Commit Diff

commit - 8fc127f8ff94b0a30ed4d4bc1a256e837e2efcc1
commit + adc3ede9e9aee8319b5264625fbfca685f3c6921
blob - ed8aed528404e32be962d8afedf179b1cdb54cb1
blob + 0497dd8c60a844e96d3c3978e913bfb7cfd9dee6
@@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
 # vc-got
 This is an Emacs VC back-end for the [Game of
-Tree]( version control system.
+Tree]( version control system
+It's [available on ELPA][elpa]: to install it just `M-x package-install
+RET vc-got RET`; vc-got will register itself, there's no need to
+`require` it.
-To start using it make sure that `vc-got` is within your `load-path`
-and `Got` is in the `vc-handled-backends` list.
-With `use-package` something like this should be enough:
-(use-package vc-got
-  :load-path "/path/to/vc-got/"
-  :defer t)
 ## Drawbacks
 While I've been using this backend on a daily basis for the last
@@ -29,8 +23,7 @@ should work with older versions.
 ## Contributing
-The long-term plan is to get this into Emacs (or ELPA at least).  This
-means that to avoid possible problems, a GNU copyright assignment is
-required.  It's really easy to get one (just send an email), and
-having one will allow you to make further contribution to Emacs itself
-or to various other packages.
+vc-got is on ELPA and thus a FSF copyright assignment is required.
+It's really easy to get one (just send an email), and having one will
+allow you to make further contribution to Emacs itself or to various
+other packages.