Commit Diff

commit - 0a66694e897e35f0472d5ada455a76b7719cc285
commit + a5c1731345b9dea42a145200889c8425ce59caaa
blob - b1e208b6d15542a4a4be80b779f8281785a743c2
blob + 68acf98232b6d7e8aaef75c327e3280e38f8d46b
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 EMACS =		emacs
-compile: vc-got.elc vc-got-stage.elc
+compile: vc-got.elc
 	rm -f *.elc
blob - 730dc47f0b356f3bf54b67c4b8964739a6503c29
blob + d872ab2cc1eb30f16053257239bb042dee72517a
@@ -32,30 +32,3 @@ With `use-package` something like this should be enoug
   (add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Got)
   (add-to-list 'vc-directory-exclusion-list ".got"))
-### vc-got-stage-mode
-`vc-got-stage-mode` is a minor mode to stage individual changes
-(currently you can't commit the staged changes).
-The Emacs VC system usually operates at a *fileset* level: i.e. it can
-commit/rollback/etc sets of file.  Yet, sometimes you may want to
-commit only individual changes (eventually from multiple files), and
-VC doesn't support this.  This is the motivation behind
-The following keys are enabled by `vc-got-stage-mode`:
-| key                | description                                    |
-| <kbd>C-c g A</kbd> | Applies (i.e. stage in got) the marked changes |
-| <kbd>C-c g b</kbd> | Go to beginning of change                      |
-| <kbd>C-c g e</kbd> | Go to end of change                            |
-| <kbd>C-c g n</kbd> | Go to next change                              |
-| <kbd>C-c g p</kbd> | Go to previous change                          |
-| <kbd>C-c g t</kbd> | Toggle mark                                    |
-A change is a set of sequential line added/removed by the diff, it is
-a smaller unit than a *hunk*.
-The staged changes are indicated by an arrow in the left fringe.
blob - ef0c83825f1264b96cde6f2777df14c4321261ae (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- vc-got-stage.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-;;; vc-got-stage.el --- Stage changes diff buffers   -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-  (require 'subr-x))
-(defgroup vc-got-stage nil
-  "Stage hunks in vc-got diff buffers"
-  :group 'faces
-  :prefix "vc-got-stage-")
-(defface vc-got-stage-staged-face
-    '((t (:foreground "red" :background "yellow")))
-  "Face used to highlight the staged mark on changes."
-  :group 'vc-got-stage)
-(defvar vc-got-stage-fileset nil
-  "The files diffed in the last call to `vc-got-diff'.")
-(defvar vc-got-stage-overlay-priority 0
-  "Specify overlay priority.
-Higher values means higher priority.  DON'T use negative numbers.")
-(defvar vc-got-stage--overlays nil
-  "The list of overlays.")
-(defvar vc-got-stage-prefix-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map (kbd "A") #'vc-got-stage-apply)
-    (define-key map (kbd "U") #'vc-got-unstage-all)
-    (define-key map (kbd "b") #'vc-got-stage-beginning-of-change)
-    (define-key map (kbd "e") #'vc-got-stage-end-of-change)
-    (define-key map (kbd "n") #'vc-got-stage-next-change)
-    (define-key map (kbd "p") #'vc-got-stage-prev-change)
-    (define-key map (kbd "t") #'vc-got-stage-toggle-mark)
-    map)
-  "Keymap for function `vc-got-stage-mode'.")
-(define-minor-mode vc-got-stage-mode
-  "Stage hunks in vc-got diff buffers.
-  :group vc-got-stage
-  :keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-            (define-key map (kbd "C-c g") vc-got-stage-prefix-map)
-            map))
-;;;###autoload (defun vc-got-stage-activate ()
-;;;###autoload   "Activate vg-got-stage-mode if the current buffer is a vc-got diff."
-;;;###autoload   (when-let (root (vc-find-root default-directory ".got"))
-;;;###autoload     (vc-got-stage-mode +1)))
-(defun vc-got-stage-activate ()
-  "Activate vg-got-stage-mode if the current buffer is a vc-got diff."
-  (message "VC got stage activate? %s" (vc-find-root default-directory ".got"))
-  (when-let (root (vc-find-root default-directory ".got"))
-    (vc-got-stage-mode +1)))
-;;;###autoload (add-hook 'diff-mode-hook #'vc-got-stage-activate)
-(add-hook 'diff-mode-hook #'vc-got-stage-activate)
-(defun vc-got-stage--in-change ()
-  "T if the point is in a line that's part of a change."
-  (save-excursion
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (when-let (ch (char-after))
-      (or (= ch ?\-)
-          (= ch ?\+)))))
-(defun vc-got-stage--change-marked-p ()
-  "T if the current change is marked."
-  (let ((p (point)))
-    (cl-loop
-       for overlay in vc-got-stage--overlays
-       if (and (overlay-start overlay)
-               (= p (overlay-start overlay)))
-       return t
-       finally (return nil))))
-(defun vc-got-stage--compute-y-or-n (buf)
-  "Fill BUF with ``y'' or ``n'' lines for staging purpose."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (let ((p (point)))
-      (while (not (= p (progn (vc-got-stage-next-change)
-                              (point))))
-        (setq p (point))
-        (if (vc-got-stage--change-marked-p)
-            (with-current-buffer buf
-              (insert "y\n"))
-          (with-current-buffer buf
-            (insert "n\n")))))))
-(defun vc-got-stage-unstage-all ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((default-directory (vc-find-root default-directory ".got"))
-         (unstage-buf       (get-buffer-create "*vc-got-unstage*")))
-    (unless (zerop (apply #'process-file "got" nil unstage-buf nil
-                          "unstage" (mapcar #'file-relative-name
-                                            vc-got-stage-fileset)))
-      (pop-to-buffer unstage-buf)
-      (error "Got unstage failed"))
-    (kill-buffer unstage-buf)))
-(defun vc-got-stage--apply-impl (script tmp-file)
-  "Apply the stages using SCRIPT as script (TMP-FILE is the path)."
