
1 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull login: 
2 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull case '\7': *((char *)(384*1024L+062)) = 2; /* beep */
3 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome to VAX/VMS Version 1.60
4 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO ADATHIBA; /* FILE-VEGE VIZSGALATA */
5 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tape dump of all filesystems taken this afternoon.
6 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Analysis" is "design" spelled backwards.
7 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "RULE 7: Option arguments cannot be optional." Sys V Interface p 343.
8 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Sound advice" is usually mostly sound with not much advice.
9 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "The Dresser," first a play, then a movie, then AT&T headquarters.
10 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "The more you drive ... the less intelligent you are." -- Miller, in Repo Man
11 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "x.c", line 1: cannot recover from earlier errors: goodbye!
12 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #(cat probably won't work on 8 bit files, you will have to use a simpler filter)
13 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull $! nulled, predecessor circle
14 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull $3,000,000
15 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull %-W-NORML Normal Successful Completion
16 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 'Tis a gross error, held in schools, That Fortune always favours fools. - John Gay.
17 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 'Tis better playing with a lion's whelp,/Than with an old one dying.
18 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 'Tis nobler in the mind to Look Things Up than to Pull Them Out Of The Air.
19 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (^|[ (,;])(([Jj]ul[^ ]* *|(07|7)/)0*5)([^0123456789]|$)
20 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull * UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.
21 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull *** LGP ERROR ***: Initialize -- Cannot initialize graphics hardware device.
22 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***
23 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull -1: No code table for op: ++post
24 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ...and on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
25 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /usr/games/fortune: not found
26 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /usr/news/gotcha
27 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 1 bulls, 3 cows
28 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 127 now in the unregulated subsidiary; see /usr/news/btl-split
29 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 2 is always smaller than 3, even for large values of 2.
30 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 2 lacks generality in a way that 1 doesn't.
31 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 23. ... r-q1
32 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 355/113 -- not the famous irrational number PI, but an incredible simulation.
33 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 4.2BSD is like a nightmare about Tenex. - Geoff Collyer
34 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 4.2BSD may not be a complete disaster, but it does a good job of emulating one.
35 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 55mph -- It's not a good idea, it's just the law.
36 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull : is not an identifier
37 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A 10.0-szer 0.1 sohasem 1.0!
38 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A 6-char limit is like a 6-inch trout: throw it back.
39 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A 6-char limit is like night.
40 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Cray is the best machine for simulating the performance of a Cray.
41 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Point is a pair of shorts.
42 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
43 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
44 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A big book is a big nuisance. - Callimachus, librarian of Alexandria
45 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A billion here, a billion there; soon you're talking real money. -E. Dirksen
46 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bird in hand is safer than one overhead.
47 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring.
48 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A block grant is a nice terminal, but it will keep you awake until noon.
49 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A block grant is a solid mass of money surrounded on all sides by governors.
50 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A chicken is just an egg's way of making more eggs.
51 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A closed mouth gathers no foot.
52 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A conservative is one who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
53 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A consistent indentation style is the hobgoblin of little minds.
54 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A couch is as good as a chair.
55 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A coward is one who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
56 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A critic is a legless man who teaches running.
57 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A day for firm decisions!!!!! Or is it?
58 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A day without sunshine is like night.
59 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A duck with three wings and a loaf of bread is brother to the sun god.
60 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A duck with three wings and a loaf of bread is brother to the turkey.
61 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fly by night leaves no shadow beyond a doubt.
62 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fool and his money stabilize the economy.
63 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
64 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A furore Normanorum libera nos, O Domine!
65 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A game, a teaching aid, a sport, and a piece of art. -Erno Rubik
66 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A gentleman is one who is never rude unintentionally. -Noel Coward
67 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A good memory does not equal pale ink.
68 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
69 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A goodly apple rotten at the heart:/Oh, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
70 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A hacker does for love what others would not do for money.
71 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A homeowner's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a weekend for?
72 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A hydrogen bomb doesn't care how brave you are.
73 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A hypothesis is an opinion that you are trying to prove true.
74 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance from Sam.
75 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A king's castle is his home.
76 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A liberal is one too open-minded to take his own side in an argument.
77 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A lone dime always gets the number nearly right.
78 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man does not attain the status of Galileo merely because he is persecuted; he must also be right. -Stephen Jay Gould
79 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man must destroy himself before others can destroy him. -Mong Tse
80 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man who fishes for marlin in ponds will put his money in Etruscan bonds.
81 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man who turns green has eschewed protein.
82 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man with 3 wings and a dictionary is cousin to the turkey.
83 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A man without a faith is like a fish without a bicycle.
84 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A megabyte here, a megabyte there, and pretty soon you're talking real power.
85 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A megaflop is a failure of gigantic proportions.
86 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A mighty maze! but not without a plan. -Pope
87 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A more wretched hive of scum and villainy: not found.
88 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A movie studio is the best toy a boy ever had. -Orson Welles
89 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A penny saved is a political breakthrough.
90 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A penny saved is ridiculous.
91 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A penny saved kills your career in the Pentagon.
92 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A philosopher does not need a torch to gather glow-worms by at mid-day. -- Earnest Bramah
93 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A plague o' both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me.
94 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A plucked goose doesn't lay golden eggs.
95 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.
96 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.
97 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A radical is a person with both feet firmly planted in the air.
98 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A real Initiation never ends. -Aleister Crowley
99 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A really busy person never knows how much he weighs. -Edgar Watson Howe
100 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A recently completed trial proved TOAD Generic 1 to be reliable, user-friendly, and convenient.
101 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A resort area will be part of your next holiday plans
102 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A rolling stone gathers momentum.
103 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A rose by any other name would still have thorns.
104 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use. -W. Irving
105 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A song in time is worth a dime.
106 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A stitch in time keeps your tu-tu from becoming a four-four.
107 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A system programmer is someone who debugs his programs with an oscilloscope.
108 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A theory is better than an explanation.
109 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A thousand throats may be slit in one night by a running man.
110 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A tree is best measured when it is down.
111 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a Unicorn.
112 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A twisting road will take you to Warsaw, but you won't be bored.
113 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A u.f.o. closely encountered is no longer a u.f.o.
114 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A victory is the greatest tragedy in the world - except a defeat. -Wellington
115 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A watched terminal never prints.
116 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A wise man never tries to warm himself in front of a painting of a fire.
117 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A witty saying means nothing. -Voltaire
118 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke. -Rudyard Kipling
119 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A578 Your FLP overflows into your KBUF.
121 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ablata at alba.
122 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Abortion and suicide are hereditary only if you prevent them.
123 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull About all some parents accomplish in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.
124 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull About all some parents accomplish in life is to send a child to Harvard.
125 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull About the only thing on a farm that has an easy time is the dog.
126 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Absence is better than a cure.
127 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
128 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are worthless.
129 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Accounting software is structured as a set of tools that can be used to build accounting systems.
130 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur; integritas, consonantia, claritas. -Aquinas
131 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Admiration is our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.
132 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull After 24 hours, corpses and guests smell bad.
133 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull After all, a murderer is only an extroverted suicide.
134 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Afternoon very favorable for romance. Try a single person for a change.
135 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Again, and strongly, undress the sheep. It is getting to visitors.
136 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly aurifers.
137 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All dare to write, who can or cannot read. -Horace, `Epistles', Book II
138 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All my men wear badges, or they wear nothing at all.
139 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All of the bridges between our today and our yesteryear have been burnt.
140 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All of these futures having been sold, this fortune appears as a matter of record only.
141 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All syllogisms have three parts; therefore this is not a syllogism.
142 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All that does not glitter is not not-gold.
143 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All the ethics in Hollywood can be rolled up and fit into a gnat's navel.
144 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All the good ones are taken.
145 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All the great men are dead and I'm not feeling too well myself.
146 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All things considered, life is 9-to-5 against.
147 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All things that are, are lights.
148 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All you need to know is in the manual.
149 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Almost all good computer programs contain at least one random-number generator.
150 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always keep a record of data. It indicates you've been working.
151 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always make water when you can. -Wellington
152 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull America's best buy for a dime is a telephone call to the right person.
153 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An Austrian army, awfully arrayed, Boldly by battery besieged Belgrade.
154 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An airplane is in your future.
155 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. - Varese
156 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An asylum for the sane would be empty in America.
157 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An atheist is a man with no invisible means of support.
158 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
159 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.
160 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An idle mind is worth two in the bush.
161 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An oscilloscope is what cavemen used to debug fire. -Jim Veres
162 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction.
163 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull And I alone am returned to wag the tail.
164 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull And malt does more than Milton can/to justify God's ways to man -A.E. Housman
165 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull And so to bed.
166 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Androgyny recapitulates philately.
167 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Another good night not to sleep in a eucalyptus tree.
168 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you don't like.
169 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an *art*. -Chas. McCabe
170 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any country with "democratic" in the title isn't.
171 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise person to be able to sell it.
172 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any man's speeding ticket on the Interstate diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind.
173 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any small object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger object.
174 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.
175 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Clarke
176 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anyone can win, unless there happens to be a second entry.
177 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anyone who buys Wisconsin cheese is a traitor to mankind! -J. Pournelle
178 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anyone who understands my music will never be unhappy again. -L. Van Beethoven
179 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anyone's life is incomplete unless they are, in some smaller or larger way, saving the world.
180 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.
181 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Arabic is a language, Persian is a sweetmeat, and Turkish is an art.
182 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Arabic is a mystery -- love is just a crock.
183 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Are we not men?
184 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Are you kidding?
185 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Are you sure you want a two dimensional array?
186 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Aren't you glad his name wasn't Alexander Graham Klaxon?
187 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Aries -- this is your lucky day!
188 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Art is merely cheese made visible.
189 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Artistic ventures highlighted. Rob a museum.
190 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As above, so below.
191 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As goatherd learns his trade by goat, so writer learns his trade by wrote.
192 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As of Tuesday, C will be flushed in favor of COBOL. Please update all programs.
193 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.
194 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At the feast of souls failure is always the guest of honor.
195 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Attend winter sheep meetings. Learning never ends!
196 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Auribus teneo lupum.
197 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Automating a mess yields an automated mess. -Michael Hammer
198 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ave discordia.
199 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Avoid a hasty decision.
200 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Avoid reality at all costs.
201 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Away put your weapon! I mean you no harm.
202 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull BLISS is ignorance.
203 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bad taste is timeless.
204 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ban the bomb. Save the world for conventional warfare.
205 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bank error in your favor. Collect $200.
206 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Basic is like doing arithmetic with Roman numerals. - MD McIlroy
207 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Be sure to evaluate the bird-hand/bush ratio.
208 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Be the sea, and see me be.
209 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beauty is only sin deep. H H Munro
210 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
211 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beauty times brains equals a constant.
212 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Becoming an overnight success usually takes years.
213 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Been Transferred Lately?
214 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better be right or your big venture goes wrong. -Resistor color code mnemonic
215 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better to have failed your Wasserman than never to have loved at all.
216 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act falls the shadow.
217 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware -- local customs vary. Check with a native before going into the jungle.
218 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie.
219 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware of low-flying butterflies.
220 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware the foot of Nessus!
221 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware: the light at the end of the tunnel may be New Jersey.
222 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beyond a certain point, the whole universe becomes a continuous Initiation.
223 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bigamy is having one spouse too many. Monogamy is the same.
224 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Biggus Diggus wants YOU.
225 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bignose from Winnetka.
226 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blessed St. Leibowitz, let them keep on dreamin' down there...
227 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blessed are the meek for they shall inhibit the earth.
228 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blessed are they who Go Around in Circles, for they Shall be Known as Wheels.
229 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bosses never realize that a bottle neck is always at the top.
230 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bourne again.
231 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Brain fried -- core dumped
232 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Brashith Alhim
233 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bring your wife or husband and pink slip for the best trade-in deal in town.
234 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bubble bubble, toil and trouble; cast that float into a double.
235 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Buick offers inbred american quality. -TV ad
236 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Build a better mousetrap, and nature will build a better mouse.
237 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Build it so that even a fool can use it, and only a fool will want to use it.
238 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bus error -- core dumped
239 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But he who kisses the joy as it flies/Lives in Eternity's sunrise. -Wm. Blake
240 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything. -Wm. Blake
241 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But you'll never become a haven't got the vocation!
242 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But, Siriusly...
243 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
244 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull By omnibus I traveled to Brooklyn.
245 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull By the pricking of my thumbs,/Something wicked this way comes.
246 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C'est CHouette. Swiss bumper sticker
247 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C'est dommage, mais c'est vrai.
248 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas Unix. -Henry Spencer
249 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull CB is a great place to work. There are so many good going away parties.
250 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull CB is a many gendered thing.
251 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull California is a fine place to live if you happen to be an orange. - Fred Allen
252 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Campus Crusade for Cthulhu -- It found me.
253 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Can all this just be an accident? Or could there be some alien intelligence behind it?
254 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Can tomorrow be more than just the end of today?
255 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cannot fork -- try again.
256 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Capitalism is indeed obsessed with money, but Marxism is obsessed with Marxism.
257 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Captain Clark welcomes you aboard.
258 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Caught in --More-- loop.
259 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Caution -- be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.
260 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Caution: Do not view laser light with remaining eye.
261 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Caution: breathing may be hazardous to your health.
262 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Celebrate Hannibal Day this year. Take an elephant to lunch.
263 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Celibacy is not hereditary.
264 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Center 1127 -- It's not just a job, it's an adventure!
265 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Center meeting at 4pm in 2C-543
266 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Centran manuals are available in 2B-515.
267 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Charlie don't surf.
268 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Children are hereditary: if your parents didn't have any, neither will you.
269 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
270 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Club sandwiches, not baby seals.
271 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cocaine is nature's way of saying you make too much money.
272 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cogito Ergo Spud.
273 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum.
274 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
275 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Communication is only possible between equals.
276 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
277 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Consistency is always easier to defend than correctness.
278 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Constants aren't. Variables don't. LISP does. Functions won't. Bytes do.
279 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Contains no kung fu, car chases or decapitations.
280 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Continental Life. Why do you ask?
281 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Convictions cause convicts -- what you believe imprisons you.
282 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Core Error - Bus Dumped
283 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Could not open 2147478952 framebuffers.
284 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Courage is something you can never totally own or totally lose.
285 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cowards die many times before their deaths;/The valiant never taste of death but once.
286 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Crazee Edeee, his prices are INSANE!!!
287 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Creativity is no substitute for knowing what you are doing.
288 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Creditors have much better memories than debtors.
289 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves. -Brendan Behan
290 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cthulhu Saves! ... in case He's hungry later.
291 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dames is like streetcars -- The oceans is full of 'em. -Archie Bunker
292 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dames lie about anything - just for practice. -Raymond Chandler
293 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Damn it, i gotta get outta here!
294 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dangerous knowledge is a little thing.
295 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Data potato, du wop du wop.
296 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Day of inquiry. You will be subpoenaed.
297 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull De minimis non curat lex.
298 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
299 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Death to all fanatics!
300 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Deep down, we all need that escape velocity. -Steven Spielberg.
301 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.
302 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Department meeting in 3 minutes.
303 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won't see his face.
304 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Der Herrgott wurfelt nicht. -A. Einstein
305 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Did you know ... that no-one ever reads these things?
306 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Did you know that clones never use mirrors?
307 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Die ich rief, die Geister, / Werd ich nun nicht los.
308 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Die: to stop sinning suddenly.
309 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dieux! Un monstre hideux. En hurlant. Nous poursuit.
310 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock.
311 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Disco delenda est.
312 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Disk crisis, please clean up!
313 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Disobedience was Man's Original Virtue. -Oscar Wilde.
314 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Distrust yourself, and sleep before you fight. 'Tis not too late tomorrow to be brave. - J. Armstrong.
315 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ditat Deus.
316 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them.
317 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not clog intellect's sluices with bits of knowledge of questionable uses.
318 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not confuse boredom with security.
319 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not confuse effort with work.
320 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not drink coffee in early A.M. It will keep you awake until noon.
321 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not go gentle into that good night/Rage, rage against the dying of the light
322 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not meddle in the affairs of troff; it is subtle and quick to anger.
323 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards: it makes them soggy and hard to light.
324 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards: they are subtle and quick to anger.
325 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not meddle in the mouth.
326 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not sleep in a eucalyptus tree tonight.
327 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out if it alive.
328 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not throw butts in the urinal: it makes them soggy and hard to light.
329 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not throw butts in the urinal: they are subtle and quick to anger.
330 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not underestimate the power of the Force.
331 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not use the blue keys on this terminal.
332 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do something unusual today. Pay a bill.
333 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do what comes naturally now. Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.
334 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
335 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does George know what he's got here? -Steven Spielberg.
336 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so make it so? -Wm. Blake
337 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does the early bird enjoy the worm as much as the late bird enjoys the sleep?
338 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't be overly suspicious where it's not warranted.
339 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.
340 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease.
341 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't commute, communicate.
342 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't conscience-stricken before they're hatched.
343 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't eat yellow snow.
344 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't feed the bats tonight.
345 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't force it, use a bigger hammer.
346 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't forget to run "make depend"
347 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't get mad, make book.
348 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't go surfing in South Dakota for a while.
349 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.
350 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't kiss an elephant on the lips today.
351 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't let your thoughts get in a rut. The knife which spreads may also cut.
352 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't lie if you don't have to. -Leo Szilard
353 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't look back -- something may be gaining on you. -Satchel Paige.
354 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't play games with me. You weren't on any mercy mission this time.
355 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't put a loaded rifle on the stage unless someone intends to fire it.
356 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't rely on your nose -- TEST ATMOSPHERE!
357 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't speak about Time, until you have spoken to him.
358 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't tell any big lies today. Small ones can be just as effective.
359 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't try to have the last word. You might get it.
360 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't try to out-weird me, I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal.
361 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't type so hard.
362 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't vote -- it only encourages them.
363 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't worry -- dat mine, it can't hurt us -- it's one of ours. -Eccles
364 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't worry if it doesn't work right; if everything did, you'd be out of a job.
365 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't worry, it's not loaded.
366 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't worry, they couldn't hit an elephant at this dist
367 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't you feel more like you do now than you did when you came in?
368 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
369 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Down with categorical imperative!
370 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dreams are free, but there's a small charge for alterations.
371 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dreams are free, but you get soaked on the connect time.
372 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drive defensively, buy a tank.
373 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ducking for apples. Change one letter and it's the story of my life. _ Dorothy Parker
374 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dump time is unreasonable
375 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull During 1986, UNIX will dominate the low end. J. Scanlon
376 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dyslexics of the world, untie!
377 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull E Pluribus Unix.
378 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull E Unibus Plurum.
379 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull E pur si muove.
380 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ERROR CREEPOUT HAS BEGUN
381 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull EVACUATION ROUTE ---->
382 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Each man's death diminishes me for I am involved in Humanity. -John Donne
383 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Easy for you to type, I have to do all the work.
384 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eat snart foobs. -Unknown Jerome
385 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Economic analysts say that while the economy may be slowing, it is not fizzling out.
386 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Edinburgh is the Reykjavik of the South.
387 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ego sum ens omnipotens.
388 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eileen L. Behr has translated her skill in public speaking into a successful career selling capacitors.
389 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Either I'm dead or my watch has stopped. -Groucho Marx' last words
390 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Either we are alone or we are not. Either way is mind-boggling.
391 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eleemosynary deeds have their incipience intramurally.
392 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull English is a stretch language; one size fits all. -W. Safire
393 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eschew the implement of correction and vitiate the scion.
394 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Espanol tiene demasiada mucha grammatica.
395 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even a cabbage may look at a king.
396 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.
397 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even if I could be Shakespeare, I think I should still choose to be Faraday. - A. Huxley
398 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even paranoia can sometimes be taken to extremes.
399 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion.
400 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the simplest solution is bound to have something wrong with it.
401 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark.
402 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the thousand-zloty note can't tapdance.
403 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even these days, it's not as easy to go crazy as you think.
404 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ever see what ratfor does on a syntax error in a for loop?
405 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ever wake up feeling like a null pointer? -Allan Pratt
406 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.
407 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every cloud has a silver lining; you should have sold it, and bought titanium.
408 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every day, thousands of housewives pick up speed.
409 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every excess becomes a vice.
410 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every good subversive does it for fun. -Rich Rosen
411 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every law creates a whole new criminal class overnight.
412 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own.
413 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every purchase has its price.
414 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every solution breeds new problems.
415 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every time you make something foolproof, along comes a better class of fool.
416 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everybody should believe in something -- I believe I'll have another drink.
417 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything breaks down.
418 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything east of the San Andreas Fault will eventually plunge into the ocean.
419 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything is funny so long as it is happening to someone else. -Will Rogers
420 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. - A. Einstein
421 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything takes longer than you think.
422 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything you know is wrong.
423 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything's been said before, but nobody's listening, so keep repeating.
424 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ewige Blumenkraft.
425 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Excellent day for drinking heavily. Spike the office water cooler.
426 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Excellent day to have a rotten day.
427 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Excellent time to become a missing person.
428 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Executive ability is in your make-up.
429 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Exercise is the Yuppie version of bulemia.
430 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Exhibition will continue to decline and ultimately lead to other sources of entertainment.
431 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.
432 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Expected arrival date is presently unknown. -Dave Kristol
433 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Experience varies directly with the equipment ruined.
434 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Explicit liber viri elephantini.
435 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull External Security:
436 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull FORTRAN 8X combines the simplicity of PL/I and the parsimony of ADA. -S Feldman
437 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fact without theory is trivia, theory without fact is bullshit.
438 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Facta, non verba -- et verbum caro factus est.
439 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Facta, non verba.
440 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fairness? Decency? How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping people?
441 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Far duller than a serpent's tooth it is to spend a quiet youth.
442 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Far too noisy, my dear Mozart. Far too many notes. -Emperor Ferdinand.
443 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Favor negative lobes.
444 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fear is failure and the forerunner of failure.
445 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fear not, the end of the world isn't until next week.
446 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
447 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fiat lux.
448 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fiat voluntas tua.
449 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fill what's empty; empty what's full; scratch where it itches. -Alice Roosevelt Longworth
450 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Find the enemy and shoot him down; everything else is rubbish. -M. von Richthofen
451 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fine day to throw a party. Throw him as far as you can.
452 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fine day to work off excess energy. Steal something heavy.
453 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.
454 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull First things first. Why not send for the Nazis right now.
455 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a congressperson can.
456 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Flee at once, all is discovered.
457 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Flight 23 is down in the Bermuda Triangle.
458 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Florida is the "flea and tick capital of America."
459 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fnord.
460 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For a good time, call 8367-3100.
461 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.
462 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For me, UNIX is a way of being. -Armando P. Stettner
463 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For people who like that kind of book, that is the kind of book they will like.
464 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Forget it,'s Chinatown.
465 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
466 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fortis fortuna adiuvat. - Terence
467 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fortran est; non potest legi.
468 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fortunate are they who can laugh at themselves; they will never want for amusement.
469 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fortune, good night, smile once more, turn thy wheel! - King Lear II.ii.180
470 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fortunes ... come tumbling into some men's laps. - Francis Bacon.
471 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Frankly, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.
472 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Freedom is the right to be our own potty little selves. -G. K. Chesterton
473 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Freedom of incrustations of grime is contiguous with rectitude.
474 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
475 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
476 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull From EXPLMY: Serious internal error, check the error code in the documentation of VRFYMY.
477 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Future looks spotty. You will spill soup in late evening.
478 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gaffer's tape, like The Force, has a light and a dark side and binds the universe together.
479 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gallium Arsenide is the material of the future and it always will be.
480 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Generalizations are useful. The work contained in them can be reckoned as labor and therefore can create value. -G.W. Hegel
481 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals.
482 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Genius is the talent of a person who is dead.
483 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gentlemen, you can't fight here. This is the war room.
484 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Get your boots on, 'cause we're gunna go in DEEP!
485 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Give me a rock, paper and scissors and I will move the world. CCFestoon
486 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Give me a sleeping pill and tell me your troubles.
487 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Give your child mental blocks for Christmas.
488 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Given enough inside information and unlimited credit, you've got to go broke.
489 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
490 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Go out and see what the real world has to offer -Gerry Todd
491 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Go suck on an infinite tube.
492 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God does not play dice.
493 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God gives us relatives; thank goodness we can choose our friends.
494 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God is in the rock too -- in the rock!
495 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God isn't dead, he just couldn't find a parking place.
496 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God made the integers; all else is the work of Man.
497 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God not only plays dice with the universe, He loads the dice too.
498 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gods! A hideous beast, baying is pursuing us!
499 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Golden lads and girls all must,/Like chimney sweepers, come to dust.
500 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good Americans, when they die, go to Paris. - Thomas Appleton.
501 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good Rule: Don't put anything in your mouth labeled "HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED"
502 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day for a change of scene. Repaper the bedroom wall.
503 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day for flaming at floyd!trb.
504 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day for overcoming obstacles. Try a steeplechase.
505 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
506 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day to do the unexpected: write some documentation.
507 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day to let down old friends who need help.
508 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good day to write a purchase requisition for a 747.
509 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good fish get dull but sex is always fun. -- Mehinaku proverb
510 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good health is just the slowest, most lingering way of dying.
511 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good intentions don't mean anything unless they can deliver.
512 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good manners and bad breath get you nowhere
513 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good news. Ten weeks from Friday will be a pretty good day.
514 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gort! Klaatu barada...uh...uh...
515 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Government expands to absorb all available revenue and then some.
516 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Government is just Anarchy's way of making more anarchy.
517 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Graecum est; non potest legi.
518 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Great shot, kid. That was one in a million.
519 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Great warrior? Heh-heh-heh. Wars do not make one great.
520 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Green light in A.M. for new projects. Red light in P.M. for traffic tickets.
521 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Growth itself becomes the only moral end. -John Dewey
522 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Guns don't kill detectives -- love does.
523 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ha! You killed my husband, Sam. Be kind to me.
524 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Had Cleopatra's nose been shorter, the whole history of the world would have been different. - Pascal
525 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hail to the sun god/He sure is a fun god/Ra! Ra! Ra!
526 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Half Moon tonight. (At least it's better than no Moon at all.)
527 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hang by your pseudopod, write if you find a warm rich planet ripe for conquest.
528 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hang in there, hammock-nose.
529 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hangover is the wrath of the grapes.
530 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Have a nice diurnal anomaly.
531 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Have you done your Christmas chopping yet? -anon. White House Advisor 12/24/81
532 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Have you hugged my T-shirt today?
533 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He can't think without his hat.
534 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He cried at all his own weddings, and with reason.
535 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He gave her a look that you could have poured on a waffle.
536 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.
537 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishap.
538 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.
539 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He looked at me as if I was a side dish he hadn't ordered.
540 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He missed an invaluable opportunity to hold his tongue.
541 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He serves the state best who opposes it most. -Thoreau
542 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He that laugheth in the face of death haveth the last laugh.
543 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He thinks by infection, catching an opinion like a cold.
544 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He was al coltissh, ful of ragerye,/And ful of jargon as a flekke pye. -Chaucer
545 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes.
546 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who binds himself to a joy/Does the winged life destroy. -Wm. Blake
547 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who has a shady past knows that nice guys finish last.
548 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.
549 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who has science and art has religion. -Goethe
550 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who hesitates is last.
551 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who hesitates is scrap metal.
552 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who hesitates is sometimes saved.
553 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who invents adages for others to peruse takes along rowboat when going on cruise.
554 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who keeps his nose to the grindstone, has a flat face.
555 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who laughs last is a little slow on the uptake.
556 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who laughs, lasts.
557 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who listens last is the last one listening.
558 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. -H.S. Thompson
559 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who spends a storm beneath a tree, takes life with a grain of TNT.
560 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who trains his tongue to quote from learned sages will be known far and wide as a smartass.
561 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who wears belt and suspenders needs tighter belt.
562 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Help a swallow land at Capistrano.
563 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Help conquer the IQ shortage: worry less and think more.
564 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Help me, i'm a prisoner in a chinese computer terminal!
565 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hey, I've got it -- let's put on a show!
566 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hi, this is Ken. What's the root password?
567 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hindsight is an exact science.
568 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull His heart was yours from the first moment that you met.
569 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine.
570 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull History is a race between education and catastrophe. -H. G. Wells
571 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hit space to start
572 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hodie tempum scriptire in Latinum non habeo. Cras epistlum submissibo.
573 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
574 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Home is where / is.
575 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Honi soit la vache qui rit.
576 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hop before you skip.
577 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.
578 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the chapters involving quantum mechanics.
579 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can I take an interest in my work when I don't like it?
580 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can you work when the system's so crowded?
581 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How did the Universe manage to go bang in such an unreasonable way? -PCW Davies
582 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How do I love thee? Hand me my calculator...
