
sync changelog

generate session/history_file atomically if an i/o error occurs while writing those files, they may end up being corrupted or truncated. Use the approach already used for tofu, write a temp file and rename(2) it to the correct position.

merge the fs into the ui process The previous separation between the fs and ui process wasn't that good. The idea was to have a `ui' process tightly sandboxed, but it was a lie actually. `ui' was one imsg away from making internet connections and accessing data on the disk, so it wasn't really limited in (almost) any way. Furthermore, having to serialize data to/from the fs proc started to become not really maneagable. As a first step to fix this situation, join the fs and ui process.

provide parser_parsef: a printf-like function for parsers

sync changelog

recompute completions after minibuffer history navigation

recompute_completions: use the history too when viewing it

allow to select a previous history item

minibuffer_compl_text: honour the history items

don't insert current candidate in eecmd_select after the recent 'must select' thing there's no need to call minibuffer_insert_current_candidate from eecmd_select anymore.


add mini-kill-whole-line

readd forgotte NULL check

readd "select first completion" when must_select is provided The "don't automatically select the first completion" was a good change, but for commands that need a must_select policy it's annoying. This readds the automatic selection but only for those commands. It's still better than before the changes because now it's clear when and what gets automatically selected.

add must_select flag for enter_minibuffer it only makes sense when entering the minibuffer with completions. This flag is useful for functions like tag-select where the user types something but one of the completions *must* be selected.