Commit Diff

commit - d346ca63650d46333fb950a6c5926458949f1c94
commit + cb9738320a3eccea0ff0de41159e8c95bc5201f0
blob - a38a5da922a31fdf7bbf43722aafaf6c89799fca
blob + bb01f477c47f313e995588a3e4e39dde05419671
--- vc-got.el
+++ vc-got.el
@@ -435,8 +435,9 @@ FILES is nil, consider all the files in DIR."
                   ;; either up-to-date or ignored.  Save it for a
                   ;; double check
                   (push file double-check)))
-    (cl-loop for (file status _) in (vc-got--status nil dir double-check)
-             unless (eq status 'unregistered)
+    (cl-loop with statuses = (vc-got--status nil dir double-check)
+             for file in double-check
+             unless (eq 'unregistered (cadr (assoc file statuses #'string=)))
              do (push (list file 'up-to-date nil) res))
     (funcall update-function res nil)))