583 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How is it far, if you can think of it?
584 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How long you live has nothing to do with how long you are going to be dead.
585 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How sharper than a child's tooth it is to have a thankless serpent.
586 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.
587 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How the elephant got into my pyjamas I'll never know. -Marx, Animal Crackers
588 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How wonderful opera would be if there were no singers.
589 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How you look depends on where you go.
590 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Human beings are the only animals of which I am thoroughly and cravenly afraid.
591 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Human kind cannot bear very much reality. -T.S. Eliot
592 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
593 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hypothesize and test.
594 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am Magnus. You are registered in my memory banks...
595 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am a high-pressure guy, and I didn't take this job to conduct a going-out-of-business sale. - A.A. Penzias
596 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am free of the wheel of Maya; I am dead to the dance of life.
597 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am large; I contain multitudes.
598 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am the Supreme Being. I'm not entirely dim.
599 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am the beast, I am the Word of the Aeon...I am a hell of a Holy Guru.
600 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am the wandering glitch -- catch me if you can.
601 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can call spirits from the vasty deep./Why, so can I, or so can any man.
602 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can resist everything except temptation. -Oscar Wilde.
603 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can't decide whether to throw you overboard or just change the way you look.
604 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
605 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I contradict myself? Very well, then: I contradict myself. I am large.
606 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I dinna believe she'll hold up much longer, Captin.
607 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I do not sketch or design a work, I merely begin. -Joan Miro
608 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't even know what street Canada is on. - Al Capone
609 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't have a moral plan... I'm a Canadian. -David Cronenberg
610 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't like to walk, and I don't like to paddle. -James Watt
611 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't love you any more since you ate my dog.
612 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't mind your thinking slowly; i mind your publishing faster than you think. -W. Pauli
613 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I give presents to the mother, but I think of the daughter.
614 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hate programs that chdir on you - Boyd Roberts
615 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have 36 rolls of 5247 for our use in the laser fridge...
616 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have NEVER written a program in C! Narain Gehani
617 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats; I tell them the truth and they never believe me. -Cavour
618 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have everything we will need.
619 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have never let my schooling interfere with my educations.
620 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry as I need it. -Cage
621 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion.
622 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I haven't lost my mind. I've got it backed up on tape somewhere.
623 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hope that there are sour apples in every bushel.
624 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I kissed my first cigarette on the herpolhode lying in the invariable plane.
625 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I kissed my first cigarette on the stage unless someone intends to fire it.
626 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I kissed my first lady and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I have never had time for tobacco since. -Arturo Toscanini
627 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I know nothing. -Ken Thompson
628 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I know the difference between real-real and drug-real.
629 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I like user-hostile ignorance-based amateur systems.
630 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
631 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I love Pascal ... I'm also into leather.
632 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
633 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I love you.
634 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I must have slipped a disk; my pack hurts.
635 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I never dringk ... wine. -Bela Lugosi
636 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I never refuse. I never contradict. I sometimes forget. -Disraeli
637 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I knew it was coming and I still felt as if I'd swallowed a snowcone whole.
638 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I regard an original error as better than a borrowed truth. -Merton.
639 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I regard an original error as better than no Moon at all.
640 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I see no login here!
641 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I see only darkness in the crystal ball
642 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I sense something -- a presence I haven't felt since....
643 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I taught him everything he knows. Now he knows more. -Randal L. Schwartz
644 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I thank you from the heart of my bottom.
645 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think Isaac Newton is doing most of the driving right now.
646 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think my spaceship knows which way to go.
647 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think that I shall never see a billboard as lovely as a tree. -Ogden Nash
648 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think; therefore I am confused.
649 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I was just going to call you.
650 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I will not suffer fools gladly, but I will gladly make fools suffer. -Bimmler
651 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wish I had time to explain dimensional transcendentalism -Dr. Who
652 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wish you humans would leave me alone.
653 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wonder what will happen if I touch these two wires together.
654 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I would be perfectly happy being Kepler, [but] I have been Kepler many times over.-B. Mandelbrot
655 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wouldn't let a knight out on a dog like this!
656 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wouldn't marry her to a ten foot Pole.
657 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wouldn't marry him with a ten foot pole.
658 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
659 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy. -Martin Mull
660 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd rather have my mail delivered by Lockheed than ride in a plane built by the Post Office.
661 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'll eat it if I'm wrong. I mean a potato. - Danny Sleator
662 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'll produce anything that gets high ratings. -Anonymous NBC official
663 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'll smoke when the pope's wife takes the pill.
664 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm a Hollywood writer; so I put on a sports jacket and take off my brain.
665 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm free -- and freedom tastes of reality.
666 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.
667 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm prepared for all emergencies but totally unprepared for everyday life.
668 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.
669 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm sorry, but I've made other plans.
670 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've done this before and never had any trouble.
671 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've got a ferret sticking up my nose.
672 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ICIKL: DO I = 1 /* BY +1 FELTETELEZESEVEL */ TO 2*N;
673 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull IOT trap -- core dumped
674 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull IOT trap -- core melted
675 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If A=B and B=C, then A=C, except where void or prohibited by law. -Roy Santoro
676 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If Congress must do a painful thing, it must be done in an odd-numbered year.
677 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God could perform the tricks we do, He'd be a happy man.
678 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God had meant Texans to ski, he would have made bullshit white.
679 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God had wanted you to go around nude, He would have given you bigger hands.
680 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God is perfect, why did He create discontinuous functions?
681 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God lived on Earth, people would knock out all His windows.
682 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God meant for Texans to ski, He would have made them a mountain.
683 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If God wanted us to have a President, He would have sent us a candidate.
684 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I could remember the names of all these particles I would have been a botanist. -- Enrico Fermi
685 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith. -Albert Einstein
686 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I had to choose between System V and 4.2, I'd resign. - Peter Honeyman
687 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell.
688 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, it's safe to surf this beach.
689 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I should return in my absence, kindly detain me until I get back.
690 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I wanted your opinion, I'd tell it to you. -Samuel Goldwyn
691 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If Lincoln were alive today he would be spinning in his grave. -G. Ford
692 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If MS/DOS is the only operating system you're ever going to use, then the procedure is simple
693 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a thousand people say a foolish thing, it remains a foolish thing.
694 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
695 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If anything can go wrong, it will.
696 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If at first you don't succeed, quit; don't be a nut about success.
697 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If at first you succeed, try to hide your astonishment.
698 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If bankers can count, why do they have eight windows and only four tellers?
699 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If butterflies had teeth like tigers they would never make it out of the hangar.
700 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If double-bubble inflation did occur, then the shadow world is exponentially uninteresting.
701 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If ever I utter an oath again may my soul be blasted to eternal damnation.
702 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
703 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If ignorance were cornflakes, you'd be General Mills.
704 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
705 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it doesn't matter, it does not matter.
706 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it happens, it must be possible.
707 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it isn't like TECO, it's not worth using. -Rae McLellan
708 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it pours before seven, it has rained by eleven.
709 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it were dangerous they would post a sign...
710 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's boring, turn it off.
711 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's gratitude you want, get a dog. -P. T. Barnum
712 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's not broken, don't fix it.
713 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing well.
714 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's worth doing well, it's worth doing.
715 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If more is better then too much is just enough.
716 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If music be the breakfast food of love, kindly do not disturb until lunch time.
717 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If some day it should happen that a victim must be found, I've got a little list, I've got a little list.
718 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the "medium is the message" then the message of low-bandwidth timesharing is "blah". -- Alan Kay
719 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the check is truly in the mail, it is surely made out to someone else.
720 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the coin is heads up don't pick it up.
721 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the experiment works, you must be using the wrong equipment.
722 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the facts do not support the theory, they must be disposed of.
723 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the government doesn't trust the people, why doesn't it elect a new people?
724 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the shoe fits, buy the other one, too.
725 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If there are any resources you need to get this job done, just let us know.
726 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex? -Art Hoppe
727 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If they gave me a goldfish, I would cook it. -Feng Jicai
728 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If time heals all wounds, how come the belly button stays the same?
729 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If voting could change the system, it would be against the law.
730 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If we turn on the lights fast enough, we'll see what the dark looks like.
731 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If we'd all been living in California, we wouldn't have worked at ALL.
732 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you ask how much it is, you can't afford it.
733 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can't find enough radiation at Ralph's, you can probably do without it.
734 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can't stand the heat, remove your clothing!
735 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you cannot convince them, confuse them. -Harry S. Truman
736 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.
737 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't care where you are, then you ain't lost.
738 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't insist on correct answers, I can make it run as fast as you want.
739 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter how you get there.
740 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.
741 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't pay attention to every little detail, you miss most of the jokes.
742 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
743 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you grab the bull by the horns, feathers will fly.
744 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have to lie to someone, it's their fault.
745 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have to think twice about it, you're wrong.
746 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have to travel on the Titanic, why not go first class?
747 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you know high class quality merchandise, you know this is CHEAP!
748 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you start now you might finish on time.
749 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you suspect a man, don't employ him.
750 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you take the last cup, make a new pot.
751 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you take the last pot, make a new cup.
752 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you think before you speak the other guy gets his joke in first.
753 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you think big enough, you'll never have to do it.
754 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you think it's hard going to the moon, you should try staying home.
755 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you think last Tuesday was a drag, wait till you see what happens tomorrow!
756 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you want to go somewhere, goto is the best way to get there. K Thompson
757 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you want to have clean ideas, change them like shirts.
758 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you were able to count up to infinity I'll bet you would never get over it.
759 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're asked to join a parade, don't march behind the elephants.
760 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're feeling good, don't worry. You'll get over it.
761 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're not apprehensive then you don't understand the situation.
762 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
763 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment. - E. Rutherford
764 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ignore alien orders.
765 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ignore previous fortune.
766 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ignore the fatal errors. It's O.K.
767 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Il faut cultiver son jardins. -Voltaire
768 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Illegal Arbitrator - Line 23
769 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Illegitimi non carborundum.
770 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Immanuel Kant but Kubla Khan.
771 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In Africa the tusks are too firmly rooted, but in Alabama the Tuscaloosa.
772 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In addition to a yes and a no, the universe contains a maybe. -D. Finkelstein
773 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In an evolving universe, who stands still moves backwards.
774 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In any society, the correct pronunciation is the dialect that has an army.
775 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In case of fire, stand in the hall and shout "Fire!".
776 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In challenging a kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient.
777 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In communism Man exploits Man. In capitalism it's the other way around.
778 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In comparison with the ancients, we stand like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants. -Bernard of Chartres
779 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
780 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In marriage, as in war, it is permitted to take every advantage of the enemy.
781 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In nature there is immediate adjustment but no compulsion. -Chuang Chou
782 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In order to make an omelette, you have to break a few cooks.
783 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In rebus mathematicis errores quam minimi non sunt contemnendi.
784 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the Unix tradition, vi is intended to be a small tool that does one thing well.
785 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the future, all programmers will be able to use malloc.
786 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the land of the blind the one-eyed man can see across the road and prove it.
787 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
788 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the land of the one-eyed men, the blind have to wear glasses.
789 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In this world, truth can wait; she's used to it.
790 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Incest, like charity, begins at home.
791 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Insanity is always the best defense against boredom.
792 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out. -N. Wirth
793 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Intermittent resolutions lack potency. -Robert Silverberg
794 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Into each life a little fallout must rain. -Baba Rebop
795 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It got to a point where I had to get a haircut or a violin. -F.D.Roosevelt
796 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is a poor judge who cannot award a prize.
797 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
798 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is a very sad thing nowadays that there is so little useless information.
799 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is absurd to deny the role of fantasy in even the strictest science. -Lenin
800 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is bad luck to be superstitious. -Andrew W. Mathis
801 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to have loved and lost -- much better.
802 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to have loved and lost than just to have lost.
803 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to kiss an avocado than to get in a fight with an aardvark.
804 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness, except at the Browns Ferry reactor.
805 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. -Milton
806 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is better to wear out than to rust out.
807 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
808 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is far better to vote for a loser than to elect one.
809 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is far better to vote for a loser than to elect?
810 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is fruitless to become lachrymal over precipitately departed lacteal fluid.
811 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is hard to sit with the turkeys when you soar with the eagles.
812 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
813 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is the business of the future to be dangerous. -Hawkwind
814 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is the wise bird who builds her nest in a tree.
815 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is useless to put on your brakes when you're upside down. -Paul Newman
816 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It seems like the less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag.
817 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It seems to make an auto driver mad if he misses you.
818 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It steam-engines when it becomes steam-engine time. -Charles Fort
819 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It takes approximately two minutes to reposition the continents from one geological era to another.
820 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better dead.
821 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It works better if you plug it in.
822 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It would appear that even BTL employees put their pants on one leg at a time.
823 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It would be wise to cut expectations in half.
824 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's 5 o'clock. Do you know where your files are?
825 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's Your Environment -- Use It Up!
826 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a hardware problem.
827 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a sad woman who buys her own perfume.
828 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a small world, but I'd hate to have to paint it.
829 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a software problem.
830 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a useless but absolutely vital precaution.
831 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's an empty head that wears a hairpiece. - Pauline Kael
832 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's business doing pleasure with you.
833 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's clever, but is it art?
834 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's deja vu all over again.
835 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's difficult to explain Kleenex to an aborigine.
836 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's earlier than you think.
837 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's funny how they work so well, even when they're not appropriate.
838 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's hard to be humble when you're perfect.
839 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's hard to be mellow when you bite your nails.
840 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's hard to be mellow when you can't stand up.
841 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's hard to love someone who looks down on you because your hands get bloody protecting him.
842 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's just a silly native superstition.
843 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's later than you think.
844 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's lonely at the top, but it's lonelier at the bottom.
845 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
846 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland, either. -Boston Mayor Kevin White
847 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not a car, it's a Volkswagen.
848 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not cool enough for the eighties.
849 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not easy to play the clown when you've got to run the whole circus.
850 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not my fault -- it's a mechanical problem!
851 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not my fault!
852 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things.
853 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not reality that's important, it's how you perceive things.
854 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not the time between the takes that takes the time - it's changing your mind between the takes that takes the time. -Stage Dept.
855 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not the time it takes to take the takes that takes the time, it's the time it takes between the takes that takes the time. -S. Spielberg
856 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not the years, it's the mileage.
857 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's only a game!
858 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's simple, clean, it works, and you can get it right now. -Mike O'Dell
859 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's some kind of instinct...This was an important place in their lives.
860 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's the law: Use a pun, go to prism (for minor refractions of the law only!)
861 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's the thought, if any, that counts! -Dick Grantges
862 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's time to gearshift up from the crawl we've been in to a full trot. - Jack Scanlon
863 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's worse than being at the theatre.
864 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday -- but never jam today.
865 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Jesus Rodrigues has a 9-inch duck.
866 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Jesus saves, Moses invests, the Mongol Hoards, but only Buddha pays dividends.
867 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Join me and I will complete your training.
868 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you're at it.
869 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Just be glad you don't get all the government you pay for. -Will Rogers
870 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
871 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Justice for the poor is much less popular than revenge on the rich.
872 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep emotionally active. Cater to your favorite neurosis.
873 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ken Thompson can't beat Belle. So what? How fast can Seymour Cray add?
874 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kids are always the only future the human race has. -William Saroyan
875 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kill ugly radio!
876 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Klaatu barada nikto.
877 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kleeneliness is next to Goedeliness.
878 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Label on a bottle of pills: "Do not take these pills if this label is missing"
879 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lack of leadership is no substitute for inaction.
880 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lando's not a system, he's a man. He's a gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him.
881 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Language is a virus from outer space. -William Burroughs.
882 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Language is all that separates us from the lower animals and the bureaucrats.
883 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Last login: Sat Aug 10 09:22:14 on ttym0
884 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone.
885 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Laugh, and the world ignores you. Crying doesn't help either.
886 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, `Hold, enough!'
887 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Leadership means taxes.
888 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lest men suspect your tale untrue,/Keep probability in view. -John Gay (1727)
889 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.
890 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let him who takes the Plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
891 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let no one unskilled in geometry enter here. -Plato
892 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let not the sands of time get in your lunch.
893 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let sleeping wraiths lie.
894 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's just take this shortcut across this field. That bull doesn't see us.
895 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's look at the record. -Al Smith
896 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Li'l dollink, always fetful.
897 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Liar: One who tells an unpleasant truth.
898 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is a game: whoever dies with the most toys wins.
899 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is a giant shell and we're just processes.
900 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is a mystery -- love is a dancer.
901 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is a yo-yo, and mankind ties knots in the string.
902 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is hard but unjust.
903 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is just a bowl.
904 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is not for everyone. -M. O'Donoghue
905 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
906 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Like winter snow on summer lawn, time past is time gone.
907 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Little girls have pretty curls, but I like Oreos.
908 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Little things come in small packages.
909 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Live forever, or die trying.
910 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Live long and perspire.
911 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Living in the past has one thing in its favour - it's cheaper.
912 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Load average too high now (11.358253), please try later
913 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Local disks are our FORTRAN. -Warren Teitelman
914 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Long computations which yield 0 (zero) are probably all for naught.
915 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Longevity is an optimist's heaven and a pessimist's hell.
916 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look after the molehills and the mountains will look after themselves.
917 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look on my works, oh ye mighty, and giggle.
918 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lord? We don't have no lord. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
919 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lose a few, lose a few.
920 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Losing your servo track is just God's way of saying `BOOGA, BOOGA!'
921 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.
922 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love is a many gendered thing.
923 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love is in the offing, said the homicidal maniac.
924 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love is only love, but money is forever.
925 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love the sea? I dote upon it - from the beach.
926 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love, and do what thou wilt.
927 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Luchamos contra el Wombat, otra enemigo de la humanidad. -Frente Wombato de Liberacion Nacional
928 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Luke, don't give in to hate. That leads to the dark side.
929 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull MOUNT TAPE U1439 ON B3, NO RING
930 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Machne oprating at olny tn prcnt eficiency.
931 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Macro context switch under way, please do not log out!
932 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make War, not Love: killing is fun too. -Nicholas von Hoffman
933 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make a list of all the facts you know about the universe.
934 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make is like Pascal: everybody likes it, so they go in and change it. -DM Ritchie
935 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make use of whatever advanced technology is available
936 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.
937 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Making outside money using our computers has resulted in suspension.
938 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Making sense makes more sense than not making sense. -T. Duff
939 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Male tyrannosaurs may have used their diminutive front legs to titillate female partners, but this will not explain why they got so small. - Gould and Lewontin
940 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man cannot live by bread alone: frequently, there must be beverage, too.
941 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man cannot live by bread alone; he needs a little peanut butter on it.
942 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man has created death. -William Butler Yeats
943 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man is in doubt to deem himself a god or beast. -Alexander Pope
944 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man is in session.
945 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man who falls in vat of molten optical glass makes spectacle of self.
946 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man's horizons are bounded by his vision.
947 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many are called, few are chosen. Fewer still get to do the choosing.
948 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many are called, few volunteer.
949 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many are cold, but few are frozen.
950 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many pages make a thick book.
951 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Marriage is a ghastly public confession of a strictly private intention.
952 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Marriage is an attempt to change a night owl into a homing pigeon.
953 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Masterpieces make their own rules.
954 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull May I have a large container of coffee?
955 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull May the bluebird of happiness twiddle your bits.
956 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull May you live all the days of your life.
957 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull May your rolling stone always grow grass that is greener underneath.
958 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Maybe I should have screwed up. - Ken Thompson
959 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mcc may be slow and generate bad code, but it took a long time to develop.
960 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Medeis ageometretos eisito mou ten stegen. -Plato
961 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Members of an avian species of identical plumage congregate.
962 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. -Dorothy Parker.
963 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Men seldom show dimples to girls who have pimples.
964 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Message will arrive in the mail. Destroy, before the FBI sees it.
965 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Micronics makes it simple.
966 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Might as well be frank, monsieur. It would take a miracle to get you out of Casablanca.
967 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Military justice is to justice as military music is to music. -Clemenceau
968 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Military music is to music as military intelligence is to intelligence
969 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mind your own business, Spock. I'm sick of your halfbreed interference.
970 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
971 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Misfortunes arrive on wings and leave on foot.
972 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mistakes are oft the stepping stones to failure.
973 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money cannot buy happiness, but happiness will not buy groceries.
974 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money is a terrible thing to follow but a charming thing to meet.
975 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money is the root of all evil, and man needs roots.
976 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money may buy friendship but money can not buy love.
977 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money will say more in one moment than the most eloquent lover can in years.
978 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope/The Lord's anointed temple. -MacBeth
979 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Most users are within a 10 mile radius.
980 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mr. President! We cannot allow ... a MINE-SHAFT GAP!
981 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi.
982 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Multilevel standards are like onions. They're smelly and make you cry a lot. -Ron Natalie
983 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My broker is E. F. Hutton, and E. F. Hutton says...
984 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My karma just ran over your dogma.
985 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My program is so jammed with clever tricks - GJ Holzmann
986 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My way of joking is to tell the truth; it's the funniest joke in the world.
987 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NOT NOT NOT ALLOWED
988 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Naked is the best disguise.
989 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull National security is the chief cause of national insecurity.
990 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Need a personal problem? Get a personal computer. - C. P. Killian
991 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Neither a borrower nor a lender be/For loan oft loses both itself and friend.
992 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nembutal numbs it all, but I prefer alcohol. -Strummer/Jones
993 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Netnews is someone yelling "Anybody wanna buy a used car?" in a crowded theater.
994 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never argue with a fool -- people might not know the difference.
995 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never attribute to malice what can be found in scientific american, under computer recreations.
996 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never buy a case of wine with eleven bottles.
997 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
998 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never eat anything bigger than your head.
999 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never eat in a restaurant that rotates or is above the 10th floor.
1000 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never eat rutabaga on any day of the week that has a "y" in it.
1001 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never give a inch!
1002 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never hatchet your Counts before they chicken.
1003 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never lick a gift horse in the mouth.
1004 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
1005 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never speak ill of yourself; your friends will always say enough on that subject.
1006 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never stow away on a kamikaze plane.
1007 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never worry the boss unnecessarily. Don't tell him.
1008 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull New career ideas are worth pursuing.
1009 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull New crypt. See /usr/news/crypt.
1010 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Niagara Falls is the second-biggest disappointment in a bride's life. -O. Wilde
1011 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Niagara Falls is the wise bird who builds her nest in a chinese computer terminal!
1012 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Niagara Falls would be much more impressive if it flowed the other way. - Oscar Wilde
1013 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nihilism means nothing to the dancing peasants.
1014 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nihilism should commence with oneself.
1015 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
1016 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No branch is better than its trunk.
1017 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No directory
1018 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No directory! Logging in with home=/
1019 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No good deed goes unpunished. -Clare Booth Luce.
1020 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No jaggies!
1021 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
1022 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No mistake is too small to be fixed, but first make sure it's a mistake.
1023 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No news is good news.
1024 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No note is too high to be taken down an octave.
1025 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
1026 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No two ways about it, there are two sides to every story.
1027 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No user jobs will be lost because of the crash.
1028 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody can be as agreeable as an uninvited guest.
1029 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
1030 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody goes to the theatre unless suffering from acute bronchitis.
1031 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody is truly sane until he feels gratitude to the whole universe.
1032 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody knows anything, or if they do, they are careful to hide the fact.
1033 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nobody takes computer graphics seriously, even the guys that do it. -T. Duff
1034 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Non serviam.
1035 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
1036 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not all the water in a rough rude sea/Can wash the balm from an anointed king.
1037 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on Sundays.
1038 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
1039 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing difficult is ever easy. -Steve Falco
1040 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is as easy as it looks.
1041 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense. - Joseph Addison.
1042 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.
1043 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is impossible for the man who will not listen to reason.
1044 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is true. Everything is permissible. -Hassan i Sabbah
1045 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing matters indeed, it's all in your mind...
1046 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing more certain than incertainties; Fortune is full of fresh variety: Constant in nothing but inconstancy. - Richard Barnfield.
1047 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing of interest ever happened on this day.
1048 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing works. No one knows why. And some jerk is talking French. -Bob Lied
1049 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.
1050 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer in Northern California.
1051 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this sun of York.
1052 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull O brave new world,/That has such people in't!
1053 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull O dear Ophelia! I am ill at these numbers: I have not art to reckon my groans.
1054 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull O.T.O. wants you.
1055 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull OK, I think I understand.
1056 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull OS 360 -- Not uranium.
1057 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of all forms of caution, caution in love is the most fatal.
1058 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of all things man is the measure. -Protagoras
1059 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Oh, don't the days seem lank and long, when all goes right and nothing goes wrong.
1060 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Oh, so there you are!
1061 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old MacDonald had an agricultural real estate tax abatement.
1062 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old age -- it's the only disease that you don't look forward to being cured of.
1063 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Omnibus ex nihil ducendis sufficit unum. -Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
1064 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull On a clear disk you can seek forever.
1065 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Once TOAD is operational, how frequently would you expect to access TOAD?
1066 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One Bell System -- it sometimes works.
1067 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One Bell System -- it works.
1068 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One bad apple can ruin a snake.
1069 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. -H. L. Mencken
1070 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.
1071 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One man's Mede is another man's Persian.
1072 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One picture is worth 128k words.
1073 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One scythe fits all.
1074 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One starts life with a swelled head and ends with swelled feet. -Ezra Pound
1075 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only %d shopping days until Christmas.
1076 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only God can make a random selection.
1077 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only someone with nothing to be sorry for smiles back at the rear of an elephant.
1078 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only two things are infinite: the universe and human ignorance. -A. Einstein
1079 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, or is that ontology recapitulates philology?
1080 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. -Haeckel
1081 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ontogeny rehashes phylogeny.
1082 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ooh, Andy Tannenbaum? His netnews is SO derivative.
1083 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Options can cause undesirable operations, so it is important to ensure they are set up properly.
1084 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Order ignorant aliens.
1085 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Others will look to you for stability, so hide when you bite your nails.
1086 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Otto's too so-so to toss soot, too sot to toot SOSs. So?
1087 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Our ancestors may have been ignorant, but they were not stupid.
1088 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Our sponsor thought it was for ADA. In fact it was for C.
1089 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Our vision will speed up time, eventually deleting it. -Alexander Schure
1090 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Out of memory saving lines for undo - try using ed.
1091 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Out of the mouths of babes comes semi-digested Pablum.
1092 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Overall there is a smell of fried onions. (fnord)
1093 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
1094 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Panem et circenses, that's what the public wants.
1095 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Paranoia doesn't mean the whole world really isn't out to get you.
1096 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway oh, God, I'm so depressed...
1097 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Passing over a black hole temporarily disables ship.
1098 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Password:
1099 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People get it into their heads that this is a democracy. Well it isn't. -gwl
1100 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People never go there anymore; it's too crowded. -Yogi Berra
1101 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People really shouldn't spread gossip, but what else is it good for?
1102 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People tend to congregate in the back of the church and the front of the bus.
1103 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People usually do what other people have done before them.
1104 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People who deal with bits should expect to get bitten. -Jon Bentley
1105 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People who take cat naps don't usually sleep in a cat's cradle.
1106 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People who think they know everything greatly annoy us who do.
1107 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
1108 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Per omnia saecula vombatidae.
1109 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting things.
1110 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Perfect love casteth out fear.
1111 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Person who falls in blast furnace is certain to feel overwrought.
1112 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Personality is a flimsy thing on which to build an art. -John Cage
1113 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Philosophy is the Rule of Life.
1114 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Philosopy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.
1115 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Physician, bill thyself.
1116 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Planning dooms most projects.
1117 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please log off, the computer is out to get in your room and drink?
1118 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please log off, the computer is out to lunch.
1119 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please take note:
1120 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please to remember the Fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
1121 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Plunk your magic twanger, froggy.
1122 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pluralites non est punenda sine necessitate. -Wm. of Occam
1123 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
1124 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Politicians, ugly buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.
1125 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Populus vult decipi.
1126 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pornography is in the groin of the beholder. -William F. Buckley
1127 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
1128 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Post proelium, praemium.
1129 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pregnant ropuli.
1130 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Premature optimization is the root of all evil. -D. E. Knuth
1131 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Preserve wildlife -- pickle a squirrel today!
1132 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Prevention makes the heart grow fonder.
1133 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Primate behaviour only changes under the impact of new technology.
1134 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pro is to con as progress is to Congress.
1135 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. -Don Marquis
1136 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Programming and puddings demand consistency.
1137 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
1138 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Promptness is its own reward, if one lives by the clock instead of the sword.
1139 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Proofreading is more effective after publication.
1140 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Proper planning includes admitting that your plan may not work.
1141 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity.
1142 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Put not your trust in money, but your money in trust.
1143 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Put your mouth where your mouth is.
1144 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quantity is no substitute for quality, but it's the only one we've got.
