Commit Diff

commit - cb23b74df4e63581a7c53bf2bfb6d90dcf85bc5c
commit + b90df0a42da7aecd8001bcdfc969cf4502ed29bc
blob - b421f9a77e7441295fbf3d771ce85614a0eb8837
blob + 2692cf950b816a7dba4a9e12347e9c4cf981c2f0
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Quick Start
        ? - show Rover manual
      j/k - move cursor down/up
      J/K - move cursor down/up 10 lines
+     g/G - move cursor to top/bottom of listing
        l - enter selected directory
        h - go to parent directory
        H - go to $HOME directory
blob - 1d10ed0ab2ca65a7d97615dc95f5302f2a4aacd7
blob + 8e3e9294c9f8de42afed3e7b7eab451174e5716b
--- config.h
+++ config.h
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 #define RVK_UP          "k"
 #define RVK_JUMP_DOWN   "J"
 #define RVK_JUMP_UP     "K"
+#define RVK_JUMP_TOP    "g"
+#define RVK_JUMP_BOTTOM "G"
 #define RVK_CD_DOWN     "l"
 #define RVK_CD_UP       "h"
 #define RVK_HOME        "H"
blob - e72d3dabf7f083a54ec772ea1624c44da8c92e5c
blob + 4a575ae9b193f6eb8d179a83fd471ba1a4f37405
--- rover.1
+++ rover.1
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ Move cursor down/up.
 .B J/K
 Move cursor down/up 10 lines.
+.B g/G
+Move cursor to top/bottom of listing.
 .B l
 Enter selected directory.
blob - 4e79093b48d7a04da1ae16a64f6c06d702ea4601
blob + 57e301f8474690a9a283ce3b12f36a45c2b00bf2
--- rover.c
+++ rover.c
@@ -847,6 +847,16 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
             if (!rover.nfiles) continue;
             ESEL = MAX(ESEL - RV_JUMP, 0);
             SCROLL = MAX(SCROLL - RV_JUMP, 0);
+            update_view();
+        } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_JUMP_TOP)) {
+            if (!rover.nfiles) continue;
+            ESEL = 0;
+            SCROLL = 0;
+            update_view();
+        } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_JUMP_BOTTOM)) {
+            if (!rover.nfiles) continue;
+            ESEL = rover.nfiles - 1;
+            SCROLL = HEIGHT - rover.nfiles - 1;
         } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_CD_DOWN)) {
             if (!rover.nfiles || !S_ISDIR(EMODE(ESEL))) continue;