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document vc-got-stage-mode

adding vc-got-stage vc-got-stage is a minor mode for vc-diff buffers controlled by Got. It's a tentative at implementing the stage operation for specific changes instead of whole files. vc.el works with filesets, and this is fine. But sometimes you want to commit only certain hunks. This initial implementation allows the user to stage changes, but you can't commit them (yet).

implemented vc-got-push

implemented vc-got-log-outgoing it shows an extra commit, but it's a start!


typo in vc-got-pull it still doesn't work, but at least now it invokes the correct subcommand.

implement dir-extra-headers show the current branch for now

add-to-list is better at strings than cl-pushnew cl-pushnew can add multiple copies of the same string to a list, and add-to-list is also probably more idiomatic in elisp.

improve vc-got–diff and vc-got-diff got expects arguments to diff to be relative to the worktree, it won’t work with full path (even if those full paths are valid, i.e. inside a worktree). With this in place, we can also adjust vc-got-diff to process all the files, and so now also vc-root-diff (C-x v D) works as intended.

suggest to add .got to vc-directory-exclusion-list

implement vc-got-find-ignore-file This is optional, but with this in place `project-find-file' works as intended. Also, should we support also .cvsignore?

implemented vc-got-mode-line-string

correct also the other example push can add duplicate elements, and that’s not what we want as an example.

remove ``Summary'' from the commit Emacs add this ``Summary: '' string. it's quite annoying. vc-git doesn't seem to handle this specially, but maybe is git (the cli) that trims it? I need to check. In the meantime, drop it.