

adjust some comments text

add comment on why don't landlock the net process

sync changelog

provide HOSTCC and HOSTCFLAGS variables to simplify cross-compilation pagebundler is a helper that needs to be built with the *host* compiler because it's used to generate some sources. In normal situations, HOSTCC and HOSTCFLAGS are just ${CC} and ${CFLAGS}, but folks that cross-compile can specify there the host compiler and flags to successfully build telescope. The idea is largely based on what gforth does: it re-uses ${CFLAGS} for the host compiler though, while I'm adding an extra variable for that.

[xdg] move pages path under $XDG_DATA_HOME instead of CONFIG_HOME OK andrea

sync changelog

fix crash at strlcpy on macos

sync changelog

handle empty replies (i.e. no header) thanks mansfield for breaking your server so I notice this error

sort includes

extract keymap-related stuff to its own header

extract the key matching logic to its own function

import the telescope site

add styling for the downloads lines/pane