
.gitignorecommits | blame
LICENCEcommits | blame
Makefilecommits | blame
README.mdcommits | blame
vc-got-stage.elcommits | blame
vc-got.el*commits | blame

# vc-got

This is an **experimental** Emacs VC back-end for the [Game of
Tree]( version control system.

Use it at your own risk.


To start using it, you need to add `Got` to `vc-handled-backends` and
make sure that `vc-got` is within your `load-path`.  You shouldn't
require the library.

(add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Got)

It's highly recommended to add `".got"` to the list of

(add-to-list 'vc-directory-exclusion-list ".got")

With `use-package` something like this should be enough:

(use-package vc-got
  :load-path "/path/to/vc-got/"
  :defer t
  (add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Got)
  (add-to-list 'vc-directory-exclusion-list ".got"))

### vc-got-stage-mode

`vc-got-stage-mode` is a minor mode to stage individual changes
(currently you can't commit the staged changes).

The Emacs VC system usually operates at a *fileset* level: i.e. it can
commit/rollback/etc sets of file.  Yet, sometimes you may want to
commit only individual changes (eventually from multiple files), and
VC doesn't support this.  This is the motivation behind

The following keys are enabled by `vc-got-stage-mode`:

| key                | description                                    |
| <kbd>C-c g A</kbd> | Applies (i.e. stage in got) the marked changes |
| <kbd>C-c g b</kbd> | Go to beginning of change                      |
| <kbd>C-c g e</kbd> | Go to end of change                            |
| <kbd>C-c g n</kbd> | Go to next change                              |
| <kbd>C-c g p</kbd> | Go to previous change                          |
| <kbd>C-c g t</kbd> | Toggle mark                                    |

A change is a set of sequential line added/removed by the diff, it is
a smaller unit than a *hunk*.

The staged changes are indicated by an arrow in the left fringe.