1145 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quantum mechanics do it with uncertainty.
1146 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Questions are a burden for others; answers are a prison for oneself.
1147 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rain before sunset, dark by midnight.
1148 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
1149 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reach out and grep someone.
1150 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reading is thinking with someone else's head instead of one's own.
1151 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Real programmers can't say `lint' without adding `hbaxcu' -Wm Leler
1152 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Real programs don't eat cache.
1153 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality is for those who can't handle drugs.
1154 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality is good for small doses.
1155 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality is silly-putty. -Paul Krassner
1156 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality seems harsher in the early morning.
1157 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reason establishes the foundation of faith. Faith compensates the error of reason.
1158 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reason is a universal instrument which can serve on any kind of occasion. -Descartes
1159 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reform always comes from below. No man with four aces asks for a new deal.
1160 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Regnant populi.
1161 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rei panta.
1162 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Religions revolve madly around sexual questions.
1163 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember that "almost" means "not".
1164 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember the Unknown Buffalo.
1165 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember when you asked me to tell you when you were being inconsiderate?
1166 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember why the good Lord made your eyes -- Pla-gi-a-rize! -Tom Lehrer
1167 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember, UNIX spelled backwards is XINU.
1168 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Remember, even if you win the rat race -- you're still a rat.
1169 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Render unto Caesar if line 54 is larger than line 62.
1170 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Repetition is a form of change. -B. Eno
1171 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Research is a great career: you get paid for looking, regardless of results.
1172 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Respect you in the morning?! Hell, I don't even respect you now.
1173 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Restrain your octopus! The canoes are going fishing tomorrow.
1174 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ring around the collar.
1175 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ring the bell; close the book; quench the candle.
1176 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ritual is to the inner sciences what experiment is to the outer sciences. -Leary
1177 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rog-O-Matic callidus est.
1178 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rog-O-Matic perditus est.
1179 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rog-O-Matic's not expert enough. It could handle rogue, but it couldn't handle More.
1180 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rotten wood can not be carved -Confucius (Analects, Book 5, Ch. 9)
1181 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Round numbers are always false. -Samuel Johnson (c. 1750)
1182 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rule 5 Violation
1183 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SCCS: the source-code motel -- your code checks in but it never checks out. Ken Thompson
1184 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SYS ERROR 0 - no error detected
1185 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sailors in ships, sail on! Even while we died, others rode out the storm.
1186 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Satire does not look pretty upon a tombstone.
1187 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Save a forest -- eat a beaver!
1188 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Save the dot files!
1189 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Save yourself! Reboot in 5 seconds!
1190 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Say "no" to long-sleeved shirts!! Support your right to bare arms!
1191 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Say your prayers, you're going to Zen heaven.
1192 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Schroedinger might have been here.
1193 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Schroedinger's cat is sitting on Heisenberg's shoulder and they are both laughing at you.
1194 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Scintillate, scintillate, aster minific.
1195 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Screw up your courage! You've screwed up everything else.
1196 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
1197 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Secret mail has arrived.
1198 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull See that ocean -- that used to be some ocean. -Burt Lancaster in Atlantic City
1199 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.
1200 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Self denial is better than self degradation.
1201 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sell everything. Market top has been reached. -Joseph Granville
1202 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Send not to ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
1203 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Señor, if you hurry from here, you will wait longer there. -Mexico taxi driver
1204 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sex with someone you don't love is just gymnastics--and I hate exercise. -John Derek
1205 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Shadows slick as eels slither through.
1206 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Share your happiness with others today.
1207 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull She canna take much more o' this, Mr. Spock.
1208 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Pop up! Push Down! Byte, byte, byte!
1209 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change.
1210 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Si nummi immunis.
1211 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Silver is pure. It's been a symbol of justice and purity since the year of the sun.
1212 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.
1213 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sink or Swim with Teddy!
1214 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sleep is an excellent way of listening to an opera.
1215 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Smile ... tomorrow will be worse.
1216 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Smoked carp is terrible unless you're out of smoked salmon.
1217 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Smooth rotation butters no parsnips. -J. W. Tukey
1218 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.
1219 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Snob intellectual bachelors can't have fun in San Antonio. -Ted Nelson
1220 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Snoopy has fleas.
1221 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Snow Day -- stay home.
1222 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So long as radicals honor theory over facts, they will continue to dismantle their successes.
1223 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So narrow minded is the boss that he has to stack his ideas vertically.
1224 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Social innovations tend to the level of minimum tolerable well being.
1225 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Soft soap often has a high percentage of lye in it. -- Salada Tea
1226 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Solve et coagule.
1227 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed. -- Francis Bacon
1228 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some day this war's gonna end.
1229 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some men are discovered; others are found out.
1230 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some of us feel that there is a loss of scholarship here, and we're not too happy about it. -Irvin Lustig
1231 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some scholars are like donkeys, they merely carry a lot of books.
1232 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some things are better left unsaid.
1233 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. -Sigmund Freud
1234 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sometimes it seems to me that men are children grown incompetent. -Carl Whitaker
1235 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sometimes you've gotta give it all you've got, because it just isn't enough.
1236 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Soon you will be sitting on top of the world.
1237 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sooner or later everybody's gotta pay their tab.
1238 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sorting on the part of mendicants must be interdicted.
1239 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Space travel is utter bilge. -Sir Richard Van Der Riet Wolley
1240 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spare no expense to save money on this one. -Samuel Goldwyn
1241 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Speaking of poison, I'll see that you get some fresh breakfast immediately.
1242 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Specialization is for insects. -Robt. A. Heinlein
1243 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spend extra time on hobby. Get plenty of rolling papers.
1244 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Split a stick of wood, and the Christ is there, too.
1245 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spock: We suffered 23 casualties in that attack, Captain.
1246 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stack overflow in crawlout. User environment re-initialized. (FATAL$)
1247 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Standing on head makes smile of frown, but rest of face also upside down.
1248 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Status: R
1249 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stay away from flying saucers today.
1250 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stay away from hurricanes for a while.
1251 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stereotypes are one of the worst things in the world. -miteddie!nessus
1252 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a laser beam is another matter.
1253 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
1254 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop searching forever. Happiness is unattainable.
1255 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop searching. Happiness is right next to you.
1256 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop worrying, you'll never get out of this world alive.
1257 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: Re: Re: Clar ... HUMBUG! - Wrongthink st - (nf)
1258 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Succumb to natural tendencies. Be hateful and boring.
1259 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sum quod eris.
1260 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 1.1 (IAS) #1: Tue Jan 29 01:25:15 PST 1985
1261 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week. - Joseph Addison.
1262 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sure [Somoza]'s a son-of-a-bitch, but he's OUR son-of-a-bitch. -F.D. Roosevelt
1263 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Surprise due today. Also the rent.
1264 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Surprise your boss. Get to work on time.
1265 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Surveillance should precede salientation.
1266 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System down Tues. am for COBOL compiler installation.
1267 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System going down at 1:45 this afternoon for disk crash.
1268 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System going down for 5 minutes -- back up in barrels.
1269 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System going down for 5 minutes -- back up in half an hour.
1270 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System going down in 5 minutes.
1271 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System might crash at any moment.
1272 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System went down at Fri Dec 13 21:54:56 1901
1273 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull TERROR IN THE OUTPUT FILE A A
1274 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull TNT allows students the freedom to make mistakes.
1275 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull TSO -- it may be slow, but it's hard to use.
1276 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tai Chi is self-defense for people on Quaaludes.
1277 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.
1278 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take care of your peonies and the dahlias will take care of themselves.
1279 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Te ayudare a recorder la cantidad a indoctos si releesme bien.
1280 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Teach it ... phenomenology.
1281 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Technological unemployment is total today -- 300 years ago we were all farmers.
1282 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tell the girls to slice the ham thin.
1283 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ten years of rejection slips is nature's way of telling you to stop writing.
1284 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Terminals at home are always in the bedroom.
1285 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank God I'm an atheist. -Aleister Crowley
1286 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank you for choosing UNIX -- batteries not included, some assembly required.
1287 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That goes against the laws of Physics.
1288 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That must be wonderful! I don't understand it at all.
1289 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That we can comprehend the little we know already is mindboggling in itself.
1290 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That which does not kill me makes me stronger.
1291 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That which does not kill me missed.
1292 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That which is above is in that which is below.
1293 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That's as American as pie charts.
1294 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That's the nice thing about standards -- there's so many to choose from. -trb
1295 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The $SIGNON command is a risky practice.
1296 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The 3B2 Model 100 - the first machine with cat -v in ROM!
1297 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Angels want to wear my red shoes.
1298 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Beatles? Isn't that Paul McCartney's old band?
1299 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Blit is a nice terminal, but it runs emacs.
1300 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Constitution gives us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion -R Reagan
1301 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
1302 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Force is strong with this one.
1303 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.
1304 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Government urges you to remain calm.
1305 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Inuit have dozens of words for snow, so why do the Dutch only have one word for rain?
1306 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Italians make money out of funding their own deficit.
1307 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Luddites always lose. Always.
1308 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Moral Majority are the people our ancestors came from Europe to escape.
1309 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The PIXAR -- it's not just a job, it's an adventure.
1310 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The SUN really is a hunk of junk. - Tom Duff
1311 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Tao which can be talked about is not the Tao. -Lao Tzu
1312 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Tree of Learning bears the noblest fruit, but noble fruit tastes bad.
1313 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The UFO and the BVM seem to be the same phenomenon. -Jacques Vallee
1314 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The UNIX system is harder to use than a toaster. -Kaare Christian
1315 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The United States Army: 194 years of proud service, unhampered by progress.
1316 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The aim of existence is to have clean ideas, change them like shirts.
1317 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The aim of existence is to offer resistance to the flow of time.
1318 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The answer you seek is in an envelope.
1319 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The attacker must vanquish; the defender need only survive.
1320 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The average legislator is somewhere nearly all the time. -Herb Nore
1321 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The barge was in my blind spot. - Peter Hobson, Cambridge cox
1322 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The best prophet of the future is the past.
1323 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.
1324 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary. - S. Hawking
1325 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The check is in the mail.
1326 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The churches must learn humility as well as teach it.
1327 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The common Welsh name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson.
1328 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The connotation depends on the beacon. - Mark V. Shaney
1329 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The contrary of a compound is the aggregate of the contraries of the components. - De Morgan
1330 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The contrary of an aggregate is the compound of the contraries of the aggregates. - De Morgan
1331 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The coroner gave you a clean bill of health.
1332 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The darkest hour is just before the storm.
1333 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dawning of the Information Age is bringing about dramatic changes in the fundamental fabric of our civilization. - AA Penzias
1334 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The decision doesn't have to be logical, it was unanimous.
1335 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The difference between a thief and the IRS is that the thief doesn't audit you afterwards.
1336 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The difficult we gave up on yesterday, the impossible we are giving up on now.
1337 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The early bird gets the coffee left over from the night before.
1338 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The early worm gets the bird.
1339 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only much, much heavier.
1340 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The empty fist always makes the deepest wound.
1341 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The end is closer than you think.
1342 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The end justifies the meanness.
1343 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The enemy is ignorance [our own]. -Ezra Pound
1344 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The eyes believe themselves, the ears believe other people.
1345 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fear of the lord was discovered before vitamins.
1346 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The first piece of luggage out of the chute doesn't belong to anyone, ever.
1347 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The first step in fixing something is getting it to break.
1348 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. - Henry VI, part II.
1349 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fit between the world and the human symbols describing it is never perfect.
1350 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The following file systems are due for backup at this time:
1351 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fruits of impatience are bitter.
1352 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The function of the sun is not to help the cabbages along. - Flaubert
1353 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The further you get, the better it looks.
1354 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The future isn't what it used to be. (It never was.)
1355 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The future isn't what it used to be. -Arthur C. Clarke
1356 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.
1357 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.
1358 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The hardest part of raising children is teaching them to ride bicycles.
1359 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The hippo has no sting, but the wise man would rather be sat upon by the bee.
1360 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The human brain is not a pretty sight.
1361 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein - it rejects it. -Peter Medawar
1362 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The invention of the multiple-choice exam was the death blow to competent writing.
1363 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The judge's jokes are always funny.
1364 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The ketchup of sorrow is better than the mustard of happiness.
1365 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The last twenty-nine days of the month are the worst. -Nicola Tesla
1366 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The lion will lie down with the lamb, but the lamb won't get much sleep.
1367 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The love of money is the mucilage of many a tragic friendship -Stuart McMillan
1368 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The man of knowledge can see several things at once.
1369 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The map is not the territory. -A. E. Van Vogt, in World of Null-A
1370 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The measure of the rigor of a science is the index of its ability to predict.
1371 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The meek shall inherit the earth -- they are careful to hide the fact.
1372 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The meek shall inherit the earth -- they are pronounced "o".
1373 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The meek shall inherit the earth -- they are too weak to refuse.
1374 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The more complicated the mind, the more simple the play.
1375 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The more things change, the more they'll never be the same again.
1376 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets.
1377 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The move of bambam functionality to the new AP bugs is re-scheduled to Friday night
1378 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The nervous system sees no color, feels no pain. -T. Leary
1379 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The null string has always been a locksmith. -Albert Einstein
1380 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The null string has always been a productive source of off-by-0 errors.
1381 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected. - 2nd Edition UNIX manual
1382 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The number of approved [COBOL] subsets has been reduced from 104,976 to 54. - JM Triance
1383 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The official state animal of New York is the cabbie.
1384 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The official state tree of North Dakota is the telephone pole?
1385 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The one interesting fact about the Diplodocus is that the accent is on the second syllable.
1386 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only imperfect thing in nature is the human race.
1387 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only one who got everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe.
1388 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only people who listen to both sides of an argument are the neighbors.
1389 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only sure things in life are net.suicide and net.taxes.
1390 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only thing cheaper than hardware is talk.
1391 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only way out of a circle is through the center.
1392 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The opera isn't over until the fat lady sings.
1393 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The opposite of a trivial truth is false; the opposite of a great truth is also true.
1394 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The pale companion is not for our pomp.
1395 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The pearl the squirrel the girl hit bit split.
1396 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The planes in Spain fall mainly in the rain.
1397 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The play's the thing/Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king.
1398 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The plural of spouse is spice.
1399 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The polhode rolls without slipping on the herpolhode lying in the invariable plane.
1400 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The problem with a just economy is, who runs the Bureau of Economic Justice?
1401 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The prudent man does not hold his breath.
1402 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The reason Swedes put little o's over some A's is that ontology recapitulates philology.
1403 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The reason Swedes put little o's over some A's is that they are pronounced "o".
1404 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide.
1405 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The rich man has his motor car, His country and his town estate. He smokes a fifty-cent cigar And jeers at Fate. - F. P. Adams
1406 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The screen rectangle must be charged with emotion. Hitchcock
1407 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sheep - symbolic creature of docility, sacrifice and stupidity.
1408 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The shorter the line, the slower it moves.
1409 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The shortest distance between two points is off the wall.
1410 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The shortest distance between two points is under construction. -Noelie Altito
1411 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The skeletons in the cupboard will all come out in the wash.
1412 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The solution to the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of the problem.
1413 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.
1414 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The stapler runs out of staples only while you are trying to staple something.
1415 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sterile pleasure of being right tends to get stale in the course of a lifetime. EW Dijkstra
1416 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The strength of a nation lies in the integrity of its homes. -Confucius
1417 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The stylus is more potent than the claymore.
1418 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sword he sang a song of death/But could not make the sickle yield. -Blake
1419 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The thing about Chinatown is, you can never be sure of anything down there.
1420 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The three laws of physics: f=ma; things fall down; you can't push a rope.
1421 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The tide of change approaches.
1422 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The time is right to make new friends.
1423 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The unexamined life is not worth examining.
1424 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The universe is laughing behind your back.
1425 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The vanity of teaching often tempteth a man to forget that he is a blockhead.
1426 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The voice of the people is odd,/It is, and it is not, the voice of God. -Pope
1427 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The wheels of justice grind slow but fine.
1428 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The whole UNIX operating system was ripped off electronically.
1429 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The whole UNIX operating system whose documentation fits in a chinese computer terminal!
1430 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The wise shepherdess never trusts her flock to a smiling wolf.
1431 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world cannot be understood from a single point of view. -Eleanor Roosevelt
1432 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world ended yesterday-this is only a dream!
1433 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world ended yesterday-why are you still here?
1434 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world is a conspiracy of the unthinking against the unwitting.
1435 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world is all that is the case. -Wittgenstein
1436 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world is coming to an end! Repent and return those library books!
1437 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Them that dishes it out need not fall over every time someone blows hard.
1438 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are more old drunkards than old doctors.
1439 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,/Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
1440 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are more ways of killing a cat than choking her with cream.
1441 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are no color bars in Cuba.
1442 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are only three kinds of proof: induction, exhaustion, and intimidation.
1443 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are two kinds of people in the world -- those who are, and those who aren't.
1444 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a 10% penalty for getting yourself killed.
1445 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a fly on your nose.
1446 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a person with a shovel behind you ready to crack open your skull!
1447 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a tide in the affairs of men/Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. - Julius Caesar IV.iii.217
1448 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a world in which this sentence ends with a different word.
1449 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no bottom to worse.
1450 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
1451 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no gift like the present.
1452 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no governor anywhere; you are absolutely free.
1453 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no language in our lungs.
1454 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no present like the TIMES.
1455 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no present like time.
1456 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no sin except stupidity. - Oscar Wilde
1457 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no time like the pleasant.
1458 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is nothing more permanent than a temporary building.
1459 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax.
1460 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There must be a minimum of two responsible people per subdomain. - Mark Horton
1461 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There used to be men and women. Now there are men and persons.
1462 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There was a phone call for you.
1463 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There'll always be an England - if not it would be necessary to invent one.
1464 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's a broken light for every heart on Broadway.
1465 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's a difference between ethical people and nice people. You can't trust nice people.
1466 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's a divinity that shapes our ends,/Rough-hew them how we will.
1467 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's a sucker reborn every minute.
1468 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's always one more bug.
1469 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go.
1470 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's insanity in my family; starting with me, tonight.
1471 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's no place like home.
1472 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's no room in the drug world for amateurs.
1473 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's something in this universe that I don't understand. -T. Duff
1474 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull These calculations even schoolchildren can master in three-four days. -Maimonides
1475 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull These numbers DO NOT appear to belong to anybody: 315 323 372 375 602 765 772 903 914
1476 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull These widows, sir, are the most perverse creatures in the world. - Joseph Addison.
1477 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... -- last words of Gen. John Sedgewick
1478 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They laughed at Copernicus; they laughed at Galileo; they laughed at Bozo the Clown.
1479 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They live happiest who have forgiven most.
1480 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They were easy to tell apart: the good Kirk was played by William Shatner and the evil one by Gavin McLeod.
1481 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They were easy to tell apart: the good Kirk wore cottons and wools and the evil Kirk wore nylons and polyesters.
1482 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They're only trying to make me LOOK paranoid!
1483 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things always look darkest just before they go totally black. -Col. Hannibal Smith
1484 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things are more like they are now then they have ever been before. -Dwight D Eisenhower
1485 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things are more like they used to be than they are new.
1486 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things are more like they used to be than they are now.
1487 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things are only as bad as they are and can only get worse if they do!
1488 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things that go without saying go even better if they are said. -Talleyrand
1489 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things will be bright in P.M. A cop will shine a light in your face.
1490 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Think of your family tonight. Try to crawl home after the computer crashes.
1491 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This *means* something. -R. Neary
1492 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This algorithm is prevented in the style of Dijkstra's guarded cowhands.
1493 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune intentionally not included.
1494 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune is inoperative. Please try another.
1495 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune is self-explanatory, once you understand it.
1496 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune left blank intentionally.
1497 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune was not meant for you.
1498 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is Emmanuel. I got him from Emmanuel Training School. He's Emmanuel like.
1499 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is a full standard Kernighan & Ritchie C compiler.
1500 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This machine does not exist! Boy am I confused!
1501 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This refutation can only be refuted by a proof. - van den Herik 1985
1502 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This space available. Call 686-7600 for details.
1503 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This statement is a lie.
1504 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This system hasn't crashed in ages.
1505 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This terminal is not for your use, please log off!
1506 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This time for sure!
1507 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This will be a memorable month -- no matter how hard you try to forget it.
1508 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This will hurt me more than it hurts you.
1509 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thos who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
1510 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who can't write, write manuals.
1511 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who can, do; those who can't, simulate.
1512 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who can, do; those who can't, write.
1513 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
1514 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
1515 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.
1516 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who talk don't know. Those who don't talk, know.
1517 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thrashing is just before they go totally black. -Col. Hannibal Smith
1518 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thrashing is just virtual crashing.
1519 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Three shoes do not a hat make.
1520 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thunder is impressive, but it is lightning that does the work. -Mark Twain
1521 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time ends here, please go back the way you came.
1522 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana.
1523 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time is nature's way of making more anarchy.
1524 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time is nature's way of making sure that everything doesn't happen at once.
1525 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time is three eyes and eight elbows.
1526 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Timesharing just doesn't work. -K. Thompson, 1982.
1527 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be clear is professional; not to be clear is unprofessional. -- Sir Ernest Gowers
1528 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be is to be related.
1529 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be or not to be, those are the parameters.
1530 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To criticize the incompetent is easy; it is more difficult to criticize the competent.
1531 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To cross again is not to cross.
1532 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To err is human, to forgive is not libary [sic] policy. quoted by Herb Caen
1533 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To err is human, to really foul things up requires a computer!
1534 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To err is human; that's why I'm comfortable around Gods.
1535 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To express e, remember to memorize a sentence to simplify this.
1536 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To iterate is human, to recurse, divine.
1537 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools.
1538 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To live without clocks is to live forever. -RLS
1539 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To make an enemy, do someone a favor.
1540 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To make an omelette, you have to paint it.
1541 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To play billiards well is a sign of an ill-spent youth.
1542 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To possess another language is to possess another soul. -Charles V
1543 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today is a good day to bribe a high-ranking public official.
1544 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today is the first day of the rest of your miserable life.
1545 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
1546 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles -- Sunsweet marches on.
1547 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Together we must rise to higher and higher platitudes. -Richard Daley
1548 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Together we will rule the galaxy, father and son. is your destiny.
1549 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tonight's the night: Sleep in a eucalyptus tree.
1550 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Too Much.
1551 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL. -Mae West
1552 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Torque is cheap.
1553 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.
1554 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Toto, I've a feeling we're not in any immediate danger of having just committed suicide!
1555 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Toutes choses sont dites deja, mais comme personne n'ecoute, il faut toujours recommencer.
1556 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Transformation is invested with the mysterious and the painful.
1557 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Travel important today; Internal Revenue men arrive tomorrow.
1558 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tres sabios hubo en el mundo, Adan, Solomom y Raymundo.
1559 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Troglodytism does not necessarily imply a low cultural level.
1560 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Troubles are like babies; they only grow by nursing.
1561 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Trust Me.
1562 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Trust him, but still keep your eyes open.
1563 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Truth is only skin deep.
1564 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Truth is the ultimate weapon; fortunately no one has perfected it yet. - Ken Ellis
1565 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Truth will be out this morning. (Which may really mess things up.)
1566 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try `stty 0' -- it works much better.
1567 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try a new system or a different approach.
1568 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try again
1569 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try the Moo Shu Pork. It is especially good today.
1570 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try to divide your time evenly to keep others happy.
1571 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tu aideras a rappeler ta quantite a beaucoup de docteurs amis.
1572 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Turning the other cheek merely ensures two bruised cheeks.
1573 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two fish in the sky are worth more than a bird in the sea.
1574 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two heads are better than a bath and a half.
1575 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two wrongs don't make a right. Two Wrights make airplanes.
1576 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull U.S. out of OAKLAND!
1577 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UFO's are for real: the Air Force doesn't exist.
1578 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UNIX acts as an equalizer of the hardware playing field. J. Scanlon
1579 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unbidden guests/Are often welcomest when they are gone.
1580 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
1581 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unemployment is not a disease; so it has no `cure.'
1582 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unix is the only significant operating system whose documentation fits in a student's briefcase. -John Lions (Fixed in 4.1BSD)
1583 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unix never says `please.' -- Rob Pike
1584 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unix soit qui mal y pense.
1585 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unix: from now on, consider it dead. -Mike O'Dell
1586 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unknown Jerome's -- Dorothy's desk -- $.25 while they last!!
1587 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Using 4.2 in this hospital is a great idea.
1588 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Usura contra naturum est.
1589 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Usus, Quen penes arbitrium est, et jus, et norma loquendi. -Horace
1590 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull VAX/VMS -- Software for the 60's.
1591 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull VAX/VMS is like a nightmare about RSX.
1592 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Veni, vidi, maeni, mo, cacha tigrem baedas to, iffi hollers, ledem go, veni, vidi, maeni, mo.
1593 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Versatility is one of your outstanding traits.
1594 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vests are to suits as seat-belts are to cars.
1595 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vigilia pretium libertatis.
1596 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. -Salvador Hardin
1597 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Viva Nuestra Señora Guadalupe y jueron gubernacion mala. -Father Hidalgo
1598 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vivaldi did not write 600 concerti grossi. He wrote the same one 600 times. -Stravinski
1599 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit.
1600 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vote anarchist.
1601 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vox populi, vox Dei. -Alcuin
1603 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: I brake for no apparent reason.
1604 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: perch lorethylene may harm plastic
1605 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: this fortune may change your life.
1606 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wars do not log out!
1607 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
1608 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wasting time is an important part of living.
1609 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Watch out for quantum ducks: Quark! Quark!
1610 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We aim to please, but our aim is bad.
1611 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are experiencing network trouble -- do not adjust your illegal descrambler.
1612 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are faced with an insurmountable opportunity. -W. Kelley
1613 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are not in any immediate danger of having solutions that exceed the needs.
1614 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. -von Braun
1615 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We continue to overlook the fact that work has become a leisure activity.
1616 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We did it for nothing, we did it in an hour, and the whole thing worked.
1617 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We don't care, we don't have to-- we used to be the phone company.
1618 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We don't know half of what we know.
1619 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We don't need a standard; Kernighan & Ritchie completely defines the language.
1620 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We haul ours to kick theirs.
1621 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have a really challenging assignment for you.
1622 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have lost our little Hanner in a very painful manner. - Max Adeler.
1623 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have met the enemy, and he is us. -Walt Kelly
1624 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have the finest politicians money can buy.
1625 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We learn from history that we do not learn anything from history.
1626 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately. -Franklin
1627 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We never stand still longer than it takes to have an argument.
1628 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We offer every assistance short of actual help.
1629 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We place no reliance/on Virgin or pigeon;/Our method is science,/Our aim is religion. -Aleister Crowley
1630 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We regard matrimony as a sort of friendship recognized by the police.
1631 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We retard what we cannot repel, we palliate what we cannot cure. -Johnson
1632 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.
1633 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We shall never get people whose time is money to take much interest in atoms. -S. Butler
1634 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We shall never understand one another until we reduce the language to seven words. -K. Gibran
1635 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We should acknowledge the 10000-year sheep heritage of mankind. - Judge Clyde Burch.
1636 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We try harder, they do better.
1637 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We use it but we do not love it. -Goethe
1638 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We want no foreign rulers - fight the metric system.
1639 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We won't need reservations.
1640 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We would like to apologize for the following announcement:
1641 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We'll burn that bridge when we come to it...
1642 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We're going up there this weekend and I'm gonna get so roaring, stinkin', no-good drunk I won't be able to see. - mechanic in "The Blob".
1643 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We're scientists. We have to do things we hate -- that even sicken us.
1644 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We're too close to System Test.
1645 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We've lost 4 crays to the open environment.
1646 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome to the working week.
1647 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Well, the handwriting is on the Titanic, why not go gentle into that good night?
1648 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Well, the handwriting is on the floor. -Joe E. Lewis
1649 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Well, we had Chinese food again for lunch.
1650 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What I like about scientists is that they are a team, so that one need not know their names. -J Wilmot
1651 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What I tell you three times is true. -The Hunting of the Snark.
1652 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What did you throw that book I wanted to be read to out of about Down Under out for?
1653 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What distinguishes good software from poor software is customer satisfaction. -Bob Yacobellis
1654 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What do you call a half-dozen Indians with Asian flu? Six sick Sikhs (sic).
1655 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What do you mean the 8080 & the 6502 are incompatible? They're both NMOS!
1656 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What does it mean if there is no fortune for you?
1657 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art.
1658 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What good are the games if you ain't got the power?
1659 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What good is someone who can walk on water if you can't follow in his footsteps?
1660 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What have you done for Vic lately?
1661 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What if I go to New York and can't trust a menu?
1662 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind. -Thomas Hewitt Key
1663 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What is now proved was once only imagined. -William Blake
1664 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What the hell, go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.
