Commit Diff

commit - ae5756808c915ca9a760e969eb55971346aac807
commit + bd72d1f8183acdd12a96abe9a1bd6cb26f9b5a77
blob - 866a659f99387f1f8f6944d66a26327313d8d39f
blob + b6a74d7cffd66d7be451099151c52d9418338d3b
--- config.h
+++ config.h
@@ -67,5 +67,13 @@
 /* Optional macro to be executed when a batch operation finishes. */
 #define RV_ALERT()      beep()
-/* Shell used to launch external programs. */
+/* Shell used to launch external  programs.
+   Defining   this  macro   will  force   Rover  to   launch  external
+   programs with  `sh -c  "$EXTERNAL_PROGRAM [arg]"`. This  gives more
+   flexibility,  allowing command-line  arguments  to  be embedded  in
+   environment variables  (e.g. PAGER="less  -N"). On the  other hand,
+   this requires the presence of a  shell and will spawn an additional
+   process each time an external  program is invoked. Leave this macro
+   undefined if you prefer external  programs to be launched with just
+   `$EXTERNAL_PROGRAM [arg]`. */
 #define RV_SHELL        "/bin/sh"
blob - 3dca3b5149b958d64a9f5d0a723b296fbccb2fda
blob + ef44d7b5a6a8a19134fdd144703155b0668218f6
--- rover.c
+++ rover.c
@@ -1074,28 +1074,40 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
         } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_SHELL)) {
             program = getenv("SHELL");
             if (program) {
+#ifdef RV_SHELL
                 spawn((char *[]) {RV_SHELL, "-c", program, NULL});
+                spawn((char *[]) {program, NULL});
         } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_VIEW)) {
             if (!rover.nfiles || S_ISDIR(EMODE(ESEL))) continue;
             program = getenv("PAGER");
             if (program) {
+#ifdef RV_SHELL
                 strncpy(BUF1, program, BUFLEN - 1);
                 strncat(BUF1, " ", BUFLEN - strlen(program) - 1);
                 strncat(BUF1, ENAME(ESEL),
                     BUFLEN - strlen(program) - strlen(ENAME(ESEL)) - 2);
                 spawn((char *[]) {RV_SHELL, "-c", BUF1, NULL});
+                spawn((char *[]) {program, ENAME(ESEL), NULL});
         } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_EDIT)) {
             if (!rover.nfiles || S_ISDIR(EMODE(ESEL))) continue;
             program = getenv("EDITOR");
             if (program) {
+#ifdef RV_SHELL
                 strncpy(BUF1, program, BUFLEN - 1);
                 strncat(BUF1, " ", BUFLEN - strlen(program) - 1);
                 strncat(BUF1, ENAME(ESEL),
                     BUFLEN - strlen(program) - strlen(ENAME(ESEL)) - 2);
                 spawn((char *[]) {RV_SHELL, "-c", BUF1, NULL});
+                spawn((char *[]) {program, ENAME(ESEL), NULL});
         } else if (!strcmp(key, RVK_SEARCH)) {