Commit Briefs

Marcel Rodrigues

Add documentation for 't'.

Marcel Rodrigues

Add 't' to navigate to link target.

Marcel Rodrigues

Add with information for common use cases. is supposed to provide extra documentation for Rover, based on common queries from users. It's a good place to put detailed information that doesn't fit the manual. The file has been removed and an explanation for it has been added in instead. The same should be done for any helper script that might become worth of mention in the future. That way we don't clutter the repository with files that aren't part of a Rover basic setup.

Marcel Rodrigues

Merge pull request #20 from Ypnose/master

Makefile: add external LDFLAGS

Marcel Rodrigues

Add 'o' to open file with $ROVER_OPEN.

Marcel Rodrigues

Refactor duplicate code into new function.

Marcel Rodrigues

Remove cruft from usage text.

Marcel Rodrigues

Version 0.4.1.

Marcel Rodrigues

Make use of shell optional.

Marcel Rodrigues

Launch external programs through shell.

Passing $PAGER directly as argv[0] of a subprocess only works when $PAGER is simply the name of a binary file, such as "less". Users may want to hardcode command-line options, e.g. PAGER="less -N", so we need to do something like argv = {"sh", "-c", $PAGER}. The same applies to $SHELL and $EDITOR.

Marcel Rodrigues

Don't recurse into symlinked directories.

Symbolic links to directories must not be followed during batch operations, otherwise we end up copying/moving/deleting the directory contents instead of the symbolic link itself.

Marcel Rodrigues

Do not dereference symlinks when copying.