1665 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel.
1666 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn? -Peter S. Beagle
1667 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.
1668 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's it all about? We're all tools. Life's just a crock.
1669 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's the point to combing your hair when it's grey and thinning?
1670 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When all else fails, read the instructions.
1671 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done.
1672 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When an Okie moves to California, he raises the IQ of both states. -Will Rogers
1673 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When an owl comes to a mouse picnic, it's not there for the sack races.
1674 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When better machines are built, greg will break them.
1675 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When better machines are built, jks will break them, and td will bitch about it.
1676 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When bigger machines are built, scj will saturate them.
1677 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When does later become never?
1678 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When everyone's out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking.
1679 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When faced with the obvious -- look elsewhere.
1680 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When faced with two evils, one asks why only two?
1681 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When four sit to conspire, three are government agents, and the other a fool.
1682 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When in doubt, lead trump.
1683 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles; scream and shout.
1684 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws.
1685 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When more and more people are out of work unemployment will result. -Calvin Coolidge.
1686 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the Lord gets ready, you got to move.
1687 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.
1688 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the going gets tough, the tough hold meetings.
1689 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the map and the terrain disagree, trust the terrain. -Swiss army aphorism
1690 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the wind is great, bow before it; when the wind is heavy, yield to it.
1691 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When time permits, your personal life will be exciting.
1692 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When traveling with a herd of elephants, don't be first to lie down and rest.
1693 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you are over the hill, you pick up speed.
1694 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you need a sledgehammer, the finest scalpel just won't do.
1695 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, then DO!
1696 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whenever I see his fingernails, I thank God I don't have to look at his feet.
1697 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I haven't tried before. -Mae West
1698 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whenever the Queen comes to New Zealand the Maori people suffer a disaster.
1699 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Where do you think you are, Civilization?
1700 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. -Wittgenstein
1701 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull While I see many hoof-marks going in, I see none coming out. - Aesop.
1702 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who can worry about a super-hero who vanishes when you change channels?
1703 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who is W. O. Baker, and why is he saying those terrible things about me?
1704 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who is the slayer, who the slain? Speak... -Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
1705 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who knows if there are any answers? -Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
1706 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who needs companionship when you can sit alone in your room and drink?
1707 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who ordered that? -I.I. Rabi on the discovery of the muon
1708 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who's afraid of Louisa May Alcott?
1709 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whom the gods must destroy they first must drive insane.
1710 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why be a second rate Ravel when you can be a first rate Gershwin?
1711 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why do they have this marked "Danger, do not touch"?
1712 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why do we have two eyes? To watch 3D movies with.
1713 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why don't we store the blank punch cards on disk, and get rid of all those boxes.
1714 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why is it called a stream I/O system when the data flows both ways?
1715 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why polish the corners off a sphere in a roomful of cubes?
1716 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why worry about tomorrow, when today is so far off?
1717 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Will nobody help the widow's son?
1718 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With clothes the new are best, with friends the old are best.
1719 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With redeeming social value like yours, no wonder you're obscene.
1720 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With the wind in the east I can tell an eagle from a hammer.
1721 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With/Without -- and who denies it's what the fighting's all about?
1722 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Without alkaloids, life itself would be impossible.
1723 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wombat omnia vincet.
1724 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wombs not bombs
1725 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Women seldom show dimples to guys who have pimples.
1726 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wonderful girl! Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.
1727 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Words are the voice of the heart.
1728 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Words must be weighed, not counted.
1729 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Work expands to fill the time available for its completion. -C.N. Parkinson
1730 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Worth seeing? Yes, but not worth going to see.
1731 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.
1732 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Y drag goch yr y gchwyn!
1733 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yamata wasami shuza.
1734 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yea, from the table of my memory/I'll wipe away all trivial fond records.
1735 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yes, the red switch.
1736 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yesterday's sensation is today's calibration and tomorrow's background. -Valentine Telegdi
1737 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yogsothoth Neblod Zin.
1738 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You always think you know what you're doing, but you're too slick for your own good.
1739 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are going to have a new love affair.
1740 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1741 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are original and creative.
1742 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You attempt things that you do not even plan because of your extreme stupidity.
1743 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You auto buy now.
1744 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can create your own opportunities this week. Blackmail a senior executive.
1745 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can get HELP any time you are using TEACH by returning to the command state and typing "S 160".
1746 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can lead a horticulture but you cannot make her think. - Dorothy Parker
1747 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can observe a lot just by watching. -Yogi Berra
1748 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can tell a man by the company that keeps him.
1749 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't beat the bugs.
1750 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't build a bomb at 300 baud.
1751 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't capitalize your cake and expense it too.
1752 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't comb a hairy ball smooth.
1753 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't fall off the floor.
1754 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't forward backward. - Dave Nowitz
1755 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't go home again, unless you set $HOME
1756 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't have everything -- where would you put it?
1757 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't miss it.
1758 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't teach a dead dog new tricks.
1759 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't win, you can't break even, and you can't get out of the game.
1760 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't win. But there are alternatives to fighting.
1761 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cannot buy beer; you can only rent it.
1762 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cannot count friends that are all packed up in barrels.
1763 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cannot cross a chasm in two steps.
1764 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
1765 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cook it, you sell it.
1766 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You dialed 5483
1767 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.
1768 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't have to play tennis any more, or talk to anyone who does.
1769 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't really want to know what the future holds for you.
1770 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You had mail.
1771 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.
1772 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have been selected for a secret mission.
1773 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have been transfixed by the gaze of the Edlund.--More--
1774 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have bills.
1775 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have had a long-term stimulation relative to business.
1776 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have made an excellent hit on the UNIX.--More--
1777 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have mail.
1778 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have personal talents that are attractive to others. Be sure to use them.
1779 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have plate mail.
1780 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have slowmail.
1781 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have snails.
1782 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have splint mail.
1783 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have taken yourself too seriously.
1784 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. You'll learn a lot today.
1785 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know, Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
1786 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know, you never know.
1787 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark!
1788 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You make the megabucks, I make the's YOUR problem.
1789 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You may be recognized soon. Hide.
1790 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You may enjoy the infamous PEOPLExpress snack pack for one dollar.
1791 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You may have a friend at the Chase Manhattan but at our bank you have meshpocheh!
1792 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You might have mail.
1793 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You need not worry about your future - it's going to be rotten.
1794 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You never know what you don't know, you know?
1795 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You now have Asian Flu.
1796 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You press the button, and we'll do the rest.
1797 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You remind me of a TV show, but that's all right: I watch it anyway.
1798 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You scream and you leap.
1799 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You seek to shield those you love and you like the role of the provider.
1800 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You should go home.
1801 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You tend to be shy when undressing outdoors.
1802 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You want it bad, you'll get it bad.
1803 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You weren't here so we did it anyway.
1804 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will attend a party where strange customs prevail.
1805 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will be Told about it Tomorrow. Go Home and Prepare Thyself.
1806 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will be a winner today. Pick a fight with a four-year-old.
1807 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will be surprised by a loud noise.
1808 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will feel hungry again in another hour.
1809 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will get a better gorilla effect if you use as big a piece of paper as possible.
1810 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will make a small sum by investing in a business project.
1811 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will make a small sum disappear by investing in a business project.
1812 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will make many changes before settling satisfactorily.
1813 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
1814 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will step on the night soil of many countries.
1815 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You win some, you lose some, and some go into extra innings.
1816 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You worry too much about your job. Stop it. You are not paid enough to worry.
1817 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You'll just have to sleep faster tonight.
1818 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're being followed. Cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.
1819 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're so bossy you ought to be milked before you come home at night.
1820 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're so ugly you couldn't even get a better mouse.
1821 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're so ugly you couldn't even get a date with an automated bank teller.
1822 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You've always got the option of having just committed suicide!
1823 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture.
1824 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your First Amendment ends where the next person's Bill of Rights begins. P. Michael Guba
1825 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your best dreams may not come true; but then neither will your worst dreams.
1826 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your computer account is overdrawn. Please reauthorize.
1827 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your editor doesn't always know best.
1828 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your emotional nature is strong and sensitive
1829 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your empty file directory has been deleted.
1830 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your intuition is excellent but another viewpoint could be helpful.
1831 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your login has been changed.
1832 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your love life will be happy and harmonious.
1833 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart, what is true.
1834 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your opponent wouldn't fight if he didn't think he had a chance.
1835 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your password is pitifully obvious.
1836 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your present plans are going to succeed.
1837 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your supervisor is thinking about you.
1838 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your theory is crazy, but not crazy enough to be true.
1839 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Zero is greater than minus zero, but don't ask by how much. -6600 ref. manual
1840 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `By the way, microcode is no big deal. You can emulate it in random logic.'
1841 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `Compared to academic politics, political politics is a nice, clean game.' -S. I. Hayakawa, SF Examiner 4/23/84
1842 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.'
1843 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes...'
1844 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `I saw it with my own eyes' means you wanted to see it.
1845 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `Otto' spelled inside out is `toot.'
1846 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `Qvid me anxivs svm?'
1847 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `She read her boyfriend's mind, and they're no longer going together,' Mrs. Resch added.
1848 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `The time (6:39 pm) has come,' the Walrus said, `to talk of many things...'
1849 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `The time has come,' the Walrus said, `to talk of many things...'
1850 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `We don't care. We don't have to. We're the Phone Company.'
1851 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ``I'm a hugger, I'm a tactile politician,'' Turner said.
1852 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `is false when preceded by its quotation' is false when preceded by its quotation.
1853 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `is not a sentence' is not a sentence.
1854 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull awk: Usage: awk [-f source | 'cmds'] [files]; record number 3.55646e-311
1855 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull awk: illegal statement 206620
1856 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull bad input char: .Ppm{=P!*@)Z9oFPp|*?)Z9pv9i%Su$^J)48%K_e239GM#ffoq!!!"!Mp#V6N\H8uEgdXbP\[7j1&PJz!X76!4BA}5!!!!!"syui!!!"!Mp#V6P\Scb?p8`;!4lf&
1857 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull beware of component 3730
1858 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cc: warning: -g disables -O
1859 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull chess tonight
1860 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull dis: invalid general addressing mode (e8); notify disassembler implementor
1861 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr pgmng.
1862 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb n tk wr
1863 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull f u cn rd ths, itn tyg h myxbl cd.
1864 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull fortune: Command not found.
1865 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull fortune: not found
1866 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ftp> Globbing off.
1867 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ftp> Globbing on.
1868 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull grep: RE error 41: No remembered search string.
1869 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull gt: warning -- bad idea to override alpha computation on matted-to-black target
1870 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who lives by the nit dies by the pick.
1871 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull invalid control line !!!
1872 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull itiprobe says hi
1873 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull jim is a nice editor except that it runs on the Blit. -- W. Joy
1874 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull no shell.
1875 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull non-positive output count: .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1876 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull not not not Algol
1877 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull panic: trap
1878 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pic: 5 X 58008 picture shrunk to 0.000603365 X 7
1879 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pm monday am
1880 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull reading symbols...done
1881 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull size: a.out: bad magic
1882 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull startup: system error -- directory deleted
1883 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull struct sleaziness { char *pleasure; int alchemically; };
1884 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull too much.
1885 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ucode rev x62
1886 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull unknown troff command: We will interpret typing statements A@imp#M:@gr(s)#
1887 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull unseal: invalid length
1888 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull usend: /usr/asp/spool filesystem is exhausted
1889 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull uucp failed completely (11)
1890 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull uucp failed partially: 0 file(s) sent; 1 error(s)
1891 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull uuxqt cmd (rnews ) status (ucsfcgl!uucp 256)
1892 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull values of β will give rise to dom!
1893 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull warning: vector size unknown: p[i][j] means *(*(p+i)+j)
1894 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's no backspace in real life. - P.J.Weinberger
1895 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When a musk ox goes faster than an amble, he has formed an intention.
1896 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Verb is a noun.
1897 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Verb is not a verb.
1898 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Verb is not a verb, unless it's verbed.
1899 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Version 8 Unix style Ritchie streams.
1900 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Space shuttle experience is more common than C++
1901 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull CA002 - [CAL] ASSEMBLY TIME: 0.000000 CPU SECONDS
1902 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Within her left armpit only the fish called raawaru are there.
1903 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In her right armpit, snapper only are the fish of that place.
1904 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In days of yore, the crab and the crayfish lived in the forest.
1905 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "C" is as portable as Stonehedge!!
1906 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any mail routed through "emacs" will probably fail without benefit of a bounce-back.
1907 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Although the moon is only 1/100 the size of the earth, it is much further away.
1908 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never walk across a river that has an average depth of four feet.
1909 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull chdir: ?I/O error: `I/O error'
1911 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 03:23:33 0.0017 USER CLOSE CALLS - 8
1912 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's clear that buzzwording is a factor.
1913 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dallas stands for culture with a 'K'.
1914 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Huge directory ./src/port --call administrator
1915 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull CC119 - Dead code generated for vacuous expr.
1916 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Resent-Comment: It's not OUR mailer. Maybe it's yours.
1917 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull * Method As described above, see details below.
1918 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take your hands off me.
1919 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't have to give me all the gory details about how you got hepatitis.
1920 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who's the big cheese around here?
1921 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What a surprise to find you here alone!
1922 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ouch! That feels good!
1923 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How exciting to see you in traction again!
1924 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Either I've been missing something, or nothing has been going on.
1925 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You crossed my mind, but you didn't stay there.
1926 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Should you die, I'd go mad so I could talk to you all the time.
1927 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you'll take me where I want to go, I'll take you where you think we are.
1928 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If snow is wet, what is light?
1929 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your intentions are really good, I'll never understand them.
1930 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whatever happens, happens because it must.
1931 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Get out, and take your mucus with you.
1932 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wanna lick the syrup off your hotcakes.
1933 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've got you under my skin; moreover, you've invaded my lymph.
1934 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All I do is wait for your clumsy hands to make mincemeat of my apparel.
1935 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull More than just a book -- it's a major piece of torture.
1936 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Great men are not always idiots.
1937 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unrequited love's a bore. -- Billie Holiday
1938 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wish people wouldn't say "Excuse me" when I WANT them to step on my feet.
1939 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is a stage attacked by an idiot.
1940 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one wants to get into his grave still feeling frisky. -- Quentin Crisp
1941 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (warning) data origin prohibits saving reloc bits
1942 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ## wc is a Berkeley-ism, I think.
1943 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Boost, don't knock
1944 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NEW fsname = x, NEW volname = 49a126 -- DEL if wrong!!
1945 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull New Jersey has more people per capita than any other state.- Alan Karcher, D, NJ
1946 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Significantly improved programming is only a reply card away.
1947 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An AI journal without hype? That's like a hot air balloon without the hot air.
1948 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UNIX is a trademark of AT&T in the U.S.A. and other countries.
1949 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 554 Who are you?
1950 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anything is possible, and it usually does. - John Lions
1951 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you become a streetwalker, you don't write home very much.
1952 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Few forgive without a fuss.
1953 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your contraption is better than mine.
1954 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Very well, I'll slick your hair down myself.
1955 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If Lucifer confesses, we'll let the rest of you go.
1956 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pass 2 error:(file ) more than 100 args?
1957 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull in read: Error 0
1958 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's a time and a place for spontaneity.
1959 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am a little more weird today than normal. - Andrew Hume
1960 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands to.
1961 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If nothing is pressing, putter around at this or that.
1962 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whatever arrangements you make are apt to be final.
1963 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some.
1964 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's going to be no serious problem after this. - Ken Thompson
1965 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can stick your finger in it, you can hang from it. -Andrew Hume
1966 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life's a bitch and then your feet wear down. - Dennis Ritchie
1967 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank you for using AT&T!
1968 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Small earthquake in Chile. Not many dead.
1969 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nepal premier won't resign.
1970 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Surprises unlikely in Indiana.
1971 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull University of Rochester decides to keep name.
1972 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the long run, we are all dead. -Keynes
1973 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Debate goes on over the nature of reality.
1974 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reach out and Boyer-Moore egrep someone.
1975 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The solution is to increase the size of the manuals. - Mark V. Shaney
1976 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `C' is for `core dumped.'
1977 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull redefinition: GLOBL 153352(gok(-118))[A7*16],gok(-116)/-937488177[R0*0]
1978 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The electron: May it never be of use to anybody. - toast at the Cavendish Labs.
1979 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Delivered-Automatically-By: the Magical Vacatioin Program
1980 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans!
1981 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Abstain wholly from laurel leaves.
1982 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull init: /dev/console: getty failing, sleeping
1983 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 25% of all books from Bell Labs are written by Narain Gehani.
1984 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try to clear up differences with associates
1985 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull * W * :test$cstatic$chatypedef$st$int$$cnt$$unsigned$$unsigned$$char$$fla$char$$fil$$FILEo: 1: CC019 - Old-fashioned Initialization. Use '=' Instead.
1986 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The atom of hydrogen contains about a thousand electrons. - J.J. Thomson, 1903
1987 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The unique power of UNIX (UPOU) is that vi includes awk.
1988 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yes, I want a drink. Alcoholic, of course; after the heavy sessions regarding quantum mechanics.
1989 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull * W * :../os/main.c: 64: CC042 - Instruction Will Cause Infinite Loop
1990 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But issues remain in the AT&T Information Systems unit.
1991 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The major problem is with sendmail. -Mark Horton
1992 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Michigan House Fails to Override Veto of Medicaid Abortion Ban.
1993 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The -v option increases user-friendliness.
1994 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every good joke has a short punch line.
1995 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What is the origin of the Grand Canyon? A Scotsman lost a nickel.
1996 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sentence without verb.
1997 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mh/toy/forbes deferred for sequence
1998 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "":5:operands of ++ have incompatible types
1999 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How do you explain that you changed your mind when you changed your hat? -Wm. Rogers
2000 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Devil Still Exists, Says Pope, Contradicting Polls
2001 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When andrew asks you to type pwd for him, don't do it.
2002 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Variable syntax.
2003 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WARNING: You may see display garbage as a result of this action.
2004 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WYSIWYG processing and a "vi"-like user interface - the best of both worlds! :-)
2005 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull strip: arno: bad magic
2006 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There appears to be a paper jam, dammit p&P6.
2007 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As Maine goes, so goes Vermont. -Alf Landon
2008 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you enter a village where everyone is lame, eventually you will start to limp.
2009 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That's the way I got promoted, by eating everything. -pjw
2010 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull charge.c: 163: CC001 - Internal Compiler Error 69 . Debug: (412127)request for s1 but pseudo already in s3
2011 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In 1974 it was hard to find anyone who voted for Richard Nixon in 1972.
2012 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Charlie don't hack.
2013 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A strange event will change your idea of a good time.
2014 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I just resent the newgroup messages. -Rick Adams
2015 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm not easily impressed on Mondays. -Bruce Ellis
2016 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images. -Jean Cocteau
2017 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What he's asking you to do is only mildly disgusting -- try it, you might like it.
2018 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The 1980's have quite appropriately been called the age of nail extension products.
2019 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wonder woman will be down Saturday, November 15th for hardware maintenance.
2020 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Arbitrary makes free.
2021 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't puting nathing in the line. Today is washing poison machine.
2022 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pittsburgh has become a kind of knowledge aircraft carrier, its "top-guns" scattered regularly around the planet.
2023 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only works of art America has given are her plumbing and her bridges. -Duchamp
2024 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Per dollar, the cray is cheaper to maintain than the comets. -pjw
2025 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The entire LC comp center will be shut down from 12/12 to 12/15 for annual maintenance on our Uninterruptable Power Supply.
2026 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hit the water! Hit the water!
2027 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Try psychoacoustic imagery risk free!
2028 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hit me with your mid-point, she said meanly.
2029 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The secretaries don't understand me. -Rob Pike
2030 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have a brain. -Kerry Harrigan
2031 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System won't be available tomorrow 12/04 from 18:00 to 20:00 to install new cross compiler.
2032 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some logins deserve a message. Some don't. Yours does. Here's mine.
2033 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull God has spoken to me through chocolate fudge cake.
2034 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some day, when the universe has its heat death, they will look back and say `There are 12 Cray-2s'. -pjw
2035 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the music stops, the house of cards collapses and the emperor is found to be wearing no clothes.
2036 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pwedit: error in input file in item 2305843009213693953 at field 1
2037 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Decreased cabin volume was insufficient to support human life.
2038 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When ideas fail, words come in very handy. -Goethe
2039 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull elongated pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda (J41): 21/36 ambiguous hinges
2040 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Total performance commercial carpet in convenient 18" squares
2041 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A procedure can never use its own name in any way except to refer to itself.
2042 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm a GEI kind of guy. - J Bentley
2043 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull eqn: illegal size of ignored near line 386, file part.5
2044 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Music is the can opener of the soul. -Henry Miller
2045 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Robert Elz is the Mark Horton of the south. - P. Dick-Lauder
2046 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 mp 1239 Jan 17 09:40 hite upper middle class IS AN INVALID DESTINATION.
2047 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rest frequently while shoveling snow.
2048 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never put snow on a frostbitten part.
2049 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eat more fish and less red meat.
2050 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drive away from a tornado at a right angle.
2051 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Start off the day with a nourishing meal.
2052 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep stairways clear of clutter.
2053 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Discard medicine more than two years old.
2054 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stopping smoking slows emphysema's progress.
2055 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reduce speed in wet or foggy weather.
2056 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lengthen interval when the road is wet.
2057 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Before physical activity warm up gradually.
2058 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't eat a large meal before driving.
2059 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Get help when lifting heavy objects.
2060 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't use gasoline for cleaning.
2061 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Put a smoke detector in your vacation cottage.
2062 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always read the labels on pesticides.
2063 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To avoid falls watch where you step.
2064 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To overcome stress do things that relax you.
2065 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Popcorn is a good fiber food.
2066 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gray-tinted sunglasses reduce glare the most.
2067 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cut down on fatty, high-calorie foods.
2068 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Use a salt substitute if blood pressure's high.
2069 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Replace worn electrical cord without delay.
2070 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good passing rule: when in doubt, don't.
2071 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bicycle with the traffic flow.
2072 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For relief submerge a bum in cold water.
2073 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always check fire exits in hotels and motels.
2074 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Draw up a family fire-escape plan.
2075 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Go with your kids when you go trick or treating.
2076 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take your car in for a tune-up.
2077 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Carry a medical information card.
2078 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep flammables away from space heaters.
2079 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Buckle up even on short auto trips.
2080 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drive with the traffic not against the clock.
2081 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Send your party guests home sober.
2082 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let me put it to you this way: computers are my business. - A.G. Hume
2083 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Business is where the money is. - John Scully (CEO of Apple)
2084 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anything with the word 'generation' in it has to be wrong. - T.A. Cargill
2085 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today's technological mastery is tomorrow's obsolescence.
2086 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 23582.0u 2166.7s 21404r mk
2087 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems. -Paul Erdös
2088 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SCAPEGOAT=rob
2089 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sh: /dev/null restricted
2090 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not smoke near an open drawer. - Bell Labs safety manual.
2091 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Like Nero, the government fiddled while Rome burned--only it wasn't Rome. -- Jim Olson
2092 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull FYI: POWER DIP OCCURED YESTERDAY AT 21:55...IS YOUR 3B2 OK???
2093 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't ignore where the writer is in the draft.
2094 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hunting & Fishing licenses are free to the blind, handicapped or mentally retarded.
2095 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mail: new message arrived
2096 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bad termcap entry
2097 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reverting to old tty driver...
2098 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank you for using AT&T.
2099 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The preferred steel for rodent protection is Type 304 stainless with a thickness of 3 mils.
2100 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm TRYING to be a back end! - A Hume
2101 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stay clear of falling objects.
2102 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 5/26: /unix2 out of pace please clean up!!!!!
2103 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Redundant hardware is not cost-effective when compared to administration-mediation solutions.
2104 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: .lastlogin was altered since last login
2105 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's Weinberger, I'm going with Ditzel. - rob
2106 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have any questions, call Ralph Knag at MH x5291
2107 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Possession is nine-tenths of the privileged computer access code of ethics.
2108 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ignorance of the privileged computer access code of ethics is no excuse.
2109 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not easy being Joan. -- rob
2110 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Omit needless words that cause verbosity.
2111 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rx: call to gauss failed: who_cares
2112 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull chown to owner: Not owner
2113 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are only 26 calls and most of them are trivial.
2114 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In this country, everything loose rolls to the west coast. -T. Vanderslice, Apollo
2115 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have people doing a lot of fun stuff. That doesn't mean you don't wear suits. -R. Pampel, Apollo
2116 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ROOT MODIFIED
2117 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't have any courses for which I haven't written books. -Andy Tanenbaum
2118 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop.
2119 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (a0719) u wPM-US-Add a0712-a07rethan80mph.Thearrestingpatrolmanaskedhimifwantedtochecktheinstrumentusedtorecordhishighspeed. 07-21 0794
2120 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 550 ians... User unknown: Not a typewriter
2121 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull DELTA backup is running, system response will be slightly degraded.
2122 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull tar: slg/duckstuff/desktop/UNIXpractice.drw/shortcuts.fdr/spaces?slashes.fdr/.@questions and comments.doc: file name too long
2123 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world should be full of Brian Kernighans and technical people. -J Macor
2124 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you keep an open mind, people will put a lot of garbage in it.
2125 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A monoid is an associative monad; its underlying magma is a semigroup.
2126 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 162 is unimplemented
2127 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Norm does not protect against overflow. - cos(9.3)
2128 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Content-Length: 0
2129 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In our system, /usr/include/sys is a hazard. -mvs
2130 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Awk is certainly not perfect. - The Awk Book
2131 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Areas of communication may be very busy at present.
2132 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gratuitously incomplete sentence.
2133 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull xyv: protocol fault for some string
2134 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are the sponsor for the account andrew (Andrew Hume).
2135 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am not worried about the real world. -Pamela Zave
2136 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To 8 AM EDT /79: high 63 low 5, prob. precip. to 8 PM 0% to 8 AM 2147477332%
2137 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Digital plans to offer a better solution, not a better product. - R. Glorioso, DEC
2138 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've got it! It's a triple helix! L. Pauling 1954.
2139 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Incest more common than thought in United States
2140 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull RFC 822 delenda est.
2141 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm not writing any more tapes, ever. -A. Hume.
2142 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: Please ignore extra headers
2143 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wouldn't take any advice, if I were you.
2144 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The blue drinks are $5.75, the pink $8.00.
2145 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are unlucky enough to bump into all my rough edges. -A. Hume
2146 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you're getting fired at from both sides, you're in the middle of something.
2147 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A vertical conference is a center-wide conference. - Steve Bellovin
2148 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is Unix. It is possible to overcome any number of these bogus features. -pjw
2149 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "term/select.c", line 116: compiler error: bad bigsize: 010
2150 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sorry, I don't know how to deal with your 'dumb' terminal.
2151 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I am become death, the shatterer of worlds. -Baghavad Gita (quoted by Oppenheimer)
2152 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The product classroom is marked pass-fail.
2153 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An X server itself is not a big piece of software, only a few 100K.
2154 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So, the next time something doesn't work, just push 'til it clicks. -Ag Primatic
2155 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have a different view of the world. -Andrew Hume. Show&Tell '87
2156 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For 40 days and 40 nights, you [Arthur Fadden] held the destiny of Australia in the hollow of your head. -Arthur Calwell
2157 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The best weapon against breast cancer is early detention.
2158 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Licorice is the liver of candy. -Michael O'Donoghue
2159 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Al Schumann, that devil-may-care Intern from FSD is leaving Tom Houghton's Security Group.
2160 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good for dandruff. -Eisenhower
2161 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Is there no room for competition in the standards industry? -R. Hardin
2162 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Now is not the time to be falling out of windows. -R Mclellan
2163 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A universal thought dispenses with communication.
2164 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ISDN is real and implementable.
2165 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When a man celebrates his God, he changes his sex.
2166 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The rays of the Sun are penholders which night gorges with ink. -- Reb Adal
2167 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: system out of share structures, using "root".
2168 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wed Dec 30 21:27:30 1987 EDT
2169 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 5. Il riversamento = dump in inglese.
2170 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull E tutta colpa di Ken!
2171 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ken is an allem schuld!
2172 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C'est la faute de Ken!
2173 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Het is de schuld van Ken.
2174 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've got lots of bad examples. -td
2175 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (void)vacuous(node);
2176 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd rather have :rofix than const. -DM Ritchie
2177 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one has. - J Baudrillard
2178 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull unlinking v/v1971/272; already have /n/bowell/usr/games
2179 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull FAILING HW: DEC
2180 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is what the least of us make most of us feel the least of us make the most of. -Quine
2181 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Received: from via
2182 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The better your 4-wheel drive, the further out you get stuck.