-  (let* ((default-directory (vc-find-root default-directory ".got"))
-         (stage-buf         (get-buffer-create "*vc-got-stage*")))
-    (vc-got-stage-unstage-all)
-    (vc-got-stage--compute-y-or-n script)
-    (with-current-buffer script
-      (save-buffer))
-    (unless (zerop (apply #'process-file "got" nil stage-buf nil "stage" "-p"
-                          "-F" tmp-file (mapcar #'file-relative-name
-                                                vc-got-stage-fileset)))
-      (pop-to-buffer stage-buf)
-      (error "Got stage failed"))
-    (kill-buffer stage-buf)))
-(defun vc-got-stage-apply ()
-  "Apply the stages.
-This will first reset the stages of all the involved files, then
-stage the marked changes."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((tmp-file (make-temp-file "vc-got-stage-script"))
-         (script   (find-file-noselect tmp-file)))
-    (unwind-protect
-         (vc-got-stage--apply-impl script tmp-file)
-      (kill-buffer script)
-      (delete-file tmp-file))))
-(defun vc-got-stage-beginning-of-change ()
-  "Goto the beginning of the current change."
-  (interactive)
-  (ignore-errors
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (while (vc-got-stage--in-change)
-      (forward-line -1))
-    (forward-line)))
-(defun vc-got-stage-end-of-change ()
-  "Goto the end of the current change."
-  (interactive)
-  (ignore-errors
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (while (vc-got-stage--in-change)
-      (forward-line))
-    (forward-line -1)))
-(defun vc-got-stage--prevnext-change (n)
-  "Goto next/previous change by N."
-  (let ((start (point)))
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (while (and (not (= (point) (if (= n -1)
-                                    (point-min)
-                                  (point-max))))
-                (vc-got-stage--in-change))
-      (forward-line n))
-    (while (let ((face (get-text-property (point) 'face)))
-             (and (not (= (point) (if (= n -1)
-                                      (point-min)
-                                    (point-max))))
-                  (or (eq face 'diff-hunk-header)
-                      (eq face 'diff-header)
-                      (eq face 'diff-context))))
-      (forward-line n))
-    (if (= n -1)
-        (vc-got-stage-beginning-of-change))
-    (unless (vc-got-stage--in-change)
-      (goto-char start)
-      (message "No prev/next change"))))
-(defun vc-got-stage-prev-change ()
-  "Goto previous change."
-  (interactive)
-  (vc-got-stage--prevnext-change -1))
-(defun vc-got-stage-next-change ()
-  "Goto next change."
-  (interactive)
-  (vc-got-stage--prevnext-change +1))
-(defun vc-got-stage--delete-overlay-at (point)
-  "Delete overlays at POINT.
-Return t if something was deleted."
-  (let (delp)
-    (cl-delete-if (lambda (overlay)
-                    (let ((start (overlay-start overlay)))
-                      ;; silently drop dangling overlays
-                      (cond ((not start)
-                             t)
-                            ((= point start)
-                             (delete-overlay overlay)
-                             (setq delp t)))))
-                  vc-got-stage--overlays)
-    delp))
-(defun vc-got-stage-toggle-mark ()
-  "Toggle the staged status on the change at point."
-  (interactive)
-  (when (vc-got-stage--in-change)
-    (save-excursion
-      (vc-got-stage-beginning-of-change)
-      (unless (vc-got-stage--delete-overlay-at (point))
-        (let ((overlay (make-overlay (point) (point))))
-          (overlay-put overlay
-                       'before-string
-                       (propertize "A"
-                                   'display '(left-fringe right-triangle)
-                                   'face    'vc-got-stage-staged-face))
-          (push overlay vc-got-stage--overlays))))))
-(provide 'vc-got-stage)
-;;; vc-got-stage.el ends here
blob - 827fc9096fae25239534025b25a2ef48528ea3eb
blob + 0aa37dff5bf2cea6c81f38bc366f8fb112d66990
--- vc-got.el
+++ vc-got.el
@@ -133,8 +133,6 @@
 (require 'cl-seq)
 (require 'seq)
 (require 'vc)
-(require 'vc-got-stage)
 (defgroup vc-got nil
   "VC GoT backend."
@@ -552,15 +550,9 @@ LIMIT limits the number of commits, optionally startin
 ;; TODO: return 0 or 1
 (defun vc-got-diff (files &optional rev1 rev2 buffer _async)
   "Insert into BUFFER (or *vc-diff*) the diff for FILES from REV1 to REV2."
-  (message "vc-got: debug: files is %s" files)
   (let* ((buffer (get-buffer-create (or buffer "*vc-diff*")))
          (inhibit-read-only t))
     (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (vc-got-stage-mode +1)
-      ;; TODO: this shouldn't be done in an unconditioned fashion.  If
-      ;; we're diffing two revision, we can't stage hunks; we can
-      ;; stage only when diffing the local modifications.
-      (setq vc-got-stage-fileset files)
       (vc-got-with-worktree (car files)
         (cond ((and (null rev1)
                     (null rev2))