
move err pages to telescope.c

handle unknown protocols gracefully

remove empty line in about:new

improve about:about and don't scare users in about:help > is better than C-x C-f to open a url...

move pages decl. to their own header

bind and advertise B/F for previous/next-page instead of C-M-bf/b

small improvements for about:new * add the name of the search engine * add a link to about:about

slightly improve about:about

fg blue and underline are already the deafults

other improvements for about:help * reword in first tip * mention the keys for load-url * link the online version of the manpage

further improvements for about:help

change wording of about:help

update the about:help page * don't recommend to enable olivetti-mode and fill-column anymore, since they're already the default. * add some text wrt history navigation

sync new config syntax for prefix

improve help page