2183 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With Basic you just use a GOTO, with Pascal you have to indent 99% of the program halfway across the page! -Ted M. Young (A Basic programmer for 12 years)
2184 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know your apartment's small if you can't tell its position and speed simultaneously.
2185 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ... Forking an allegro process requires only seconds... -V. Kelly
2186 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rainbows are just to look at, not to really understand.
2187 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some day we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any direction.
2188 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One hundred humidities equal one rain.
2189 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Genetics explain why you look like your father and if you don't why you should.
2190 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they're there.
2191 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thunder is a rich source of loudness.
2192 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But an autopsy on the woman's headless body failed to reveal why she died.
2193 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For ease of arithmetic we call 256 the largest index even though it is really 255, except at 255 itself. -- from a manual
2194 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only the future is certain; the past is always changing. -Polish proverb
2195 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A victory is the greatest tragedy in the world, except a defeat. -Wellington
2196 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A victory is the greatest tragedy in the world, except SunWindows. -Wellington
2197 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't have a sense of humor, it's just not funny. -Wavy Gravy
2198 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Noalias must go. This is non-negotiable. -Dennis Ritchie
2199 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are currently experiencing all printing problems
2200 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Due to illness, the /tbl design review is postponed until further notice.
2201 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Due to technical problems, the BEST movie will be shown tommorrow.
2202 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We say space is 3 dimensional because prison walls are 2 dimensional. -Hermann Weyl
2203 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two wrongs don't make a right; three lefts do.
2204 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I've got plenty of inputs and outputs. I don't need the video. -Andrew Hume
2205 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cannot open phone book for <attrd>. Try a different company.
2206 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull con: connecting to coma
2207 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We may be bureaucrats but we are not venal. -IRS Chief Counsel William Nelson
2208 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Children can be substituted for adults in any case; however adults cannot be substituted for children. -Amtrak
2209 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Education is basically useless, except for those rare cases when it's not really necessary. -Feynman
2210 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your 1 requests have been sent
2211 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The book every man has inside him should usually stay there. - AJP Taylor
2212 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull X windows uses its hindbrain instead of its forebrain. -N Wilson
2213 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cryptogamous concretion never grows on mineral fragments that decline repose.
2214 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The best place to find new dinosaurs is to look in basements. -Robert T. Bakker
2215 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull DUE TO DAMAGES, ALL SHREDDERS ARE OUT OF SERVICE.
2216 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ?12 Machine check during machine check.
2217 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Things greater than the same thing are greater than each other. -L. Carroll (Sylvie and Bruno)
2218 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UX:cat: ERROR: usage: cat [-u][-s][-v[-t][-e]] file ...; TO FIX: refer to manual UX:cat:138
2219 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are no known bugs on the old versions of grep, fgrep, or sed that will cause any instability in the operating systems.
2220 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How do they know that flies carry diseases unknown to man? -BW Kernighan
2221 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fully declared Common Lisp program is as robust as assembly language.
2222 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not who you know, but who you get drunk with, that counts. -P Dick-Lauder
2223 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The knee is the Achilles heel of the leg.
2224 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull buf[hdr[0]] = 0; /* unbelievably lazy ken (twit) */ - Andrew Hume
2225 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only one man ever understood me. And he didn't understand me. -Hegel (on his deathbed)
2226 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull X is a temporary standard, like FORTRAN. - Andries van Dam
2227 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Just think--IBM and DEC in the same room--and we did it. Makes you feel warm inside. -K Thompson
2228 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nuclear war doesn't prove who's right, just who's left.
2229 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The downside of having an architecture is wart-for-wart compatibility. -Bob Willard, DEC
2230 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the dinosaurs are mating, climb a tree. -SC Johnson
2231 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They made me a department head for little junky programs like this. -PJ Weinberger
2232 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The longest POSIX error name is ENAMETOOLONG
2233 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hi! This is your favorite irritation -- Andrew!
2234 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Optimal clutch power comes after eight to ten couplings. -LEGO manual
2235 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rhknag 118 248 1 0 107 72761 dk04 R 903:10 tabs
2236 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull b f BC-DadaStream% 0Advisory 08-!9 0050^ thelist mofing soon. ^The AP A@-NB- 8-19-(' 1353EDT<
2237 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sed: Too much text: s/blow your own horn/BLOW YOUR OWN HORN/
2238 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is just a little bit of Star Trek in all of the love you feel for another human being. -Mark V. Shaney
2239 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The two problems in supercomputer design are the thickness of the mat and getting rid of the heat. -S. Cray
2240 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't store your records anywhere you wouldn't store your valium!
2241 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "trans.c":31932:compiler error: out of temporary string space
2242 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It doesn't matter if you don't know how your program works, so long as it's parallel -R. O'Keefe
2243 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull DAMNIT, I AM NOT TOUCHY!!!! (and you can stick that in your fortunes file) -G. Holzmann
2244 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull find: missing conjunction
2245 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull reading worm0 directory (a couple of minutes)
2246 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: .lastlogin did not exist, creating it
2247 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fungus doesn't take a vacation. -Rob Pike
2248 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Murder should be put back in the home--where it belongs. -Alfred Hitchcock
2249 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never wear your best pants when you go to fight for freedom.
2250 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull On average, pantyhose wearers buy three pairs per month.
2251 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hello new user, welcome to the Sun computing environment
2252 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you have any questions about your Sun workstation, please call CORNET 624-2772
2253 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Coma" is not the sort of name I'd use if I were striving to present a professional image. -M Horton
2254 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Facts are stupid things. -R.W. Reagan
2255 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sendmail[94] AA00493: SYSERR: net hang reading from coma: Connection timed out during greeting wait with coma
2256 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the last 100 years man's capability started to grow exponentially, to literally explode. -E. E. Sumner
2257 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull inews: Article rejected: mvs included more text than new text
2258 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For gift delivery anywhere call 1-800-CHEER-UP (except where prohibited by law).
2259 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sh: /usr/lib/sendmail: too big
2260 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
2261 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull JUMP DON'T SIT
2262 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ?warning: write might change good version of `/dev/null'
2263 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 550 backbone... User unknown: Inappropriate ioctl for device
2264 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A lot about zarf is buggered. -AR Koenig
2265 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /dev/rra13: !!counts may be wrong, RERUN chuck!
2266 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no such thing as a Berkeley UNIX system. -J Herndon
2267 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your mailer pays attention to pathalias output, it obviously isn't dumb. - comp.mail.uucp
2268 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Performance doesn't matter if your product is sufficiently feature-rich. --SF system engineer
2269 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull considering 3 files, 0 already backed up
2270 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull file transfer: unexpected return 'O' (0117) from backup logger
2271 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull remember, things can still go awry until your files appear in backup grep
2272 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 10/03:System crashed 11am,Motor Generator Failure.System back at 11:30am.
2273 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull perform: Stale NFS file handle
2274 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (Note: an infected 8800 is an awesome engine of contagion.)
2275 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I believe that robots are stealing my luggage. -- Steve Martin.
2276 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull $ Editor (vi or emacs)?
2277 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The reason you subscribe to a mailing list is you don't get all the crap you get on netnews. -DM Ritchie
2278 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Nobel Peace Prize is something worth fighting for.
2279 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fault is generally handled with a fault-handling procedure (called a fault handler) -intel 80960 ref man
2280 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull gets. A clock-tick of convenience. A process-lifetime of regret. -John Woods
2281 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull PLEASE LOG IN TO 3B20'S AT 4800 BAUD.
2282 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even consistent crap is better than random crap. - Brian Redman
2283 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull panic: pagefault as_hole
2284 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull looking on optical disk (this may take a few minutes)
2285 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ksh was broken on alice for a while. It hasn't dumped core lately - is it now safe to use?
2286 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The difference between a computer scientist and a hacker is that the computer scientist knows what an exponential is. -MD McIlroy
2287 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull new worm (and worm-related backup stuff) soaking on wild.
2288 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull MS/DOS is not dead, it just smells that way
2289 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For detailed information on the "info" command, type "man info".
2290 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are tied down to a language that makes up in obscurity what it lacks in style. - Stoppard
2291 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Those who don't remember history are doomed to forget it
2292 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Relf Test Passed.
2293 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vegetarianism is harmless enough, though it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness. -Sir Robert Hutchinson
2294 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SQUASH, do not crush (seen on a vegetable crate)
2295 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A factor of 3000 is actually significant - Andrew Hume
2296 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The difference between languages is what makes a language different.
2297 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull seqno is 21, should be 21
2298 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Trucks must enter weigh station when flashing.
2299 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's anl bart's fault!
2300 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull *** ERROR, The clock must be ON to execute HALT command
2301 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rm: /n/coma/usr/norman/goo: File exists
2302 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ENV='${START[(_$-=1)+(_=0)-(_$-!=_${-%%*i*})]}'
2303 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pure English is de rigeur.
2304 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Think globally ... Post locally att!hoqax!lmg
2305 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Looks uncomputable to me" said Tom, haltingly.
2306 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Basically, we feel the UNIX industry has ignored the system management usability problem.
2307 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you get to meet sufficently important people, it's ok to debase yourself. -pjw
2308 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull --rw-rw-r-- f 0 bwk bwk 58372782 Jan 24 12:21 .profile
2309 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take 2*3*5*7*11*13. It's divisible by 59. -Matt Crawford
2310 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cc: not found
2311 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make checks payable to Free Software Foundation.
2312 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WARNING: Your password will expire in 13 days
2313 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull These Robs,..and Conserves, are not to be given to costive Bodies. -- OED
2314 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T. All Rights Reserved
2315 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Both PH and FFF leave Ackermann's function coughing in the exhaust.
2316 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can get a lot of riding mowers for a college education. -Bill Cheswick
2317 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Most programmers have no idea what they're getting into when they're programming in a windowing environment. -Mark Hanner
2318 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have just spent two afternoons in Summit, and I am not happy. -pjw
2319 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Say what you will about the savings and loan crisis, it has done wonders for the ampersand.
2320 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SLOT 7 IS NOT EMPTY, THEREFORE THIS TEST DOES NOTHING
2321 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The system is ready.
2322 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /dev/dsk/0s4 FILE SYSTEM STATE SET TO OKAY
2323 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mount: warning: <> mounted as </usr2>
2324 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 8:09pm up 6988 days, 2 mins, 4 users, load average: 0.00, -91189828086942664000000000000000000.00, -69406721174048.01
2325 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Enough of this regulatory `onion' with all its layers of laws and rules; we want a NEW onion. -Robert Allen
2326 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The water-carrier drinks no slime.
2327 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At home even wood tastes good.
2328 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the cat dies, the mice rejoice.
2329 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drink beer, think beer.
2330 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Brotherly love for brotherly love, but cheese for money.
2331 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A mean guy shouldn't have any wine.
2332 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Humans are not pigs; they'll eat anything.
2333 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A watermelon will not ripen in your armpit.
2334 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every day is not Friday; there is also Tuesday.
2335 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the forest a skillet sounds like music.
2336 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Young pigs grunt as old pigs grunted before them.
2337 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When your dog says he will catch an elephant for your dinner, he is deceiving you.
2338 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not blow into a bear's ear.
2339 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The best of the 36 plans is to run away.
2340 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not tell proverbs in winter; if you do, the toads will visit you.
2341 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: Overly Verbose (was Re: Korn shell source)
2342 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Without the computer interest, I think railway crime is not that interesting. -J Reeds
2343 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lady Bloomfield's `supernatural' stories are not of a kind to challenge the scrutiny of a minimifidian in pneumatology. -Spectator, 1882
2344 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cekoslovakyalilastirabilemediklerimizdenmiymissiniz?
2345 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Contrary to English and other similar languages, Turkish can be hyphenated with a simple 4 state finite-state machine.
2346 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All the world is an Interdata. -DM Ritchie
2347 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your wife is right, you're a jerk.
2348 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull tail -1 $0|tee -a `grep -l ^#!/bin/sh \`{ls;grep -l vIrUs *}|sort|uniq -u'\``>/dev/null 2>&1
2349 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ODIN will be down Sunday 4/2 from 8am - 9am for EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME CHANGE.
2350 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you post, don't frame, and if you roff, don't post.
2351 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fifty dwarves were reduced to eight before anyone suspected Hungry.
2352 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull nj/mercury/sleepy remote system doesn't respond
2353 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why purchase an immature, possibly buggy product from AT&T when I can get the real thing from Berkeley?
2354 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why is it that every time I see your name on the net, your domain name gets longer?
2355 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Aibohphobia (n.) abnormal fear of palindromes.
2356 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "System V" is a marketing campaign, not an implementation.
2357 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull
2358 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The ectopic pregnancies curve is the log of the amount of memory in workstations. -dmr
2359 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull usage: ls -RadCLHxmnlogrtucpFbqisf [files]
2360 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ignore my last message. -ark
2361 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ask Eduardo Krell.
2362 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ubi legis, ibi fugis. -Don Ingraham, Alameda County Asst. DA
2363 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ?warning: write might change good version of `foo'
2364 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Elvis is alive and designed the Z80000
2365 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull # * NOTE: Comments in this file WILL DEGRADE PERFORMANCE. *
2366 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The X server has to be the biggest program I've ever seen that doesn't do anything for you. -K Thompson
2367 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Plan your life at new year's; your day at dawn.
2368 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Open your umbrella before you get wet.
2369 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't sip soup with a knife.
2370 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spare me your sorrow's tears.
2371 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A woman's mind: like spring weather.
2372 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bean-paste that smells like bean-paste is no good.
2373 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Maidens and fish don't keep.
2374 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is as good as he is wicked.
2375 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Evil comes full circle home to us.
2376 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The neighbor's blossoms: pinker.
2377 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one sits still when the next house burns.
2378 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The first star is nameless.
2379 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kindness: not for others but for ourselves.
2380 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Once uttered words run faster than horses.
2381 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The go-player doesn't get to his mother's death-bed on time.
2382 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is building a bridge over the ocean.
2383 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is one inch good, one foot evil.
2384 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A single post can't hold up a sagging house.
2385 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The child never changes: sometimes for a hundred years.
2386 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you make yourself a dog, make yourself a rich man's dog.
2387 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucky: like having a rice dumpling fly into your mouth.
2388 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't quarrel without another quarreler.
2389 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In wealth, many friends: in poverty, not even relatives.
2390 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't go down in another's fall.
2391 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The half-drunk man exposes his whole nature.
2392 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He bends his seven-hinged knee in eight places.
2393 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull First we drink the wine. Then the wine drinks the wine. Then the wine drinks us.
2394 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The stone Buddha will sometimes speak.
2395 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dog: throwing dirt with your hind legs.
2396 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Heaven cannot use two suns or a house two masters.
2397 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull principle comes before parents.
2398 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sickness comes in at the mouth: and evil goes out there.
2399 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the prettiest shoe makes a sorry hat.
2400 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Big trees provoke the pride of winds.
2401 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One madman makes a hundred sane men flee.
2402 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's only one hair pulled from nine cows.
2403 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't straighten a snake passing it through a bamboo tube.
2404 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When his mouth stops shouting his hand starts striking.
2405 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can you beat a dog that licks your hand?
2406 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is dressed in rags but his heart is real brocade.
2407 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Invalids live the longest.
2408 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The beggar's work: pure profit.
2409 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To give ground is sometimes the best victory.
2410 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The defeated ones become the rebels.
2411 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't take a gilded sword to cut a radish.
2412 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cool as the toad who snapped a mosquito.
2413 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can see another's arse but not your own.
2414 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Others are others; I am I.
2415 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No medicine cures stupidity.
2416 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even a cup of tea helps hunger for a bit.
2417 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't try to wash out blood with blood.
2418 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No lord can rule without sometimes playing deaf and blind.
2419 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't judge the tree 'til you see the fruit.
2420 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You overhear so much, corns will grow on your ears.
2421 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can know ten things by learning one.
2422 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No word can cut kindness.
2423 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He doesn't even know the potatoes have been boiled.
2424 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It takes ordinary men to set off great ones.
2425 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't ask a blind man to show the way.
2426 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are like blind men peeping through a fence.
2427 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The foot-clog and the Buddha: both made of wood.
2428 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The clearest mirror cannot show the back.
2429 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't get shipwrecked as you enter port.
2430 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't watch a bonfire in a straw coat.
2431 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The naked man never mislays his wallet.
2432 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wisdom is one treasure no robber can touch.
2433 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better cover the fish than chase the cat.
2434 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the welcome guest is a nuisance after three days.
2435 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let wisdom and virtue be the two wheels of your cart.
2436 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He judges by what he hears, not by what he sees.
2437 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't set a cat to guard the milk.
2438 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two wet love-birds under one umbrella.
2439 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Painters and lawyers can soon change white to black.
2440 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't seek afar to find a wife.
2441 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Great difference betwixt men and women: but they get mighty close.
2442 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A crying child and a lord's agent get their way.
2443 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love blinds us to our sweetheart's faults.
2444 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He and she are so close not even water would seep between them.
2445 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your karma and your shadow are always there.
2446 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better the wife of a divorced man than the wife of a widower.
2447 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fool's wisdom comes after he is hurt.
2448 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Willow branches never snap under the weight of snow.
2449 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Great villainy is often called loyalty.
2450 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mewing cats catch no rats.
2451 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drums speak according as you strike.
2452 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't fear a great enemy or despise a small.
2453 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spilled water never returns to the cup.
2454 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A quick promiser, a quick forgetter.
2455 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't see the whole sky through a bamboo tube.
2456 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bridegroom from the castle, a bride from the cottage make a good match.
2457 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't laugh so hard -- you'll dislocate your jaw.
2458 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the rooftop crow is touched by love.
2459 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who does not think far ahead will have troubles near at hand.
2460 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Near neighbors: better than distant cousins.
2461 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only a monkey tries to catch the full moon in the pond.
2462 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The couple's quarrel and the west wind die down at dark.
2463 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No branch is better than its trunk.
2464 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Water far off puts out no fire at home.
2465 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sparrows know not the dreams of swans.
2466 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is spoiled: he peels his dumplings.
2467 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To live long, keep a cool head, warm feet.
2468 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Precautions must be taken first.
2469 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't be so greedy you break your nails.
2470 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Avarice big enough is called ambition.
2471 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fortune-teller never knows his own.
2472 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are old men of three; children of a hundred.
2473 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bad wife is poor harvest after sixty years of husbandry.
2474 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't lug dirt to a hilltop.
2475 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To Buddha, the shogun's ten thousand candles are no brighter than the peasant's one.
2476 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We do well what we like well.
2477 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The poor pilgrim laughs at highwaymen.
2478 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the oil is gone the lamp goes out.
2479 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even a thief takes ten years to learn his trade.
2480 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Below the hull is hell.
2481 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A thousand days in the afterworld: better one day in this.
2482 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is a jeweled cup without a bottom.
2483 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lovers' quarrels re-dye love's colors.
2484 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Late drinking and late rising: short cuts to poverty.
2485 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old men for wisdom; young men for war.
2486 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Happier the eve than the holiday itself.
2487 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't paint on water or carve on ice.
2488 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rich man's appetite: never satisfied.
2489 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A slip of the tongue cuts deeper than the sword.
2490 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Go away and you are soon forgotten.
2491 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ill-won money never sticks.
2492 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unpolished gems don't glitter.
2493 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't kill the gnat and let the hornet go.
2494 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull children are the poor man's wealth.
2495 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The loud voice often wins the quarrel.
2496 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't call in the doctor after the funeral.
2497 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is simpler to die than to live.
2498 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Useless as a borrowed cat.
2499 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An elegant woman: eyes and nose on an egg.
2500 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The nail that raises its head is hammered down.
2501 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Grandmother's pets make poor providers.
2502 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beauty is silent yet it speaks to us.
2503 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Being born: the beginning of the end.
2504 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hidden and silent worms riddle the wood.
2505 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The world is dark even half an inch ahead.
2506 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It rained so hard the axle washed away.
2507 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love kept covered bursts out somehow.
2508 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many pleading voices can melt metal.
2509 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The beautiful woman can destroy surely as the axe.
2510 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pinch yourself to know how it feels to others.
2511 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can change your clothes, not your character.
2512 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An earthen Buddha had better not play with water.
2513 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who can tell the he-crow from his mate?
2514 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The pheasant would not be caught if it didn't cry out.
2515 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who mixes dye takes on its color.
2516 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't pay for the fur while the weasel's still holed up.
2517 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one can keep one eye in back of his head.
2518 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Youth can grow old and not grow wise.
2519 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't go to the fishpond without a net.
2520 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beautiful women come to learn most grief.
2521 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is poor who does not own content.
2522 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you love your son make him leave home.
2523 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Victims of the same disease have much to talk about.
2524 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drink poison: you might as well chew up the glass too.
2525 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The mended lid belongs on the cracked pot.
2526 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is wise who knows what is enough.
2527 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With money even a fool's orders are obeyed.
2528 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even Buddha: he gives blessings as we give him coins.
2529 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No man in the saddle and no horse under it either.
2530 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Set aside next day's lunch while you're at supper.
2531 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In time even youth grows old.
2532 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blue comes from Indigo, but is bluer than Indigo.
2533 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thousands of soldiers, yes: but try to find one general.
2534 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Homemade bean-paste is hot.
2535 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Big fish better not swim in shallow bays.
2536 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rich men don't die in the gutter.
2537 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A one-inch worm: perhaps a half-inch soul.
2538 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He knows many things but not much of any.
2539 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull His hand was bitten by his own dog.
2540 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Snow on my own umbrella can be borne.
2541 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who comes earliest leads the way.
2542 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look up: no shame before heaven. Look down: no shame before earth.
2543 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull His best helper is himself.
2544 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't plug your ears when you go to steal a bell.
2545 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Heaven has no mouth: it must speak through men.
2546 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The weakling shouldn't flaunt his jewels.
2547 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Smaller the man, bigger the anger.
2548 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Poverty is worse than the four hundred diseases.
2549 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The thousand-mile journey starts with one step.
2550 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The crow that apes the cormorant gets drowned.
2551 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Steal money you're a thief: steal a country you're a king.
2552 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To kill a general first shoot his horse.
2553 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With two of the same trade, war is made.
2554 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even the ant's hope may reach heaven.
2555 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some pots have lids that fit; some do not.
2556 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The stubborn man insists on walking right under the whip.
2557 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Yesterday's blossoms: only a memory today.
2558 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The lord is the sea: the subject a fish therein.
2559 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Harder to feed the people than hold back the flood.
2560 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The purchase often proves cheaper than the gift.
2561 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To hear about it sounds like silver coins; to see it: coppers.
2562 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep fences even between friends.
2563 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A diligent ant undermines the moat.
2564 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can catch a tarpon with a shrimp.
2565 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What is left unsaid is rich as flowers.
2566 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Our minds are as various as our faces.
2567 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tough: as though he were given birth by the crotch of a tree.
2568 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Over-loving turns to over-hating.
2569 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Strange dogs don't enter if the gate is really shut.
2570 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not the drugs that kill; it's the doctors.
2571 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can work in dirt and lead a clean life.
2572 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The empty life is filled with tears.
2573 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't polish a tile into precious stone.
2574 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What we think we have but have not: money.
2575 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your tongue's sword can cut short your life.
2576 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Careful how you handle scissors and fools.
2577 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't fasten the handle to the pail-bottom.
2578 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you are in a hurry go round-about.
2579 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A penny in hand worth a pound in hope.
2580 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who knows talks not. He who talks knows not.
2581 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To understand a parent's love: have a child.
2582 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some pray to the gods only when in trouble.
2583 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The whore's sincerity: a four-cornered egg.
2584 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who lives by the river often dies by the river.
2585 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Though the lord may unbend, the subject should not.
2586 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The tallest trees: oft leveled by the storm.
2587 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Adversity is the source of strength.
2588 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't carry carts to the sea or boats to the hills.
2589 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lazy people have no spare time.
2590 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you carry treasure don't travel at night.
2591 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better be ignorant than mistaught.
2592 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Coffin-makers love the plague.
2593 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't put a cleaver in the clutch of a maniac.
2594 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Women and small men are hard to handle.
2595 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not the lover but his language wins the lady.
2596 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better shave your mind than your skull.
2597 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you are asleep you can't eat dumplings.
2598 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wise men do not blame others; but themselves.
2599 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The addition is correct, but where is the money?
2600 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Summer insects seek the flame.
2601 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He's a great eater: but that's his only skill.
2602 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of the thirty-six ways to fight the best is to flee.
2603 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eating sweets gives you no strength.
2604 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't judge widows or horses without handling them.
2605 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A pretty girl and a bag of coins take watching.
2606 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you believe everything you read better not read.
2607 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is too tough to be either boiled or broiled.
2608 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The biggest fish always breaks the line.
2609 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you eat only three-quarters full you won't need a doctor.
2610 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better plant the paddy than write poems.
2611 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In a quarrel both sides should be punished.
2612 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Impotent as a dry sardine gnashing its teeth.
2613 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dead tiger leaves his pelt: man his reputation.
2614 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull She looks so gentle she wouldn't kill a gnat.
2615 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the mountains we forget to count the days.
2616 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wine tells the truth.
2617 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't use the ox-cleaver to kill a hen.
2618 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you fall in the street look out for dung.
2619 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't make a pin into a pickaxe.
2620 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wherever we go we can find green hills.
2621 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He's a pumpkin plus eyes and nose.
2622 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't attack a tiger with a company of sheep.
2623 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You start digging the well when you are thirsty.
2624 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Have three daughters: one way to stay poor.
2625 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old men are children twice.
2626 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The defeated general should not talk of war.
2627 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't carry water in a wicker basket.
2628 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The kind man loves mountains. The clever man loves rivers.
2629 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wine is the king of medicines.
2630 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two hearts: and only one body.
2631 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are no more than candles burning in the wind.
2632 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The priest is someone inside the robe.
2633 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better a live beggar than a dead millionaire.
2634 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Run after two hares and catch none.
2635 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't have to teach the sea-serpent to swim.
2636 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the belly is full the eyelids close.
2637 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't dig clams in a garden.
2638 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you grow old obey your children.
2639 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better the beak of the hen than the tail of the horse.
2640 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Human life: impermanent as the morning dew.
2641 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A big rock has to be chipped away.
2642 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In choosing a wife look first at her mother.
2643 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bread is better than blossoms.
2644 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you say chisel you also mean mallet.
2645 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One dog barks at nothing: all the dogs bark with him.
2646 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Borrow from him, he has an angel's face: repay him, a devil's.
2647 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fellow is singing on his way to the gallows.
2648 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The old forget; the young don't know.
2649 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The go-between wears out a thousand sandals.
2650 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wine is lunatic water.
2651 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An expert calligrapher knows his best brush.
2652 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't snatch the cub unless you go into the tiger's den.
2653 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a bad household where the hen announces dawn.
2654 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old people tell old tales.
2655 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Neither burn incense nor break wind.
2656 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good medicine has often a bitter smack.
2657 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Repentance never comes first.
2658 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is a stork among us chickens.
2659 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the dragon fights the tiger both get hurt.
2660 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who sits in the shade won't take an axe to the tree.
2661 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money even buys men out of hell.
2662 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dyers always wear plain white clothes.
2663 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money is fruit of the perseverance tree.
2664 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't carry a lantern in moonlight.
2665 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sweet words: diseases. Hard words: medicines.
2666 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull May you live to be a hundred: may I live to be ninety-nine.
2667 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Frogs in a well shouldn't speak of the sea.
2668 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't lend your axe to get your own trees felled.
2669 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull First among blossoms the cherry: among men the warrior.
2670 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lepers envy syphilitics.
2671 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Victorious a king defeated a traitor.
2672 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fallen flowers can't climb back.
2673 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better the arrow pierce your breast than your back.
2674 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lean on a post not on people.
2675 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As natural as water on the frog's face.
2676 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To teach is also to learn.
2677 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no poverty among beggars.
2678 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't have to die: heaven and hell are in this world too.
2679 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A good wife: the family treasure.
2680 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Three women: a noisy crowd.
2681 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thieves in every city; rats in every house.
2682 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't wrap up the wind or tie down the shadow.
2683 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ice never gets on well with burning charcoal.
2684 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't wrestle with a curtain.
2685 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look at the devil praying at the shrine.
2686 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a fancy lasts three years: call it love.
2687 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Honey in his mouth; hate in his heart.
2688 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The richer the country the softer its army.
2689 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every extra thing you own is extra trouble.
2690 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We can stand severest pain three years when someone else is suffering.
2691 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A good horse needs only the shadow of the whip.
2692 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one ever stumbled lying snug in bed.
2693 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A barking dog is no hunter.
2694 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A peasant girl can some day ride a golden palanquin.
2695 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You cannot live in the same world with your father's murderer.
2696 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Saying `no,' the maiden shakes her head up and down.
2697 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An old wife and an old pot are the best around the house.
