

remove pass(1) from SEE ALSO Hinting at pass(1) doesn't help with the understanding of how plass works. The hint in EXAMPLES and the HISTORY section are enough.

use an inference rules to generate the HTML version of the man pages


add missing dot at the end of the sentence

build the html version of the manpage of pwg too

bundle pwg in the dist tarball too

add example: ksh completions for plass(1)

raise the level for manpage linting above STYLE

plass: remove the `gen' sub-command; now there is pwg(1)

add pwg: password generator

use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random From urandom(4) on OpenBSD For portability reasons, never use /dev/random. On OpenBSD, it is an alias for /dev/urandom, but on many other systems misbehaves by blocking because their random number generators lack a robust boot-time initialization sequence.

simplify b32decode; no functional change no need to take an explicit length parameter when we can just advance the string until a NUL byte. base32 doesn't allow NUL bytes.

check pattern after stripping store path and extension now `plass find ^keys' will correctly list only entries that starts with "keys"

release 0.2