
code fmt improvement, decode query url and print maintainer

improve compatibility and be explicit about the encoding FreeBSD rc package doesn’t like checking for an empty string that way.

some CGI scripts

anothe post converted to gemtext

[html] don’t generate empty paragraphs

fix paragraph: unfill

fix link to gmi files change links to .gmi files to .html when exporting to HTML. This is fine for my use-case at the moment, but in the future an additional check must be made: only relative links and absolute URL to * must be hijacked.

note about the fact that not every post is available under gemini

official page for webpkg

improving gmid page

[html] export images with a figcaption

[gemini] improving formatting for the “while listening to”

add context to the post

[gemini] blog -> capsule

generate a RSS feed also for Gemini