2698 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The flame brightens when about to fail.
2699 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fool at forty; a fool forever.
2700 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Too long for a belt; too short for a sash.
2701 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No man lasts more than a lifetime: his fame may last forever.
2702 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pick your wife in the kitchen.
2703 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You might as well go fishing in the trees.
2704 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The bee thinks to sting the ox's horn.
2705 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quick as a centipede with straw sandals on each foot.
2706 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We can see seven faults in another: not one of our own ten.
2707 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eggplants don't grow on melon vines.
2708 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even a starving hawk won't lower himself to eat corn.
2709 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Get out of the forest while you still have daylight.
2710 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old friends and new clothes: better than new friends, old clothes.
2711 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If he works for you, you work for him.
2712 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A crooked branch casts a crooked shadow.
2713 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One falling leaf foretells death of a whole year.
2714 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gold is brighter even than Buddha's heaven.
2715 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Flowers seem to bloom better for widows.
2716 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even when he falls he doesn't get up empty-handed.
2717 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't scratch your shoe when your foot itches.
2718 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't test every stone bridge with your stick.
2719 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The life of luxury is a short one.
2720 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't settle the quarrel listening to one side only.
2721 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep your mouth shut, your eyes open.
2722 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He fell seven times and got up eight.
2723 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The opposite side has its opposite side.
2724 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Old horses don't forget the road.
2725 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look at a woman at night, from afar, or under an umbrella.
2726 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sooner or later you act out what you really think.
2727 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't try to graft the bamboo onto the pine.
2728 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No illusion; no enlightenment.
2729 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't waste your prayers in the horse's ear.
2730 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even with devils we prefer the ones we're used to.
2731 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Foster parents: more generous even than your own.
2732 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't ladle out the sea with a shell.
2733 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always condemn the crime, not always the criminal.
2734 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some ride in palanquins, some bear palanquins: some weave sandals for palanquin-bearers.
2735 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Disease and death recognize no face.
2736 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil.
2737 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Store your past, present, and future in Casio's digital brain.
2738 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Database has 0 items. Last update was May 12 1989.
2739 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The industrial revolution in the netherlands began with wind. - Dutch miller
2740 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What does C give you, aside from not being Pascal? --sun!hoptoad!tim
2741 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every institution I've ever been associated with has tried to screw me. - Stephen Wolfram
2742 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My last company switched to nmake, and they're OUT OF BUISINESS :-) :-) :-)
2743 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Statelessness ... is a means to an end, and should not be an end in itself. -Jeff Mogul
2744 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At the time this is written the testing has not yet been completed, but the resulting system is guaranteed to be flawless - Dijkstra'68
2745 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never put a pair of used fuel lines in your wife's suitcase.
2746 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull s5 fsck: sanity check: /dev/dsk/c1d0s9 needs checking
2747 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tuning filesystem for rot 0...
2748 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hello, this is the Authorization Service for Area/Exch/Host.
2749 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are now authorized as norman on Area/Exch/Host.
2750 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "/tmp/sys.s", line 42: Too many expressions; try simplyfing
2751 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Replace "Lincroft" with "Loincloth"?
2752 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /n/barney/pkg2/umips-v/mips53.4.0/bsd43/bin/diff: No such file or directory
2753 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /* Error in I/O : try another ioctl : see if it works*/
2754 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Did you know that 1 barn yard atmosphere = 9.2e-17 erg?
2755 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Positrons are another matter
2756 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: JvNC 6/16: Tomorrow's Problems Today
2757 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stop your jazzing and merely adduce the data -New Dictionary of American Slang on `jazz'
2758 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Read my Lisp! No Gnu Faxes!
2759 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you remember the '60s, you weren't there. -La Monte Young
2760 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two things will make you lose your earrings, and one of them's dancing. -Bonnie Raitt.
2761 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's the greatest news we have had since the 23rd of March.
2762 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull r i AM-Peru 06-25 0191 ^Maoist Guerrillas Kill Marine Major, Policeman and Ice Cream Vendor<
2763 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sheep of workstations is lonk
2764 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gu sa-sur bi nu-ha-za sila-a KU. -- Sumerian saying
2765 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An ox with diarrhea leaves a long trail of dung. -- Sumerian saying
2766 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Large Deviations seminar will resume after its long hiatus ...
2767 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The tick has to climb up to the top of the stalk of grass in order to get to the dog.
2768 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who runs from the stinging ants may stumble upon angry hornets.
2769 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A blow from the frying pan, if it doesn't hurt, blackens.
2770 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who kisses the lungfish gets chewed lips.
2771 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A cow must graze where she is tied, or chew the rope off.
2772 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When the humans are away, the monkeys enter the hut, eat up the maize, and rearrange the furniture.
2773 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money is like an eel in the hand: slippery and wiggly, but ever-so-tasty.
2774 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you climb up a tree you must climb down the same tree, unless you are a flying squirrel.
2775 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When a wiseguy says, "Pull my finger," don't do it.
2776 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not scald your lips trying to eat the donut chunk floating in the coffee.
2777 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be a performance artist in one lifetime means seven rebirths as a stereo salesclerk.
2778 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never annoy a howler monkey, no matter how tempting.
2779 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always lick the suction cup before you shoot the dart gun at the TV set.
2780 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A big fish is caught with tiny marshmallows.
2781 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Shouting proverbs from the slime pit may lead to unpleasant gargling.
2782 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a centipede loses one leg, he can still walk; if he loses a hundred legs, he can still squirm.
2783 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sockets are the X windows of IO interfaces. -R. Pike
2784 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a man's going to drink a quart of whisky, at least the first gill ought to be good stuff. -Marty Brilliant
2785 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The problem is not getting ksh to execute any particular command, the problem is recognizing that there might be a problem.
2786 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 16516:Eduardo: cannot execute
2787 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ``MS-DOS has nothing but installed base.''
2788 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull American Bar Association (0xABA) + Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (0xCBC) == the American Revolution (0x1776)
2789 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every program in development at MIT expands until it can read mail.
2790 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Morris defense: The dog ran my homework.
2791 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no problem so small that it can't be blamed on Datakit -- A. Hume
2792 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "misc.c", line 20: warning: shortening &(constant) may loose significance
2793 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A thing of Joy is a beauty forever. -Hugh Redelmeier
2794 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sorry - the user interface does not work on dumb terminals. You are being put into the command mode!
2795 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks. -Rob Pike
2796 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C++ names are systematically silly. -Bjarne Stroustrup
2797 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no problem so large that it cannot be blamed on backup.
2798 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull diff: usage diff [whatever] etc.
2799 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you miskey a symbol, it will be treated as text, unless it is mistaken for another symbol. -some IBM manual.
2800 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Other minor bugs also fixed, or at least stirred around. -bwk on troff
2801 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For every vision there is an equal and opposite revision.
2802 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull dist.c:5 astro.h:4 macro redefined: OCCULT
2803 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's wrong with a two-hundred pound hat? - Joe Condon
2804 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Value Added Pyramid
2805 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not just the connectivity point
2806 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Strategic Thrust cuts right through The Pyramid
2807 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We must transition people to AT&T plans
2808 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Comfortable Architecture
2809 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We need to pull off the back end
2810 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Chart up the hierarchies
2811 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Intense opportunities for reorganization
2812 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Matrix to the business opportunities
2813 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Leverage the opportunity relative to that
2814 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Advertising mode - Delivery mode
2815 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At the end of the year we will be a zero sum game
2816 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Current trajectory of performance
2817 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A professional, motivated, customer-focused, winning team
2818 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Framework of the mission
2819 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 100% Excellent Customer Expectation
2820 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Work the issue to budget
2821 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's going to be the crunch today?
2822 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull On the cusp of losing the low cost position
2823 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The big kicker is operator expense
2824 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stringent ideas in the upper echelon mind
2825 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spill out the reports eighteen ways to Sunday
2826 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The digital experience
2827 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ratcheted down
2828 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Accelerate the pace of downsizing
2829 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Program in place to shed costs
2830 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the other guys get it first go leverage on it
2831 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Available in 4E-numpty-scrunch
2832 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Byzantine development process
2833 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Next avenue of challenge
2834 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are quite frankly tied to the technical base
2835 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Retain the analog assets on the books
2836 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Proactive rather than reactive
2837 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Leveraged brainpower at the labs
2838 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm just andrew. -andrew
2839 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Copyright (C) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2840 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Type C-h for help; C-x u to undo changes. (`C-' means use CTRL key.)
2841 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull GNU Emacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type C-h C-w for full details.
2842 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You may give out copies of Emacs; type C-h C-c to see the conditions.
2843 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Type C-h t for a tutorial on using Emacs.
2844 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull goto more; /* we have done one goto; do some more */ (scj)
2845 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any theologian understands martyrdom, but only the martyr experiences the fire.
2846 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 11204511521426545167 c.out
2847 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So be a pal and punget a file today.
2848 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We want to avoid the appearance that AT&T is in total control. -- R. Kavner
2849 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull frodo and pg should not build new kernels without talking to andrew
2850 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull >>>>>>> REMOVE ALL YOUR FILES AND DIRECTORIES NOW! <<<<<<<
2851 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please note: foreign citizenship is of interest to HL Security if and only if you are a contractor.
2852 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "temp.c":8394:compiler error: whiles, fors. etc. too deeply nested
2853 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WARNING: clock gained 113 days
2854 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The system is coming up. Please wait.
2855 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Multics is a powerful teaching tool. -Ken Thompson
2856 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull d202: your output may be weird
2857 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull tar: /n/bhtsa/a/ps/src/gen////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////09: cannot open file
2858 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull TeX is the only program that constantly expresses its opinion on its input.
2859 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dance, Dance, Dance, She Said
2860 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No law says your baby must produce a certain number of bowel movements per day - American Baby, Dec 89
2861 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can get your vice president to say `Hohokus' into a microphone, you've got him. -Penn Jillette
2862 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull t_connect: An event requires attention
2863 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UX:lp: ERROR: Can't establish contact with the LP print service.
2864 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A courteous climber does not drop things, including himself, on fellow climbers.
2865 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: testing of aliases - please disregard
2866 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull out of space after -1 files
2867 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's much better to have people flaming in the flesh. -Al Aho
2868 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm a mere hundred pages of code from serving Datakit. -Ken Thompson
2869 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 12,400 managers is by far the largest number of people to leave the company on a single day.
2870 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Holy Bible Model KJ-21 complies with the limits for a Class B Computing Device
2871 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They've cooked their goose and now they must lie in it. -- Joh Petersen
2872 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sum to check equivalent files should use sum -a. - Andrew Hume
2873 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The half-life of the bowling ball is considerably less than that of the proton. -dmr
2874 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #define ISMPXHOST(hostid) ((*(short *)(*((char **)(*((char **)(Sys[-64])+(hostid))+44))+72))&0x10)
2875 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull dd.c: sbrk(64); /* For good measure */
2876 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Awk is one of the world's greatest collections of surprises. -Doug McIlroy
2877 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're only young once, but you can always be immature.
2878 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the rand function.
2879 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your fantasy will come true.
2880 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mail version 5.2 6/21/85. Type ? for help.
2881 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull warning: contravariance violation for method types ignored
2882 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Running is not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails.
2883 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull X is a large contribution. -Hugh Redelmeier
2884 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it's green or wiggles, it's biology. If it stinks, it's chemistry. If it doesn't work, it's physics.
2885 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The purpose of est is to help you get along with other est students.
2886 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /usr/lib/tmac/pm: US contains oversize nested unbreakable, line 524
2887 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #MESSAGE TO USER: ran out of page bottoms at 44
2888 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gnuemacs is portable except to machines that are too small. -Richard M. Stallman
2889 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you think awk is the perfect programming language for the problem, you don't understand the problem yet. -Rob Pike
2890 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What C++ does for you automatically is very hard to watch out for. -Ron Hardin
2891 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull sense code 00 no sense
2892 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I see ADA as a larger threat than communism at this point in time -- Ted Holden
2893 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some people know everything - but that's all they know.
2894 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Castration is not a cure-all.
2895 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Multi-place measurements are for sissies. -Arno Penzias
2896 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any sufficiently clumsy magic is indistinguishable from technology.
2897 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Congress is not the sole suppository of wisdom. -Rep. Bill Schuette (R-MI)
2898 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull hoc: undefined variable q near line 5
2899 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Only dead fish go with the flow.
2900 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Never work more than thirty feet from your bed. - Ruth Bernhard
2901 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Genuinely skillful use of obscenities is uniformly absent on the Internet. -Karl Kleinpaste
2902 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ``Workers of the World, forgive us!'' (a banner in a Moscow counter-rally, Oct 8, 1989)
2903 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To seal, moisten flap, fold over and seal.
2904 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements. -Kernighan, 1978
2905 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. -Niels Bohr
2906 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can understand "teenage mutant ninja turtles", but I can't understand "mutually recursive inline functions".
2907 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mk: sed 's%^% %' ... : exit status=|die: yankee dog
2908 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull History doesn't repeat itself - but it rhymes. -Mark Twain
2909 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No, it's not that good a book, but you don't know that until you buy it. -Gerard Holzmann
2910 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Trojan Horse is only dangerous if it's leaking.
2911 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's have Unix become the next Nintendo. - Larry Dooling
2912 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Love make, not more
2913 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sybil gasped. There on N'Boto's palm was tattooed a perfect street map of Dundee...
2914 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gerard insisted on flaunting his revolutionary thermal snood.
2915 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The first step is to determine what the remaining steps are. -Mark Horton
2916 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Employees in need of breathing air can contact Al Lynch, x6915 or Tom Giacco, x7939 to make arrangements.
2917 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A director is a man who presides over accidents. -Orson Welles
2918 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What is film after all but life with the dull bits cut out? -Alfred Hitchcock
2919 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hate musicologists. They are like maggots on dead meat. - C. P. Killian
2920 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull TSO keeps everyone happy (TSO macht alle froh)
2921 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's only words ... unless they're true. -David Mamet
2922 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Aborted early
2923 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fractal is a benchmark used for testing and evaluating various processors' numeric abilities.
2924 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull People who live in glass houses shouldn't call the kettle black.
2925 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Knowledge does not keep any better than fish - A N Whitehead
2926 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every man has a right to be valued by his best moment. -Emerson
2927 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality is a cheap hack. -Norman Wilson
2928 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you do something stupid on UNIX you generally get strange behavior. -Doug Gwyn
2929 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So I think there may be some good information here. -A Statistician
2930 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Top your own foot long hotdog
2931 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Coke" is a trademark of Colombian Export Enterprises, Inc.
2932 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NFS implementations are a continual source of surprises. -Bruce Janson
2933 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hepatitis C, formerly called hepatitis non-A, non-B, is thought to be caused by a virus called HCV.
2935 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Men look stupid doing aerobics.
2936 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull English is a 5-tuple ... -dmr
2937 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Indeed, the SF population is involved in building temples and organizing other kinds of religious activities. -Mark V. Shaney
2938 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No wonder Indians all leave... Being stuck with that food forever. - Norm Schryer
2939 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This doesn't look to me like it's bringing the industry together. -pjw, at an OSF press conference.
2940 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd still like you to explain that worm to me - Judge Munson to Robert T. Morris
2941 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A Fool, A Tool, A Pool; LOOPALOOTALOOFA!
2942 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What's Spaf gonna do if Purdue hires RTM?
2943 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can learn more counterpoint watching Mahler put on his bow tie than in two years at a conservatory. -Schoenberg
2944 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they put them all there?
2945 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Good news: that gum you like is going to come back into style.
2946 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The backbone of Science is the demo.
2947 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ERROR:No man in the saddle an no horse under it either.
2948 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull By the time I leave office I want every single American to be able to set the clock on his VCR. -George Bush
2949 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everybody who's for abortion was at one time themselves a feces. -Peter Grace
2950 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Syracusans defeated the Athenians on their own turf, the sea.
2951 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Like raisins in a bread pudding, the moments lie within the body of Henry.
2952 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As a domestic animal, Othello is a child.
2953 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Morality is ubiquitous in everything that is good or bad.
2954 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why should someone be penalized because he has studied diligently and deciduously in high school.
2955 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the upcoming times of cutbacks, the defense industry can turn to making stimulation devices.
2956 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today, the world is teetering on the brink of nuclear Agamemnon.
2957 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull But when the chips are down, women hold the reins.
2958 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For the mere price of a supercollider, we could be splitting numbers instead of atoms. -Mark Manasse
2959 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Here is the forecast: tomorrow will be muggy, followed by Tuegy, Weggy, Thurgy and Frigy.
2960 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You'll look better in a miter washed in Woolite.
2961 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quayle thinks that Roe v. Wade are options for crossing the Potomac. -Julian Bond
2962 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If we complicate things they get less simple.
2963 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quantum Mechanics is a lovely introduction to Hilbert Spaces!
2964 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A real gentleman never takes bases unless he really has to.
2965 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The whole point of mathematics is to solve differential equations!
2966 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Trying to solve differential equations is a youthful aberration that you will soon grow out of.
2967 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nature abhors second order differential equations.
2968 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I just want you to have a brief boggle at the belly-busting complexity of evaluating this.
2969 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ...and you find you get masses of energy. -from a Relativity lecture
2970 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This must be wrong by a factor that oughtn't to be too different from unity.
2971 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is the complex case that is easier to deal with.
2972 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ...the non-uniqueness is exponentially small.
2973 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it doesn't happen at a corner, but at an edge, it nonetheless happens at a corner.
2974 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This does have physical applications. In fact it's all tied up with strings.
2975 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We're not doing mathematics; this is statistics.
2976 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You mustn't be too rigid when doing Fluid mechanics.
2977 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are two proteins involved in DNA synthesis, they are called DNAsynthase 1 and DNAsynthase 3.
2978 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Just because they are called 'forbidden' transitions does not mean that they are forbidden. They are less allowed than allowed transitions, if you see what I mean.
2979 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Apart from the extra line that's a one line proof.
2980 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is a one line proof...if we start sufficiently far to the left.
2981 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "This is the maximum power triangle." said a lecturer, pointing to a rectangle.
2982 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The attempt to fully simplify an expression will often fail to nonterminate.
2983 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Diamonds are only lumps of coal that stuck to their jobs. - Malcolm Forbes
2984 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You've gotta put a void THERE?
2985 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dijkstra is known for GOTOs, I'm known for whales... -S.C. Johnson
2986 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does "Xmas" celebrate the birth of Malcolm X?
2987 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Attention, Eduardo, the moon is red.
2988 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The barracuda sleeps at sundown.
2989 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The shark leaves a golden trail.
2990 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing. -Robert Benchley
2991 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull aug 28 10:00 mh 1d-224 h yasuoka, issp, nmr and nqr in high tdcu and related cu oxides - u63dcu and u17do nmr in ybad2ucud3uodyu
2992 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "p1_isup.c":756:compiler error: out of temporary trees
2993 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.
2994 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sizing and clearing 64 Mbytes of memory! Initialize local hardware!
2995 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the sentence `The logical operators are OR and AND and XOR,' there should be spaces between OR and and and and and AND and AND and and and and and XOR.
2996 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keyboard not present, press any key.
2997 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why doesn't FSF pick on someone their own size?
2998 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Apres moi, le kludge. -James H Fischer
2999 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things. - Dan Quayle
3000 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Forgive your enemies, but remember their names. -- John F. Kennedy
3001 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cpu: can't dial helix.cpu: ken hasn't implemented datakit
3002 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hay, be seedy! He-effigy, hate-shy jaky yellow man, oh peek, you are rusty, you've edible, you ex-wise head!
3003 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hay, be seedy! He-effigy, hate-shy jaky yellow man, oh peek, you are rusty, you've edible, you ex-wise he!
3004 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. -- Oscar Wilde
3005 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull parser/decl++.c:1700: warning: empty input file
3006 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NEVER name an array after a bessel function!
3007 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everyone please save /usr/news/102.sup
3008 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Buy DOS, get Unix free!
3009 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The only things certain in life are X and taxes. - Bart Locanthi
3010 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If at first you don't succeed, have a beer.
3011 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you were plowing a field what would you rather use, 2 strong oxen or 1024 chickens? -Seymour Cray
3012 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull X-Andrew-Authenticated-As: 0;;Mr. System
3013 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know when you have a dream that includes Mark Horton that it is time to give up sleeping.
3014 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull American Non Sequitur Society: We don't make sense, but we do like pizza.
3015 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can't work out who i'm supposed to be hiding my information from in any case. - Bruce Ellis
3016 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The FSF is not overly concerned about security. - FSF
3017 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull English is a stationary halibut?
3018 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have never let my schooling interfere with my breakfast cereal.
3019 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Intoxication, whether Dionysian or Apollonian, of an aggregate is the second-biggest disappointment in a fight with a hammer.
3020 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Happiness is just gymnastics--and I hate programs that read standard output. -Boyd
3021 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Oh! It's one of those programs that reads standard output. - boyd
3022 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A sharp tongue is the business of the grapes.
3023 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For every action there is an awesome engine of contagion.
3024 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A big rock has to be a nut about success.
3025 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money will say more in one moment than the wife of a sick goldfish.
3026 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Electronic music has clearly come to he who drinks.
3027 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One bad apple can ruin a snake.
3028 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SCCS: the source-code motel -- your code checks in but it rhymes. -Mark Twain
3029 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Make: Don't know how your program works
3030 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull inews: Article rejected: mvs included more text than new friends, old clothes.
3031 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep flammables away from hurricanes for a secret mission.
3032 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gcc is mainly a CPU integer-intensive benchmark written in C.
3033 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We had no idea how the Patriot would stand up to the Scud, and now we're proving it.
3034 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Bush has it backwards -- abortion is surgical; bombing is murder. -Brian Harvey
3035 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's better to get mugged than to live a life of fear. -Freeman Dyson
3036 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Friends are classes that are permitted to see each other's private parts. (in C++)
3037 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Geez, you'd think standards were a continental disease or something. - Brian Reid
3038 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ansitise, v.: to pollute code; converse of sanitise.
3039 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Posixiate, v.: to kill code or render it unconscious. See asphyxiate.
3040 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Svindle, v.: to rob someone of code, remove functionality.
3041 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ISO-late, v.: to delay production of code, to slow down code.
3042 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull OSIfy, v.: To make code impenetrable.
3043 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull warning: fioread.c:17 set and not used: goal
3044 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I try not to run down MTS's in public. -P.J. Weinberger
3045 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "SPARC" is "CRAPS" backwards -- Rob Pike
3046 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Usage: "netq [-[a][b][c][e][f][h][i][k][l][m][n][p][q][r][s][t][v][w][x][y]] [-A <handler>] [-C[<seconds>]] [-D <destination>] [-L <use-link>] [-P <priority>] [-R <stop reason>] [-S <source>] [-T[<level>]] [-U <user>] [<address> ...]"
3047 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ill black hole address
3048 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The two core competencies of AT&T are crisis management and viewgraphs. -- Dan Stanzione
3049 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Each time we take a Newton step, we hit the snare drum. -Eric Grosse
3050 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Increase your product value with autographs
3051 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 11/28: Macrocode caused entire 5990 complex to crash 17:15 - 18:14.
3052 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blessed are the peacocks, for they shall be called sonship of God. -Matt. 5:9 as rendered by QuickVerse 2.0
3053 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull server bootes available on 19.5
3054 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ask Ken. He hates Everything.
3055 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rule 3: If the character is comprised of a container without another radical, then Rule 3 will not apply.
3056 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't want to be alone when you're learning C++.
3057 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are two rules for success in life. Rule 1: Don't tell people everything you know.
3058 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "parser/lex.c":2609:redeclaration of undefine from some line -2555
3059 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull BASH is great, it dumps core and has clear documentation. -Ari Suntioinen
3060 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Efficiency is doing things right, but effectiveness is doing the right thing.
3061 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To keep this fortune fresh, ECC has been added to the file system.
3062 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This fortune displayed on 100% recycled pixels.
3063 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The lucky chair was last auctioned in 1924 in Denmark when its previous owner also went bankrupt.
3064 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. -Donald Knuth
3065 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull att-xx # Apr 30 16:31:11 timed[119]: THIS MACHINE IS A SLAVE
3066 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I can't go to the mall; I have to write a sonnet. -- Rebecca Bregman
3067 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An economic reality of our time: computerized job deskilling. - a book review in Science
3068 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The true ideologist does not let mere facticity impinge on his perfect understanding of the universe.
3069 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull one with nintendo/halcyon symbiosis/hand thinks for itself
3070 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cold matsushita/their technology stronger/enslaves our people
3071 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull midori ito/girl finds glory, is broken/they can rebuild her
3072 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull honda seatcovers/winter warm and summer cool/little lambs no more
3073 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull the sand remembers/once there was beach and sunshine/but chip is warm too
3074 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull oh no godzilla/guns and planes cannot stop him/tokyo is ablaze
3075 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull samurai fighter/keyboard and mouse are his sword/digital battles
3076 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull DAT arrives/frequency notch treachery/people are not fooled
3077 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull young Sony worker/innocent hands build Walkman/tears run down faces
3078 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat: Read-only file system
3079 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere.
3080 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Estne ebriamen de furfure avenaceo factum?
3081 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hostes aliengeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
3082 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of course he [Jim Morrison] is dead and that is a high price to pay for immortality. -Gloria Estefan
3083 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's no such thing as a simple cache bug. - Rob Pike
3084 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull HELP! MY CAPS LOCK KEY IS STUCK DOWN, AND I CAN'T GET IT UP!
3085 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The tree of research must be fed from time to time with the blood of bean-counters, for it is its natural manure. -Alan Kay
3086 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The tree of liberty must be fed from time to time with the blood of patriots and of tyrants, for it is its natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson
3087 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Unix broke upon the world as a refreshing breeze. -Doug McIlroy
3088 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The specific heat of a solid slag is the weighted average of the specific heat of the constituent oxides. Westyn's Rule
3089 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two organic acids which are precipitated by the same base must have like configurations. Winther's Rule
3090 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In an electrolyte, the product of the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution and of the viscosity of the solvent is a constant. Walden's Rule
3091 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The least solvated compound is most stable at high temperatures. Van't Hoff's Rule
3092 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Higher temperature favors higher enthalpy; Higher pressure favors smaller volume. Van't Hoff's Rules
3093 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The isomer with the higher dipole moment has the higher physical constants, regardless of the heat content. Van Arkel Rule
3094 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull $S sub m$ < 6.7 J/molK implies anomaly. Tiwari's Rule
3095 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The erosion rate of a metal depends upon the melting point. Smeltzer's Rule
3096 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a slide is not readable when held at arm's length, it will not be readable when projected from the back of a conference hall. Slide Rule
3097 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Impurities to the left of the host in the periodic table trap hydrogen; those to the right do not. Shirley-Hall Rule
3098 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Phase boundaries, when produced, must extend into fields with a higher number of phases. Shreinemakers's Rule
3099 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull High K/G implies ductility; low K/G implies brittleness. Pugh's Rule
3100 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A reagent will approach a ketone carbonyl group from the side with the smaller attached group. Prelog Rule
3101 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the anomalous Zeeman effect, lines of the same series exhibit the same pattern. Preston's Rule
3102 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Oxide/metal volume ratios which are very different to unity imply poor oxidation resistance. Pilling-Bedworth Rule
3103 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In diamagnetic organic compounds, the molar magnetic susceptibility is an additive property. Pascal's Rule
3104 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Like functional groups in like surroundings make like contributions to the optical rotation.
