Commit Diff

commit - c819459405eb9febdb67b19d08bfa50c5ec83017
commit + 9e0194139b3ace5c3cf3802cc38230ae9e9f38f1
blob - d872ab2cc1eb30f16053257239bb042dee72517a
blob + 9fddaadadcb564ce1e5273cf28673e9fb4b3c98a
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 This is an **experimental** Emacs VC back-end for the [Game of
 Tree]( version control system.
-Use it at your own risk.
 To start using it, you need to add `Got` to `vc-handled-backends` and
@@ -32,3 +30,28 @@ With `use-package` something like this should be enoug
   (add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Got)
   (add-to-list 'vc-directory-exclusion-list ".got"))
+## Stage hunks
+Unlike other VC backends, `vc-got` is able to stage and commit
+individual changes.  It's still WIP, but usable.
+ - `vc-got-stage-files` guides the user through the stage process,
+   like `got stage -p` (or `git add -p`).  It operates on the current
+   file or on the marked ones in `*vc-dir*`
+ - `vc-got-stage-unstage` is similar, except that it un-stages the
+   changes.
+ - `vc-got-stage-diff` show the staged diff
+ - `vc-got-stage-commit` commits the staged changes
+Here's an example of the `*vc-dir*` buffer when some edits were staged
+on a file
+![vc-dir buffer with a staged file](images/vc-dir.png "vc-dir buffer with a staged file")
+and an example of the interactive stage operation with
+![interactive stage operation](images/vc-got-stage-files.png
+"interactive stage operation")
blob - /dev/null
blob + 875412491f29d17937da9da4bc9a2906d8e78cc3 (mode 644)
Binary files /dev/null and images/vc-dir.png differ
blob - /dev/null
blob + 826c7163c2e969139666c96a95d3e7cc54c7fd27 (mode 644)
Binary files /dev/null and images/vc-got-stage-files.png differ
blob - 3133c9fcbad226020009184ecc05e15f405be627
blob + 50e516dd2ecf251a2eeb8382fed0044a813f4a31
--- vc-got.el
+++ vc-got.el
@@ -443,7 +443,15 @@ FILES is nil, consider all the files in DIR."
       (format "%c" (if (vc-dir-fileinfo->marked info) ?* ? ))
       'face 'font-lock-type-face)
-     "   "
+     " "
+     (propertize
+      (if stage-state
+	  (format "staged:%-6s" stage-state)
+	(format "%-13s" ""))
+      'face (cond ((memq stage-state '(add edit)) 'font-lock-constant-face)
+		  ((eq stage-state 'remove) 'font-lock-warning-face)
+		  (t 'font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+     " "
       (format "%-14s" state)
       'face (cond ((eq state 'up-to-date) 'font-lock-builtin-face)
@@ -451,14 +459,6 @@ FILES is nil, consider all the files in DIR."
 		  ((eq state 'edited) 'font-lock-constant-face)
 		  (t 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
       'mouse-face 'highlight)
-     " "
-     (propertize
-      (if stage-state
-	  (format "staged:%-7s" stage-state)
-	(format "%-14s" ""))
-      'face (cond ((memq stage-state '(add edit)) 'font-lock-constant-face)
-		  ((eq stage-state 'remove) 'font-lock-warning-face)
-		  (t 'font-lock-variable-name-face)))
      " "
       (format "%s" filename)
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ Adviced around vc-dir-move-to-goal-column because it h
       (funcall fn)
     (unless (eolp)
-      (forward-char 34))))
+      (forward-char 31))))
 (advice-add 'vc-dir-move-to-goal-column :around #'vc-got-fix-dir-move-to-goal-column)
 (provide 'vc-got)