: $!";
+say $sqlite ".import --csv /dev/stdin email"
+    or die "can't speak to sqlite: $!";
+while (<>) {
+	chomp;
+	open(my $fh, "-|", "/usr/local/bin/mshow", "-Atext/plain", "-NF", $_)
+	    or die "can't run mshow $_: $!";
+	my $f = $_;
+	my ($time, $id) = split /\./, basename $_;
+	my $mid = "$time.$id";
+	$mid =~ s/"/""/g;
+	my ($from, $subj, $date) = ('', '', undef);
+	while (<$fh>) {
+		chomp;
+		last if /^$/;
+		s/"/""/g;
+		$from = s/.*?: //r if /^From:/;
+		$subj = s/.*?: //r if /^Subject:/;
+		$date = str2time(s/.*?: //r) if /^Date:/;
+	}
+	$date //= time;
+	$from =~ s/ +<.*>//;
+	# leave open for the body
+	print $sqlite "\"$mid\",\"$from\",\"$date\",\"$subj\",\"";
+	while (<$fh>) {
+		s/"/""/g;
+		print $sqlite $_;
+	}
+	say $sqlite '"';
+	close $fh;
+close $sqlite;
+die "sqlite3 exited with $?\n" unless $? == 0;
blob - 9f73857870aa589f38cc4e728d90e5a1069ab776
blob + 01aafeb485501929cc6df81fb550cf399b14265d
--- pe
+++ pe
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use Digest::SHA;
 use Encode qw(encode);
 use IO::Poll qw(POLLOUT);
-use GotMArc qw(parse);
+use SMArc qw(parse);
 my $jobs = $ENV{'MAKE_JOBS'} // 1;
blob - /dev/null
blob + a2124ad27da92e9fbd048e16a71e5607d3ef2452 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ smingest.1
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+.\" smingest.1 was written by Omar Polo <> and is placed in
+.\" the public domain.  The author hereby disclaims copyright to this
+.\" source code.
+.Dd May 5, 2023
+.Nm smingest
+.Nd import emails into a sqlite database
+.Ar dbpath
+reads a sequence of path to emails from standard inputs and inserts them
+into the
+.Xr msearchd 8
+sqlite3 database at
+.Ar dbpath .
+To index all the messages in the
+.Pa ~/Mail/smarc
+maildir, useful to initially populate the database:
+.Dl mlist ~/Mail/smarc | smingest /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
+Incorporate new messages in the maildir and add them to the database,
+useful after fetching new mails:
+.Dl minc ~/Mail/smarc | smingest /var/www/msearchd/mails.sqlite3
+.Xr minc 1 ,
+.Xr mlist 1 ,
+.Xr msearchd 8
+doesn't detect the insert of duplicate messages.
+Should that happen, the database needs to be recreated.
blob - dd0133354b29cf2aa0c1067312aa3b0c3563151d
blob + 030d1a875da5e5a062087df49cc93267531045d5
--- templates/Makefile
+++ templates/Makefile
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ dist:
-	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/
-	${INSTALL_DATA} *.html ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/smarc/
-	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSCONFDIR}/gotmarc/${DISTFILES}
 .PHONY: all dist install uninstall