3105 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The boiling point of an organic isomer is proportional to the density of the liquid at the boiling point. Montgomery's Rule
3106 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Other factors being equal, the metal which is most susceptible to failure is that with the lowest boiling point. Mogro-Campero Rule
3107 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The fugacity of a constituent in a mixture of gases at a given temperature is proportional to its mole fraction. Lewis-Randall Rule
3108 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In dipole radiation, only transitions between terms of opposite parity are allowed. Laporte's Rule
3109 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Equal differences in the chemical composition of organic compounds give equal changes in boiling point. Kopp's Rule
3110 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Avoid point loads. Areal loading is best, followed by line loading. Katz Rule
3111 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Avoid stress concentrators. Maintain structural compliance. Katz Rule
3112 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Minimize the severity of impact. Katz Rule
3113 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep components as small as possible. Katz Rule
3114 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Machine components very carefully. Katz Rule
3115 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Factors which cause a marked decrease in the liquidus slope have a greater relative effect on the solidus slope. Hume-Rothery Rule
3116 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Electricity travels one foot in a nanosecond. Hopper's Rule
3117 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Atoms of even atomic number are more abundant in the universe than are atoms of odd atomic number. Harkin's Rule
3118 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sum of the g-factors is the same for strong and weak magnetic fields, for a given value of M. g-Permanence Rule (Pauli)
3119 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The solid particle erosion rate of annealed face-centered cubic metals is inversely related to their hardness. Finnie-Wolak-Kabil Rule
3120 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Metals mix with insulators if the reaction enthalpy is negative, and not if it is positive. Enthalpy of Mixing Rule
3121 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One quantum of absorbed radiation activates only one molecule. Einstein Rule
3122 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The ratio of the temperatures at which the vapor pressures of two similar substances are the same is a constant. Dång Rule
3123 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Elements with high melting points have low coefficients of thermal expansion. Carnelly's Rule
3124 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reactions of Diels-Alder type with cyclopentadiene give cyclanes with a methylene bridge across a cyclohexane ring. Bredt Rule
3125 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a clear relationship between the elastic modulus and the resistance to erosion. Brauer-Kriegel Rule
3126 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The H atoms in ice lie on lines connecting the O atoms. Ice Rule
3127 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is only one H atom between any given pair of O atoms. Ice Rule
3128 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Each O atom has two H atoms close to it and the unit of the water molecule is preserved. Ice Rule
3129 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For any type of thing, there are more small things in the world than large things. Benford's Rule
3130 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Carcinogenicity in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is associated with the presence of a bay region. Bay Rule
3131 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In order to obtain equations which reproduce a fractal object, tile the object with smaller copies of itself. Barnsley's Rule
3132 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In dichroic crystals, the faster ray is less absorbed. Babinet Rule
3133 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To calculate the slope of the best straight line through a set of points, join the first and last points. Bancroft's Rule
3134 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The rate of a chemical reaction approximately doubles with each 10° rise in temperature. Arrhenius Rule
3135 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In general, cis compounds have a higher density and higher refractive index than do the trans isomerides. Auwers-Skita Rule
3136 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sum of the maximum positive valency exhibited by an element and of its maximum negative valency is 8. Abegg's Rule
3137 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A substituted biphenyl can be resolved if and only if the sum of the hanging bond lengths is greater than 0.29nm. Adam's Rule
3138 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know how when you're a virgin you wanna try everything and do it right? -nls
3139 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Some time between 1991 and 1992 computers will start to kill human beings in a way that will be noticed. John Cullyer, head of RSRE.
3140 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NOTE..NO WEATHER WILL BE AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK, JULY 22 THROUGH THE 26TH.
3141 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -- Groucho Marx
3142 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull And then there is of course the assumption that the disc is not made of beef and tossed with a hungry dog standing nearby. -Lambert Meertens
3143 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull int three = 128+64, two = 128, one=64;
3144 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Help Run Uninsured Motorists Off the Road -- Ohio registration renewal form
3145 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can't stand the heat, get a pool.
3146 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you can't stand the heat, get out of the oven.
3147 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A bird in the hand is messy.
3148 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't count your chickens, eat them.
3149 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't teach an old dog new math.
3150 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When in Rome, do Roman numerals in math.
3151 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When in Rome, do bulls run around town?
3152 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Too many cooks, so little meals.
3153 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A fool and his money are my best friends.
3154 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A penny saved is one cent.
3155 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look before you run into a pole.
3156 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A watched pot never disappears.
3157 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A rolling stone makes you flat.
3158 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A rolling stone is a singing rock group.
3159 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every cloud has a wet spot.
3160 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You take a banana, you get a lunar landscape. -J. van Wijk
3161 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Buffalo never Oink" -- a South Dakota travel brocure.
3162 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ken is very smart but also very opinionated. -- Doug Gwyn
3163 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anthony Burgess reports a friend's rendezvous with the ideal mannequin, all legs and no breasts. It was like going to bed with a bicycle.
3164 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Narcissists receive callers without opening the door.
3165 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If Bell Labs is a tree, research is a blossom, development is the fruit.
3166 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have to be careful not to get locked into Open Systems.
3167 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is likely that 2^104 is an ultimate limit on storage space, unless we want to turn New Jersy into a DRAM.
3168 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Any worm measuring bigger than 2 metres is a big worm. - sign in Gippsland Giant Worm Museum
3169 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Our first 'smoke' test showed that it is possible to hear Bob Marley and The Wailers through three feet of concrete.
3170 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UX:mail: INFO: No mail.
3171 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is a need to keep from being locked into Open Systems. --IBM sales rep
3172 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm giving the demo so why don't you just shut up? -rob (to ast)
3173 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /* I APOLOGIZE FOR THIS CRAPY CODE -- presotto */
3174 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull X Moul - Ovum
3175 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Testing is for bunglers. Properly designed mechanisms work properly. -E.E. Smith (Skylark 3)
3176 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Democrats just stand for `I want to be a Republican,' and the Republicans stand for raw evil. -Frank Zappa
3177 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull lp on plan 9 is fixed. -pg
3178 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull no more than 1 lp fortune per day -- rob
3179 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The overhead involved in using a computer system is high enough that few people routinely use more than one. -Mike Lesk, 1980
3180 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think we should tread very carefully on governments that are constitutionally elected. - George Bush
3181 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is my prediction for the future: whatever hasn't happened will happen, and no-one will be safe from it. -JBS Haldane
3182 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have lived in a few cities: Nairobi, Edinburgh, Bradford, London, Sydney, New York. Washington is much nicer than Nairobi. - Piers Lauder
3183 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Real software has its own 800 support line. Stu Feldman
3184 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Communism must be like one big phone company. Lenny Bruce
3185 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull HONK IF YOU'RE ENTHUSIASTIC
3186 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't the days seem lank and long when doughnuts don't come in.
3187 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Eadum sunt, quorum unum potest substitui alteri salva veritate. -Leibniz
3188 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's like sticking your hands in someone else's pants: it just doesn't feel right. NP Nelson
3189 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Military intelligence can be a contradiction in terms.
3190 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Recoilless rifles - aren't.
3191 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A sucking chest wound is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
3192 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.
3193 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If the enemy is within range, then so are you.
3194 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of dangerous amateurs.
3195 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Killing for peace is like whoring for virginity.
3196 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Marine math: 2 beers times 39 Marines is 49 cases.
3197 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Body Count Math: 2 VC plus 1 chicken and 3 pigs equals 37 enemy killed in action.
3198 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Low expectations are the key to happiness. - Pamela Zave
3199 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -Calvin
3200 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 20 octets is 160 guys playing flutes -- rob
3201 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull chan[2]='m'; /* Ooh, careful! */
3202 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many system design flaws can be traced to unwarrantedly anthropomorphizing the user.
3203 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The common theme to all three of the A320 crashes is lack of altitude. -Aviation expert.
3204 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Clear your screen after you log off.
3205 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #define struct union /* Great space saver */
3206 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Maybe there is no death as we know it. Just documents changing hands.
3207 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's the only avant-garde we got.
3208 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When times are bad, people feel compelled to overeat.
3209 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you could become more ugly, it would help your career enormously.
3210 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have a vast capacity for becoming embarrassed on other people's behalf.
3211 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have important hair.
3212 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following the rules of good grooming.
3213 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I just hate to be pushed around by some @#$%^& machine. - Ken Thompson, on the i960
3214 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Easy reading is damned hard writing. - Sheridan
3215 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull After hydrogen, the most common thing in the universe is stupidity. -Harlan Ellison
3216 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull MOVL R1,
3217 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can you write a big system without C++? -Paul Glick
3218 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So, if you put a G on the front you have to put a zero on the back? -Ken
3219 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As usual, please try to use a reusable mug.
3220 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd use plan 9 before i'd use bitfields -- pjw
3221 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of the physical pages in use, 3436738592 pages are permanently allocated to VMS.
3222 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull February marks the fag end of Bombay's short mild winter spell.
3223 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's share those threats
3224 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's not beat ourselves up for being defensive
3225 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's some Jungian principles inside us
3226 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are many feedback loops into your system
3227 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time to take a stretch-break (possibly self-managed)
3228 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There'll be massive chaos downstream
3229 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Feel your own power
3230 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We're getting lots of dysfunctional acting-out of anxiety
3231 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We've got to raise this to a double-loop system
3232 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We've got to keep upping the control until one of us goes nuke!
3233 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The conflict has to be ritualised in order to get it addressed
3234 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you carry on, head-to-head, on `solution' you don't get anywhere
3235 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That sort of `collusive carrying' just isn't on.
3236 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everybody will soon be owning their incompetence
3237 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They'll be scapegoated because they have a valency for incompetence
3238 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You gotta pump-prime your seed-corn
3239 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You need a proactive planning horizon
3240 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I want you to feel your own power
3241 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's fix a frame on these issues and focus on the power dynamics in the room
3242 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Infinite retry on parallel printer time-out
3243 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A system is Unix if and only if it will compile and run everything on without restrictions.
3244 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Can you sum up plan 9 in layman's terms? It does everything Unix does only less reliably - Ken
3245 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (hch:) Can't find /you/must/specify/HCDIR/bin/hc@sun41com
3246 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are tons of bad AD and DA convertors out there, but they don't make Nyquist wrong. -Marc LoCascio
3247 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is like ignoring both the speed limit and the odometer in your car. It won't get you far. -Kenneth P. Birman
3248 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I didn't really expect to find elephants on the airport runway, and there weren't any. -dmr
3249 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "Objective" and "subjective" are not entirely subjective. - Penn Jillette
3250 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The alpha is doing a lot more computation than a lightbulb -- rob
3251 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is rarely wise to underestimate the taste of the truly pious.
3252 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WAIS allows relevance feedback
3253 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Once you start talking about Nothing, people think you're some sort of idiot. -John Cage
3254 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why is there only one Monopoly commission?
3255 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If something could be done about cache misses, programs would run about twice as fast. -Andrew Appel
3256 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mount: mount /srv/boot /n/bootes: permission denied
3257 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kudos to everyone on the WKSH Team!
3258 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull the application "unknown" has unexpectedly quit, because of sys.
3259 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull BUSINESS UNIT NEWS:
3260 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull o UNIX System Labs launches a torrent of announcements
3261 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /bin/ls: exec header invalid
3262 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you wish to vote "No opinion" on any topic, you must cancel gut.wksh and execute gut instead.
3263 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Huiswants es.
3264 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Motto: Compute with fermions, communicate with bosons. -Vincent Heuring
3265 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The flip side of change is trust. -George Bush
3266 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are changing the alignment, not the membership. -John Mayo
3267 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The President [Bush] is just a guy who sucks in life. - White House aide
3268 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At MIT the server is the unit of invention. -Rob Pike
3269 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dependency dag for a target consists of nodes connected by directed arcs.
3270 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I was an asshole when you (philw) were still a gleam in your father's eye. -Bob Flandrena
3271 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Beleidigungen, Beschwerden und Flames bitte an NUL schicken.
3272 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fashion, though a goddess, is a fool, and all her worshippers..are nincompoops. E. S. Barrett
3273 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You advocate a lot of egg sucking but you're not very forthcoming with the eggs. Phil Winterbottom (to ken)
3274 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My pile of equipment is bigger than your pile of equipment -- philw
3275 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mathematics is ... the hot and chaotic work of the devil. Quayle needn't know this. -Vaughan Pratt
3276 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 51HAren't you glad you don't have to do this anymore?
3277 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Virtual caches are the worst idea since register windows. - Phil Winterbottom
3278 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cetus news: Cannot open /usr/news/
3279 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ``Ausserordentlich chaotisch, dissonant, und häßlich.'' -review of premiere of Beethoven's 9th
3280 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why is the text on my screen turning umop-apisdn?
3281 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home. -Ken Olsen, 1977
3282 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull coproc proto viol
3283 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Time wounds all heels.
3284 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Live fast, die young, leave a long publication list.
3285 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 9ss.Z.
3286 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Maximum number of users exceeded - try again laterConnection closed by foreign host.
3287 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Connected to
3288 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When in doubt, twirl. -Ted Shawn
3289 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ¿Tôø müçh öf á gòód thìng?
3290 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. -Frank Zappa
3291 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quando la neve si scioglie si vede la merda.
3292 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wonder how Plan 9 could be used to monitor shut-ins? -- L. Bernstein
3293 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Semper ubi sub ubi.
3294 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lesson 10 - Who killed Bambi?
3295 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Is it a lot of blokes with long hair and guitars around their necks? -Keith Richards (on Nirvana)
3296 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young. - Samuel Johnson
3297 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Memory tests terminated by keystroke
3298 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Rome deserves you. - Tiberius to Caligula.
3299 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull as1: Error: ../bpvvv.c, line 1324: Too many float literals--compile with "-Wb,-nopool"
3300 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull } /* the next line is indented funny to preserve old indentation */
3301 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull syslog(LOG_WARNING,"/etc/copyright may be too large");
3302 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cab drivers are living proof that practice does not make perfect. - David Dinkins
3303 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's well we cannot hear the screams/That we create in others' dreams.
3304 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At twilight, objects often start/To make odd sounds and fall apart.
3305 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A random thought, if said aloud,/May soon attract a hostile crowd.
3306 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A timely use of glue or paste/May well prevent a shocking waste.
3307 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One cannot hope to end one's life/With nothing but a butter knife.
3308 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The seaweed on the shore cries out/But only it knows what about.
3309 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's possible to pick up crumbs/By pressing on them with the thumbs.
3310 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The one who wants to put on airs/Should not attempt them on the stairs.
3311 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The person who today is here/May by tomorrow disappear.
3312 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The helpful thought for which you look/Is written somewhere in a book.
3313 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A one- or two-inch piece of string/Cannot be used for anything.
3314 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Upon your person keep a pill/In case you're taken deathly ill.
3315 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Britain has football hooligans, Germany has neo-Nazis, and France has farmers. -The Times
3316 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Government Warning: According to the Surgeon General you're going to die.
3317 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Perscriptio in manibus tabellariorum est.
3318 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please do not urinate in the rain gauge. - sign on Mt. Kilimanjaro
3319 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing is worth spending a week with bureaucratic Germans. -rob
3320 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The implementation should provide some reasonable value (80? 255? 509?) rather than something unusable like USHRT_MAX. - ANSI C Rationale
3321 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Real data are normal in the middle and Cauchy in the tails.
3322 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull accom: Warning 310: restart.c, line 148: A file with no declarations or definitions is accepted as an extension to ANSI C
3323 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always go for overkill. -Lou Reed
3324 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Available only for MEI designed 3.5"MO series. Do not use it absolutely in another drive.
3325 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Is the tool broadly supported or maintained?
3326 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't need rain in a movie, and you don't need ``paradigm'' in a book. - Penn Jillette
3327 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Routine work drives out creative work - Arno Penzias
3328 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If my career depended on dot-dot, I'd be on the dole. - philw
3329 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull >>>'/€€ ܇€€D/€' panic: decref
3330 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 150 years ago everybody was a Christian Scientist. dmr
3331 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Featuring the Intel 14.4EX with V.42bis and MNP5
3332 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Look what David Koresh did, rather than go home and visit HIS parents! - Teller's mother
3333 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It appears that people would rather have their hands on the wheel and drive off the cliff than be thrown over naked. (scj in Computing Systems)
3334 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 'Gigabit' seems to mean 600 megabits. It's a VAX gigabit. - ken
3335 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Valid license for the following required when not using dbx on kernel. Product OSF-DEV (OSF Developer's Kit): No license found.
3336 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is hard. It's even harder if you're stupid.
3337 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm pulling *something* here. - Dom Marotta
3338 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull From: No gas will be sold to anyone in a glass container <SKASS@DREW.DREW.EDU>
3339 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Figure 1b shows how C++'s pure virtual functions turned a black box into a toroidal design
3340 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (accom): tasks.c, line 7576: accom: Internal: Out of tree space. Cannot continue compilation. The current size was specified as or defaulted to -Wf,-XNh1000 giving a table size of 1000. Recompile giving a command line option to increase the table size. Example option giving a larger table: -Wf,-XNh2000
3341 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No UNIX system on the market supports more standards than DEC OSF/1.
3342 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I despise the little old ladies of both sexes. -Charles Ives
3343 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What does sound have to do with music? -Charles Ives
3344 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull YOU are welecome to Cheboxary!!
3345 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't need any help, 'cause I'm not doing anything. -Howard
3346 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ugen: warning : line 979 : ../../../../../../src/usr/ccs/bin/ugen/const_idiv.p, line 230
3347 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull VAX portability is assured.
3348 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Additionally, the paper [xxx] can serve as an excellent tool to help any new project introspect about how it will do business. - Jim Coplien
3349 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We are not wholly an island, except geographically. - John Major
3350 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm drawing a line under the sand. - John Major
3351 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Always wear underpants beneath your kanzu before you mount your bicycle.
3352 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Humiliation is intrinsically comic. - Frank Conroy
3353 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull C gains much of its vaunted efficiency by employing a very powerful pre-processor, usually called a ``programmer''.
3354 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull T-shirt: Mom and Dad invented OOP in the 70's and all I got was C++
3355 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull DEC OSF/1 V1.2 Worksystem Software (Rev. 10) The installation software has successfully installed your system.
3356 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull BD-445G (red compact car) lights no longer on
3357 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Checking system endianess... Big endian
3358 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: ** PROCESS CHANGE ALERT ********************** ERROR:(-)input line 8:LI:no lists active Distribution: ihlpb!pca-usi5e
3359 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If Dennis Ritchie were the man who developed Modula-2 then C would be long forgotten. -Tarjei Jensen
3360 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull From --rw-rw-rw- Sun Aug 15 04:21:17 EDT 1993
3361 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're smart you'll remain ignorant - bobf
3362 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They bit the wrong chicken's head off with their own teeth and got blood all over their shirt - nls
3363 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. -Gertrude Stein
3364 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A coach is someone who lives and behaves Our Common Bond, and views each coaching interaction as a real measure of truth.
3365 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Free! Free!/A trip/to Mars/for 900/empty jars/Burma Shave
3366 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Standards is an area that is constantly changing. -Carl Cargill (ed. ACM StandardView)
3367 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This will be sexy: nothing like a good tty driver to turn you on. - Phil Winterbottom
3368 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To find out a person's userid, ask him. --IBM VM/CMS Primer
3369 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Blessed be the optionless, for they shall not eat gnu
3370 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every old barn can use a little paint. - Tammy Faye Bakker on Primetime Live 11/18/93
3371 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The sendmail security patch will be available in approximately two weeks.
3372 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Diversity better than intensity -- Xerox PARC talk (conclusion)
3373 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sir Francis Drake circumcised the globe with a hundred foot clipper.
3374 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If a train station is where a train stops, what's a workstation?
3375 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I just want a bare-boned, straight EMACS. - Rae McLellan
3376 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cohesion and coupling are intertwined.
3377 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull SPEC results inflated by too many compiler flags. -Microprocessor Review
3378 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull a.out: does not have gp tables for all it's sections
3379 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ?warning: write might change good version of `sendmail'
3380 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Being afraid of X is about as sensible as being afraid of sendmail.
3381 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wish these damn scientists would leave intelligence to the experts. -Gen. Richard Stillwell (CIA)
3382 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #include... <depending on your compiler>
3383 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't like to spend my time on sterile discussions -- Bjarne Stroustrup, in The Evolution of C++
3384 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is no problem so simple that management can fix it. - Dave Presotto
3385 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Fat Triangles Determine Linearly Many Holes
3386 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We send our young men to fight wars. Ants, at least, send their old women. - E.O. Wilson
3387 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #/->/ := #/->/
3388 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull *** Message content is not printable: delete, write or save it to a file ***
3389 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a tiny change to the code and not completely disgusting. - Bob Manchek
3390 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. --Charlie Hall
3391 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull emacs: Terminal type "emacs" is not powerful enough to run Emacs.
3392 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull xterm: Error 50, errno 1: Too big
3393 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull RMS was neither ignorant nor lying. He simply used word choices that created confusion.
3394 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull User Needs Drive IS To Wherehouse -- OS Today headline
3395 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Probably not a complicated question - how does the mount driver work? - C.R. Kalmanek
3396 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: no subject (file transmission)
3397 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you find any unidentified object under your seat, please do not attempt to smoke it.
3398 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ML is a language for people with excess IQ points. - John Ousterhout
3399 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Big Bang theory: In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
3400 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Someone's searching for sex in the 800 database.
3401 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 1181258 SAVECORE SEGMENTATION FAULT WHILE TRYING TO SAVE CORE
3402 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Middleware is the implementation of a concept. - Ed Szurkowski
3404 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To back up the 57th platter in the file system type 'wormingest 49; wormcp 62 49'.
3405 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /n/a:/100377-15/sun3/4.1.1/sendmail: Ascii & Extended Latin & Cyrillic & Hebrew text
3406 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not responsible for errors in typo.
3407 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is AT&T. Communication is our business, not our mode of working. - Jim Clemans
3408 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How much clearer everything is when you underline! - Ron Hardin
3409 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Improve our mechanisms for sharing BU and "white space" opportunities knowledge and laboratory and center capabilities so as to assure optimal use of contrained resources.
3410 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Internet grows hyperbolically, but is usually described elliptically. - Dr. Internet
3411 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Microsoft - We put the "backwards" into backwards compatibility.
3412 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Many will urinate with joy in having shared in the hacking of your neck. - a comment on netnews
3413 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull [Acting] was a lot more difficult than modeling. There's a lot to remember. -Cindy Crawford
3414 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything that can ever be invented has been invented -Charles H. Duell, Commisioner of U.S. Patents, 1899.
3415 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The complex-type shall be a simple-type. ISO 10206:1991 (Extended Pascal)
3416 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The "do one thing well" philosophy underlying UNIX is best realized in a fully object-oriented environment. - some Linux guy
3417 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: slip:UX:killall: INFO: killing pid 140 <routed>
3418 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are only two industries that refer to their customers as "users". - Edward Tufte
3419 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think you have to really be an engineer to run a technology company. - Bill Gates
3420 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull hd2: model oCnnreP repieharsl6 with default 1471 cyl 5 head 17 sec
3421 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I want to make sure everybody who has a job wants a job - George Bush, during his first Presidential campaign
3422 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is a great day for France! - Richard Nixon, while attending Charles De Gaulle's funeral
3423 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy. But that could change. - Dan Quayle
3424 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What a waste it is to lose one's mind-or not to have a mind. How true that is. - Dan Quayle addressing the United Negro College Fund
3425 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The caribou love it. They rub against it and they have babies. There are more caribou in Alaska than you can shake a stick at. - George Bush, on the Alaska pipeline
3426 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. This is what drives me. - George Bush
3427 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mondale: George Bush doesn't have the manhood to apologize. Bush: Well, on the manhood thing, I'll put mine up against his any time.
3428 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull #define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes
3429 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography and the dancers hit each other.
3430 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff.
3431 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sorry, the passowrd you asked for is too long. Please choose a password that is 2147459392 to 8 characters long.
3432 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Television is a medium. So called because it is neither rare, nor well done. -- Ernie Kovacs
3433 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9.
3434 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is the best recruiting season we've ever had. - Ken Thompson, Dec 21, 1995
3435 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't anthropomorphize computers - they hate that!
3436 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Press Ctlt-Ds Ctlt-Del a to reboour reboour mach
3437 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cfe: Warning 712: irix.c, line 311: illegal combination of pointer and integer .... ? ( (((long)*arg & 0x1) ?(*arg = (char *)((long)*arg + 7),(char *)((long)*arg-6-_VA_FP_SAVE_AREA)) :(((long)*arg & 0x2) ?(*arg = (char *)((long)*arg +10),(char *)((long)*arg-24-_VA_FP_SAVE_AREA)) :( ((*arg)=(char *)(((unsigned int)(((char *)*arg)+((__builtin_alignof( long))>4?(__builtin_alignof( long)):4)-1)) & -((__builtin_alignof( long))>4?(__builtin_alignof( long)):4)) + (((unsigned int)(((char *)sizeof( long))+((4)>4?(4):4)-1)) & -((4)>4?(4):4)) ), (((char *)*arg) - ((((unsigned int)(((char *)sizeof( long))+((4)>4?(4):4)-1)) & -((4)>4?(4):4)) - sizeof( long))) ) ))) : ( ((*arg)=(char *)(((unsigned int)(((char *)*arg)+((__builtin_alignof( long))>4?(__builtin_alignof( long)):4)-1)) & -((__builtin_alignof( long))>4?(__builtin_alignof( long)):4)) + (((unsigned int)(((char *)sizeof( long))+((4)>4?(4):4)-1)) & -((4)>4?(4):4)) ), (((char *)*arg) - ((((unsigned int)(((char *)sizeof( long))+((4)>4?(4):4)-1)) & -((4)>4?(4):4)) - sizeof( long))) ) )))[-1] );
3438 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Here in Nuremberg, information hiding is much more popular in the organization than it is in the software...
3439 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull yes >/dev/kmem # Shutdown is broken. This'll have to do
3440 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "No one steals our chicks," sneers Duke, "and lives."
3441 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You must engineer for the technology curve and set the intercepts to match the emerging business markets. - Phil Winterbottom
3442 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß mann schweigen.
3443 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When your hammer is C++, everything begins to look like a thumb. -- Steve Hoflich, compl.lang.c++
3444 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is SGI Bug #375613.
3445 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
3446 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull error code 4A: Could not free fingers from storage slot after insert
3447 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull At Microsoft, quality is job 1.1.
3448 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are the visitor since May 1, 1996
3449 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's hard to compete with conventional cukes.
3450 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull PEALSE CAN YOU ADIVE ME WHAT TO DO :)
3451 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull License Error : The license for this product(SPARCompiler C) has expired
3452 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ARMY FOCUSES ON SECOND BASE IN SEX PROBE
3453 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In Pursuit of Software Excellence: If you want to become a leader, follow the leaders.
3454 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I'll waste no time reading it. - Moses Hadas
3455 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In label expressions, <> expressions are ignored inside .char expressions.
3456 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short. Blaise Pascal in: Lettres Provinciales, #4, Dec 14, 1665
3457 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I had more time, I should have written you a shorter letter. Mdm. de Staël (1766-1817)
3458 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UNIX geek since 486651600
3459 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Speed is more important than anything else in management. - Henry Schacht
3460 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No proper program contains an indication which as an operator-applied occurrence identifies an operator-defining occurrence which as an indication-applied occurrence identifies an indication-defining occurrence different from the one identified by the given indication as an indication-applied occurrence. - Algol 68 Report
3461 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cwm fjord bank glyphs vex't quiz.
3462 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. -- Mayor Marion Barry, Washington
3463 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Clearspeak also is a euphemism for what advertising people call the "dominant brand" or "masterbrand" approach. - Bell Labs News, April 1, 1997 (but not April Fool's)
3464 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My favorite thing about the Internet is that you get to go into the private world of real creeps without having to smell them. - Penn Jillette
3465 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Note: uses a deprecated API. Recompile with "-deprecation" for details.
3466 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Malcolm [grandson of Malcolm X] walked into court yesterday afternoon to face charges of juvenile delinquency, mumbling and hiding his head under a red plaid blanket. - N. Y. Times
3467 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Usenet is like letters to the editor, only without an editor. - Larry Wall
3468 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who are you going to believe? Me or that lying sheep? -- Jim McKie
3469 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Line 3 of "/usr/add-on/trouble/bin/trouble": syntax error; saw '<'. Undefined: "Main"
3470 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't think you can really know how heavy something is until it has fallen on you. --LeMel Hebert-Williams
3471 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not. --Alan Smithee
3472 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Are you sure you want to send 'Pleonasm' to the recycle bin?
3473 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The days of the digital watch are numbered. -Tom Stoppard
3474 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ^Eds: SUBS 3rd graf, `So what's ...' to remove accent from 'derriere.'
3476 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull <A HREF="" target="_top"><IMG SRC="" border=0 WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Just add AT&T" ></A>
3477 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's a very good idea to compare apples and oranges, that's a big part of what thinking is about. - Penn Jillette
3478 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your glasses will include miniature video cameras that will give you a stereo vision of your environment. -- Arno Penzias
3479 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Music is the pleasure the human soul experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting. -Leibnitz
3480 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ^Bearded lady, friend killed in possible case of mistaken identity<
3481 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I think I'm getting mellow in my old age. - Phil Winterbottom
3482 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cu' si marita sta contentu 'nu giornu, cu' ammazza 'u porco sta contentu n'annu
3483 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can they identify me? I had a mask on. - Weird News criminal
3484 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it has more than three chords, it's Jazz. - Lou Reed
3485 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If there were a god, we'd be able to walk upright without back problems. -Penn Jillette
3486 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.
3487 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No viewpoints are banned. Except those banned by the law. -- Iranian President Mohammed Khatami
3488 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull uopt: Warning: insert_aux__91deque__pt__78_21basic_string__pt__2_c45__default_alloc_template__pt__13_XCiL11XCiL10XCUiL10F103__deque_iterator__pt__79_21basic_string__pt__2_cR21basic_string__pt__2_cP21basic_string__pt__2_cXCUiL10105__deque_iterator__pt__81_ exceeds size threshold; to optimize this procedure, use -Olimit option with value >= 1217.
