
diffstat: tweak example usage

diffstat: spacing for output

diffstat: remove optional trailing garbage when extracting filenames

rewrite diffstat so it actually parses the diff

mg: bind M-Z to zap-up-to-char and enable electric-pair-mode with electric-pair-mode being an hack I'm working on.

install news: a custom mless(1) for my feeds

drop the luarocks stuff from the profile

emacs: keep zap-to-char to M-z, move zap-up-to-char to M-Z

emacs: c-mode: indent labels by one space

remove elfeed; add wip plass package and emacs-pq

tweak the mopnew alias

add `template': an utitility that prints the ISC blurb

switch to sticky off

switch from lf to llama

disable colors in ffmpeg