
update the README

parallelize exporting mexp is the slowest part of the pipeline. Try to speed it up by paralellizing it. this adds a `pe' scripts that sits in front on N mexp childs and dispatch threads to them, while still outputting the unchanged lines for mkindex. Unscientific testing has shown that this effectively reduces the time for a full export, even if not linearly. (4 jobs cut the time in half, 8 jobs was just barely faster)

tweak link text in footer

assert that $tid is defined

grammar and clarifications

add a note about updates

clarify the licensing

don't override $page with something else...

fix color in dark mode

move the html version of the mail under mail/

styling for the navigation bar

split the index over multiple pages

pass -f to gzip...

specify the width for the logo

use nested list for the threading more idiomatic and works better on text browsers too!