3489 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "shaneystl.c", line 24: Note: Type "CC -migration" for more on anachronisms.
3490 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Lucent Real Estate Strategic Intent: "One ignited team, unleashing productivity through bold work place solutions and unforgettable service."
3491 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
3492 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change to take effect. Reboot now?
3493 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Millenium parties/with loud music, lights and joy;/then, how cold!
3494 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stupid programmer,/think ahead next time, when the/power's back.
3495 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Windows 98 is/compliant with minor bugs,/store water!
3496 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hire more programmers/for Y2k Bug now -- Oops,/lights are out!
3497 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Y2k is just/a scam for consultants -- hey/Martial law!
3498 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Two digits lost,/the railroad switch spills coal --/scavengers!
3499 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull UX:cancel: WARNING: Request "SPARCprinterII-64" is done. TO FIX: It is too late to do anything with it.
3500 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
3501 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We don't write assembly language, we steal it. - brucee
3502 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Elements of Style is as much as guide to success as it is to grammer. - Reader on
3503 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Simon says, ``Don't be so suggestible.''
3504 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The IAU reports that RX Pup has returned to a state of high excitation and has had a mass-ejection event.
3505 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull JAVA truly is the great equalizing software. It has reduced all computers to mediocrity and buggyness. - NASA's J-Track web site
3506 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull warning: Hit heuristic-fence-post without finding enclosing function for address 0xfa2e470
3507 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You're just a hologram - I outrank you.
3508 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mechanically Separated Chicken. - Ingredient label
3509 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have mail.™
3510 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Stare at the thumbnails closely to view larger images.
3511 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is a ruggedized telephone, it does everything a normal telephone does, but ruggedly. - Al Gore
3512 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull All along the untrodden paths of the future, I can see the footprints of an unseen hand. Sir Boyle Roche, MP
3513 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's really no way to fix this, and still keep Perl pathologically eclectic.
3514 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome to Netscape Quality Feedback Agent - Step 1 of 3
3516 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anthrax is cool. - Tad Hunt
3517 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (never claims generated from LTL formulae are stutter-closed)
3518 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /text/plain00charsetUTF-80 you stuff by snail,
3519 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull War in the Clinton era is just P.R. by other means. - Michael Hirschorn
3520 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If I can see a bit further it is because I stand on the shoulders of Hungarians. - Mathematician Paul Winkler
3521 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. - Sam Goldwyn
3522 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We do not need phones, we have a lot of messenger boys - British Scientist in 1876
3523 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I did write and prove correct a 20-line program in January, but I made the mistake of testing it on our VAX and it had an error, which two weeks of searching didn't uncover, so there went one publication out the window. - David Gries, 1980
3524 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not whether you win or lose; it's where you place the blame.
3525 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ISDN: PPP-Daemon funktioniert nicht mehr
3526 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hey medalist, don't forget to take out the recycling. -- Bonnie Thompson
3527 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There are three kinds of people - those who can count, and those who can't.
3528 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You buy 'em books and you buy 'em books and they just chew on the covers.
3529 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I wouldn't give your troubles to a monkey on a rock.
3530 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This should only be a momentary outage, of about 10 minutes or so.
3531 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The ignored registers are for future backward-compatible extensions. - IA-64 Application Developer's Architecture Guide
3532 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /lib/shakespeare/sonnets: limbo program
3533 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does the additional overhead of doing a function call make this act less atomic? -- pip
3534 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.
3535 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Are you proposing a solution or just whining? - Dave to Dave
3536 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing says "happy father's day" quite like the flesh-stripped skull of a moderate sized rodent. - Corey Thompson
3537 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are running the GNOME File Manager as root. As root, you can damage your system, and the File Manager will not stop you.
3538 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A document with the name `junk.xls' is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders. To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents. - Microsoft Excel
3539 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When your output is negligible, losing a day's work is insignificant. -- presotto to rsc
3540 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Expensive solutions to all kinds of problems are often signs of mediocrity. - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA
3541 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ches is the Dennis Rodman of science. -Cliff Young
3542 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull if your terminal stops booting, I'll be in the unix room.
3543 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=263001].
3544 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The system suspend request has been rejected. To conserve power, shut down the computer. - NEC Versa LX
3545 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't find it in the index, look very carefully through the entire catalogue. - Sears & Roebuck catalogue, 1897.
3546 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in the About box.
3547 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucent in Motion is almost in full swing.
3548 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pi + onions = opinions
3549 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If there was [sic] a single standard for the English language it would not be necessary to support redundant spellings. - OSF1 ls(1) man page
3550 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Set an example for your kids by learning to read and write.
3551 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 21st Century Cyborg Returns To Kill Waitress.
3552 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm smiling on the outside and beating you senseless on the inside. You creep! -- S.P. Eills
3553 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You will set the register! To the correct value!
3554 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Anti-Virus Software Users: Some anti-virus software programs may interfere with the download and should be disabled while installing the Microsoft software.
3555 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You gotta think of fear as a tool. - Phil Winterbottom
3556 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull His hand was bitten by his own side in an offhand way. - Mark V. Shaney
3557 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The more things change, the more he loves the flag. - Mark V. Shaney
3558 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't meddle in the mouth. - Mark V. Shaney
3559 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Will the call be routed on the same switch or will it go out over a truck to another switch?
3560 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I may be a bad woman, but I'm awfully good company. - Fanny Brice
3561 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull apmd[105]: On-line: * * * (100% unknown)
3562 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull P.P.S. Thanks for helping make BUY.COM the #l online computer retailer.
3563 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head and lays its eggs in my brain, because later you might think you're having a good idea but it's just eggs hatching. - Jack Handey
3564 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I only lie to the ones I don't like, the ones who ask stupid questions.
3565 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The proofs of the associative, commutative, and distributive laws for the integers are exercises in induction which might be called ``Peano playing.'' - An algebra textbook
3566 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The observation could be "a real break-through" in osteoporosis treatment. - Science magazine
3567 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Life is very strange - compared to what? - Penn Jillette
3568 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your search for difficentralia returned 0 article(s). If this is too many articles you may want to narrow your search. -
3569 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sperm bank sued for tossing samples - Headline in Star-Ledger
3570 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Spell check: did you mean unicorde? - altavista
3571 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Linux, and in particular the Free Software, movement, if not the mark of technological progress, is the sign of social progress. -, in 9fans.
3572 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I do hope not to live long enough to see the launch of Quantum Windows. --Artur Ekert
3573 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In science, we give our highest award to people that prove us wrong. -- Michael Goudeau
3574 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Indian Hill is like the Borg. -- Phil Winterbottom
3575 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My sister married a German. He complained he couldn't get a good bagel back home. I said: 'Well, whose fault is that?' - Emo Philips
3576 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull --rwxr-xr-x M 9501 geoff geoff 1417216 Dec 30 14:16 .
3577 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull log10: SING error -- borland c/c++ 3.1
3578 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have the power to write your own fortune.
3579 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull .NOTICE; ;?This comment is definitely out of date
3580 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.
3581 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull boot: physical memory
3582 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull doofus is God-like
3583 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The quantity specified for 3Com Palm Vx is too great. We only have -1 available. - some e-commerce site.
3584 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man-animals cannot fly!
3585 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Software is the stuff that never works, always has to be maintained, and hardware is the other stuff. - Arno Penzias
3586 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Money, sex, storage, and bandwidth -- these are the things where too much is enough. - Arno Penzias
3587 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull linux-2.3.99-pre9.tar: limbo program
3588 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull temp &= 0x07FFFBFB; // clear bits 31 and 30
3589 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An error has prevented <%=ServiceName%> from locating the message.
3590 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 8.out 723: warning: process exceeds 2100 file descriptors
3591 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A dirty mind is a perpetual solace. - Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith
3592 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Vulcan Proverb: Only Nixon could go to China
3593 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why I have to write echo "reboot" > reboot ? I prefer to write this.reboot = reboot - <> (Alt)
3594 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There's method in the key of C.
3595 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Computers come in putty-colored boxes and have AUTOEXEC.BAT files and run screen-savers with flying toasters, and brains do not. - Steven Pinker
3596 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your mail regarding "" will be read when I return.
3597 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Esperanto, why don't you come to your tenses.
3598 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That's why it's distributed. So it's always wrong somewhere.
3599 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull BT,DT,fixed quite a few of them. - Al "-15kLOC during the last year" Viro
3600 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please wait while Microsoft Outlook exits.
3601 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards, and NOT read it. Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture. - Linus Torvalds
3602 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Kitchen: Selecting Blendolini Causes Choco-Banana Shake Hang
3603 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hope I can finish the garbage collector before I run out of ice. - brucee
3604 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This recipe [for toad in the hole] will stand or fall by the quality of your sausages. - Fanny Farmer
3605 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The machine FROG was re-named MESSIAH.
3606 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your coat becomes like a car with the stereo playing and the car phone ringing.
3607 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Invalid null command.
3608 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We have discovered a pervasive nonstationarity.
3609 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No that's your chair. Mine has the drum machine on it. - Tad
3610 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Not mistakes - highly co-ordinated mistake opportunity initiatives.
3611 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your neck is as wide as your head ... take the day off.
3612 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull She will have SME (subject matter experts) from her organization call you ...
3613 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Man who stand on toilet ... high on pot.
3614 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your article contains quoted text please take some time to pare it down to just the key points to which you are responding, or people will think you are a dweeb! -a unix news reader
3615 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The name "grep" comes from the vi editor. - An undergraduate computer science course
3616 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull gcc -Isomenonstandardplace -Dverylongoption -Wpleasedontcomplainaboutmyprogramiknowhatimdoing ilikethingstobeclearsoigivemyfileslongnames.c
3617 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You are a nuclear menace. Your warhead should be dismantled.
3618 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A zone contains the domain names that the domain within the same domain name contains, except for domain names in delegated subdomains.
3619 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: [9fans] Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=5B9fans=5D_R=E9f=2E_:_=5B9fans=5D_Sun_has_a_Plan_9_inspi?=\n =?iso-8859-1?Q?red_project_called_=22Brazil=22!!=3F=3F=3F?=
3620 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull //******************************************* A L I G N M E N T **********************************************
3621 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ntimesync.c:666 external redeclaration of: whatisthefrequencykenneth
3622 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is my carefully considered opinion that C++ represents an additional hazard to the survival of a project. - Alistair Cockburn
3623 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull verb = a > b ? 'a': c > d ? 'd': 'c';
3624 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull pwd: window deleted
3625 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your personality is your greatest invention.
3626 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'd rather make love amongst the flowers than take lots of cold showers.
3627 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is not enough memory to load all your extensions.
3628 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull VbeSignature should be set to 'VBE2' when function is called to indicate VBE3.0 information is desired.
3629 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Zoinks! Jimminy-jillikers, B-man, that is strange! =)
3630 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A great deal of agonizing and very little decisiveness went into resolving this issue -- Rob Pike
3631 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /opt/gcc-2.95.2-irix6.2-o32/lib/gcc-lib/mips-sgi-irix5.3/2.95.2/cpp -lang-c -v -I. -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=95 -Dunix -Dmips -Dsgi -Dhost_mips -DMIPSEB -D_MIPSEB -DSYSTYPE_SVR4 -D_SVR4_SOURCE -D_MODERN_C -D__DSO__ -D_MIPS_SIM=_MIPS_SIM_ABI32 -D_MIPS_SZPTR=32 -D__unix__ -D__mips__ -D__sgi__ -D__host_mips__ -D__MIPSEB__ -D_MIPSEB -D__SYSTYPE_SVR4__ -D_SVR4_SOURCE -D_MODERN_C -D__DSO__ -D_MIPS_SIM=_MIPS_SIM_ABI32 -D_MIPS_SZPTR=32 -D__unix -D__mips -D__sgi -D__host_mips -D__MIPSEB -D__SYSTYPE_SVR4 -Asystem(unix) -Asystem(svr4) -Acpu(mips) -Amachine(sgi) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -g -Wall -pedantic -D__LANGUAGE_C -D_LANGUAGE_C -DLANGUAGE_C -D__SIZE_TYPE__=unsigned int -D__PTRDIFF_TYPE__=int -D__EXTENSIONS__ -D_SGI_SOURCE -D_LONGLONG -D_MIPS_FPSET=16 -D_MIPS_ISA=_MIPS_ISA_MIPS1 -D_MIPS_SZINT=32 -D_MIPS_SZLONG=32 u9fs.c /var/tmp/ccDttncm.i
3632 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Business Controls Communicator has been renamed to the GFS Process Assurance Communicator.
3633 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We don't write anything in Perl anymore, because [ksh93] has all the functionality built in. - David Korn, quoted on Slashdot
3634 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull mk: no recipe to make ''
3635 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucent Technologies and strategic partner Fatbrain are pleased to announce ...
3636 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull artist: unrecognized message 'Elvis Costello'
3637 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not only stupid it's wrong!
3638 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Routers don't need IP addresses. -- Alex Mezhibovsky
3639 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull syntax error on line 1, teletype / syntax error on line 1, teletype * 0000110 e9 u 8a h ? q m P ` { a7 $ d4 | + ~ = /
3640 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So long as system messages are phrased as if a patronising aunt were addressing a retarded 4-year-old, they will continue to love it. - Patrick Ford on Macheads
3641 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull NT password change form: Password Change Unsuccessful: DS getobject failed for WinNT://AP01/na01\presotto: Error 80005004,.
3642 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hope my TV's software update finishes before Gilligan's Island is on.
3643 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rc: Usage: whatis name ...: fd out of range or not open
3644 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull System time is a count of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. - Windows DDK Docs
3645 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is insufficient memory. Save your document now. - Microsoft Word
3646 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 0x00FFFFFFUL (ˈɒfəl). Also 4 ofall, 5 offale, -aile, 6 offalle, -awle,
3647 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
3648 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A woman is only a woman, but I'm awfully good company. - Bill Gates
3649 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is most enjoyable to talk with you.
3650 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucky Numbers 12, 14, 19, 24, 36, 43
3651 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucky Numbers `{seq 100}
3652 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull junk: 644 mode. Remove ? (yes/no)[no] :
3653 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Pharr is about a day and a half.
3654 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR
3655 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I found VC++ GUI programming more grief than COBOL using cards! :-)
3656 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "If blackouts are going to occur, there's no reason for us to be kept in the dark," Governor Davis said.
3657 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull --24 May 2001 Trojans are Stealthy, Damaging and Tenacious
3658 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (gdb) maintenance demangle __17__class_type_infoPCcPCQ217__class_type_info9base_infoUl
3659 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Registering your product will also allow us to contact you in the unlikely event that you need adjustment or modification. - Sony registration card.
3660 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Chinese Web Site Replaces CEO.
3661 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today is `pissed off at GNU software' day.
3662 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have less than .027278% chance of getting this fortune. Aren't you lucky?
3663 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.
3664 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The goal of the experimental trials with the artificial heart is to "double the life span of these patients" to 60 days, Lederman said.
3665 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I prefer other's wives, but my own toilet. - Japanese proverb
3666 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i386-lucent-plan9/3.0/../../../../i386-lucent-plan9/lib/i386-lucent-plan9/3.0/
3667 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What Jesus fails to appreciate, is that it's the meek that are the problem.
3668 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull XML is the Lisp of the 90's.
3669 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY.
3670 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Gpklinux uses 1.9.11 libc6 2.1.3 libc5 5.4.46 binutils gcc 2.95.2
3671 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dreck was my idea. - Samuel Z. Arkoff
3672 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please email me off-list if you wish to discuss off-topicness. -Rick Hohensee
3673 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I have an x86 assembler in Bash. Would that be helpful for porting Plan 9 libs to unix? -Rick Hohensee
3674 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Caches aren't architecture, they're just optimization. - Rob Pike
3675 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I will inform you soon later.
3676 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Formatting 20,00.77M - Windows 95
3677 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Far Knuth!
3678 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull canlock: corrupted 0xcafebabe
3679 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull And the fear of you shall be the noise of a broiled fish, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth.
3680 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Child process unexpectedly missing: No child processes.
3681 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull proto.c:435 syntax error, last name: WRONG
3682 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The output string must have enough room, or else. - comment in VMware XFree86 driver
3683 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull gcc -c -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wpointer-arith -I. -Ipublic -Ivmx/public -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/mfb -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/mi -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/int10 -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/cfb -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xaa -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/rac -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vgahw -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/fbdevhw -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ramdac -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ddc -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/Xext -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xf8_32bpp -I../../../../../../include/fonts -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/include -I../../../../../../exports/include/X11 -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xf24_32bpp -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/shadowfb -I../../../../../../include/extensions -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/vbe -I../../../../../.. -I../../../../../../exports/include -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE -D__NO_STRING_INLINES -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSHAPE -DXINPUT -DXKB -DLBX -DXAPPGROUP -DXCSECURITY -DTOGCUP -DXF86BIGFONT -DDPMSExtension -DPIXPRIV -DPANORAMIX -DRENDER -DGCCUSESGAS -DAVOID_GLYPHBLT -DPIXPRIV -DSINGLEDEPTH -DXFreeXDGA -DXvExtension -DXFree86LOADER -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE -DSMART_SCHEDULE -DBUILDDEBUG -DX_BYTE_ORDER=X_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DNDEBUG -DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO -DIN_MODULE -DXFree86Module -DPSZ=8 -fPIC bits2pixels.c
3684 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If your home page is where your heart is, here's where to stay: University Park HOTEL@MIT
3685 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A lie of omission is still a lie.
3686 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there!
3687 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The gun law in Queensland is as follows: if you run out of petrol don't run out of bullets.
3688 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull America? Astounding! All because of a fellow named Columbus and poor navigation!
3689 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Warning: MS SQL message: Login failed for user 'webreadonly'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (severity 14) in C:\Inetpub\\buy.php on line 136
3690 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull uname: not super user
3691 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 2001.08.30=11:45:58.88-0400 transcript/666/12016387293 nutmeg[667] transcript: Daisy: Please say, Daisy its David or David. Or say, Daisy its me, so I know who you are.
3692 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Does anyone have Richard Stallman's phone number? I want to call him and tell him exactly what I think of his software. Criticism wants to be free. -dhog
3693 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Devil Duckie, when you float, it's like I'm bathing in a flaming moat!
3694 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Djahavagooweegend?
3695 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Free Dmitri - with every e-book!
3696 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Due to the sophisticated nature of DSL, Verizon Online cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free service, or the speed of your service.
3697 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull %HVHI-W-TOOMUCHQI, Your QI level has exceeded your daily quota. Please log off now!
3698 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the bad old days you'd just write a five line function to [calculate a CRC]. In the good new days, you declare a CRC class with at least three constructors, a destructor, a copy constructor, an assignment operator, a Calculate method, and then you make the calculated value private because God forbid people should be allowed to access it directly and then you need an accessor method, or why not have several such as GetCRCAsFormattedString I think I'll go and lie down now it must be time for my medication. - Andrew Simmons
3699 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull eThay ummarysay orfay isthay Apanesejay agepay ontainscay aracterschay atthay annotcay ebay orrectlycay isplayedday inway isthay anguagelay/aracterchay etsay.
3700 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: MVS Host "ET" Change - Connect:Direct(NDM) & TSO
3701 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't tell a book if the title is covered.
3702 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's not impossible - just really unfair.
3703 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I hate nostalgia. I hated it then and I hate it now.
3704 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot rename file .new.glwdrawin to Invalid argument
3705 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Strong vinegar will break its own vessel.
3706 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It's impossible to hold two watermelons in one hand.
3707 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He lost both Ali-pilaf and Vali-pilaf.
3708 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When things don't go right, even halva will break your tooth.
3709 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He can't crumble dumplings for himself, yet he cuts noods for others.
3710 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who burns his mouth on milk will blow on yogurt when eating it.
3711 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you don't have honey, have a honey tongue.
3712 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My little pilaf and I won't have headache.
3713 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be hungry is better than to be in debt.
3714 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Better to eat cheese and bread than pilaf that is given as a favor.
3715 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He who pities his lamb can't eat kebab.
3716 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The molla saw pilaf and forgot about the Koran
3717 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I bought doshab; it turned out to be honey.
3718 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Neither cooked at home nor brought from the neighbor's.
3719 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Give a gift, never mind if it's a rotten nut.
3720 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is a man who gives bread.
3721 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull No one calls his ayran sour.
3722 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The curd seller will come to our yard, too.
3723 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When a tree bears much fruit, it bends low.
3724 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You haven't eaten the goose's meat, so you don't know how it tastes.
3725 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't have a cherry orchard so how do you know what kind of bird a quail is.
3726 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't offer "bahmaz" to someone who has honey.
3727 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull How can a donkey know what saffron is?
3728 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has his bread on his knees.
3729 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is one who treads on bread.
3730 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You don't give milk to a the child who doesn't cry.
3731 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Your mouth won't get sweet just by saying "halva-halva".
3732 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Neither meat, nor fish.
3733 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull We cut salt and bread together.
3734 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Say "hello" 40 times to the place where you have tried salt at least once.
3735 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even if your relative eats your meat, he will never discard your bones.
3736 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Apricots in the orchard brought so many greetings. When the apricots were gone, so were the greetings.
3737 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Be hungry, but don't beg.
3738 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Count the chickens in autumn.
3739 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whatever you put on your pilaf will appear on your spoon.
3740 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If it works, yogurt; if not, ayran.
3741 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Even if the onion is sharp, it has its own place on the table.
3742 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Today's egg is better than tomorrow's hen.
3743 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My advice to you: grind your own grain.
3744 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't put garlic on your head if it doesn't hurt.
3745 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You can't make stew with cheap meat.
3746 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't eat "turshu" in front of a sick man.
3747 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He gets wool from eggs.
3748 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He scoops cream off water.
3749 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When you're young, carry stones. When you're old, eat pilaf.
3750 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Milk pilov is good one day at our place, the next day at yours.
3751 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He doesn't pay for the meat, but grabs the biggest "kuftas".
3752 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I neither kneaded nor baked, but I found a ready cake.
3753 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WARNING: terminal is not fully functional - (press RETURN)
3754 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Makefile:7: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop
3755 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Dear Knowledge Management Network,
3756 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull WAP is crap.
3757 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Belvime i no send this mail for make spam!
3758 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Absquotilate it in style, you old skunk,..and show the gentlemen what you can do.
3759 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Promoting XEmacs from Editors to Red Hat Linux
3761 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If emacs buffers were limited to the size of memory, it would not be possible to edit /dev/mem.
3762 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Linux: written by amateurs for amateurs. - D. Presotto
3763 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With free-friends like that who needs free-enemies?
3764 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull When will they understand the difference between an unmitigated disaster and a total catastrophe?
3765 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This is not LINUX! This is Plan 9. There are rules. -boyd/walter
3766 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull GCC is like a very large city. None of it makes sense, but its citizens cannot escape from it. -Lucio De Re
3767 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: Unidentified subject!
3768 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja!...Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
3769 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A person who knowingly causes a nuclear weapon guilty of an offence. - British Prohibitions and Inspections Act 1998 s47(1)(a)
3770 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull msgPtr->EMM_RSP_OLC_ACK_FWD_H2250LCACKP.bit_mask &= ~EM_H2250LCAP_dynamicRTPPayloadType_present;
3771 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cookie import from '/usr/dhog/lib/cookies' failed: fil
3772 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Reality has got to stop! --Mel Lastman, Mayor of Toronto
3773 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do you want to restart now?
3774 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Completed updating files, continuing to load Windows...
3775 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Enter your network password for Microsoft Networking.
3776 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Updating System Settings...
3777 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Give me source! Give me challenge! Give me ideas and theory and a fresh way at looking at our life! For people who crave knowledge and really want to understand our world there will always be smart projects like Plan 9. --
3778 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Alas! The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily.
3779 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Friends are better than monkeys.
3780 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ODBC API Function SQLGetPrivateProfileString is not currently implemented. Further warnings will be suppressed. hello world
3781 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull More Not-Yet-Published Bestsellers - category on
3782 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So, according to Rob Pike, "Window Systems Should Be Transparent", eh? Fortunately, Mac OS X supports *that* feature! - Brendan Connell
3783 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cat: read failed: Reached the end of the file.
3784 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Windows XP ... is the ``most reliable Windows ever.'' To me, this is like saying that asparagus is ``the most articulate vegetable ever.'' - Dave Barry
3785 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Missouri loves company.
3786 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Why do you think a country that cannot measure in metric will switch to IPv6?
3787 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To me, dynamic libraries are like clowns. In both cases, I was frightened by one at an impressionable age and have loathed them ever since (Bozo tripped on his microphone and fell on me when I was 3, Multics got me at college). - Dave Presotto
3788 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The ``Never put snow on a frostbitten part'' virus has been detected within Lucent Technologies. This virus arrives in email with a subject: Why polish the corners off a sphere in a roomful of cubes?
3789 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome To Slide Card
3790 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I didn't want to be frustrated my whole career, so I moved into computing instead. -Douglas Gwyn
3791 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull O Factotum, velut luna, statu variabilis!
3792 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ls: /n/x/*start*: "/n/x/*start*" "./*start*" "./n/kfs/inferno/*start*" does not exist
3793 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Too many color components: 0, max 10
3794 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A sheet of sandpaper makes a cheap and effective substitute for costly maps when visiting the Sahara.
3795 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep.
3796 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rio: can't open display: initdisplay: /dev/draw/new: "/env/tabstop" file does not exist
3797 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The full documentation for cat is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and cat programs are properly installed at your site, the command "info cat" should give you access to the complete manual.
3798 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Whether the stone hits the pitcher or the pitcher hits the stone, it's going to be bad for the pitcher.
3799 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: Convenience Center Equipment Training
3800 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So, I'm getting on now, and people ask me, `What's it like to be old?' And I tell them ... I don't feel old, I feel young -- except there's something wrong with me. - Chuck Jones
3801 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank You for Logging Out!
3802 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull **THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE FROM SOFTSHOE**
3803 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Perhaps we could also have a special section for the words of the prophet Bushnell, crying out in the wilderness - "The GNU Public Licence is a jealous Licence, Thou shalt have none other Licence but me" -
3804 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull My belief is Sean's belief is Phil did it all wrong. - Sean Quinlan.
3805 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Ten Years Experience. New Needle. - sign on tattoo parlor
3806 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please: Do Not Touch. Do Not Turn Crank. (This is Art: Nothing will happen if you turn the crank except that it might fall off.)
3807 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Journal will accept papers and letters in Microsoft Word only.
3808 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That's nothing.. RMS sent me a .doc file the other day...
3809 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Belief is the death of intelligence.
3810 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull ls: /usr/ken/bin: phase error -- cannot happen
3811 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To opt out from future mailings CLICK HERE
3812 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The X server config file can be found in a range of locations. These are documented fully in the XF86Config(5x) manual page.
3813 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome to First Time Wizard.
3814 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull panic: cannot happen? -rsc
3815 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Select 'Yes' if you need a Logo Motion on boot.
3816 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The Electric God, the Fire God, all came out to help the Falun in clearing up evil demons with their supernormal capabilities resembling electricity, fire, and tornadoes.
3817 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.
3818 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull gcc.c:610: warning: string length `930' is greater than the length `509' ISO C89 compilers are required to support
3819 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One finger can't open up an anus.
3820 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The path to enlightenment requires no software.
3821 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Notegroups! They kill you!
3822 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Question: Did you ever have an important idea that you wanted to jot down, but... your portable, fold-up keyboard is all folded up in your pocket, and there isn't any flat place around to set it up on anyway?
3823 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Let's take Stallman's opinions and agree with them, even though we're not sure what he's talking about. -- someone on slashdot
3824 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They call themselves flower children but all I see is a lot of weed.
3825 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull One in three criminals have cats.
3826 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull "I instructed people on the team to follow the document retention policy, which I knew would result in the destruction of documents." -David B. Duncan
3827 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull REMINDER! You're About to Get SMART!
3828 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please note, the HomeLink logout button has moved to the upper right hand corner of the screen.
3829 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The function will not return until a character is read or the terminal is destroyed.
3830 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Expect change, refresh your browser often.
3831 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull cpp0: Cannot allocate 939136576 bytes after allocating 457620 bytes
3832 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I'm Catholic in the same sense that if a cow was born in a tree then it's a bird.
3833 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You know, it's interesting, there is a universal God, in my opinion. - George W. Bush
3834 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Welcome, rqzgc_mfuv8
3835 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull String manipulation is more complex than linked list manipulation.
3836 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The PSPDN TE sends data to the GPRS TE by use of the GSM PLMN GPRS DNIC.
3837 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A non-functioning unit should no longer be used.
3838 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Turing's ``imitation game'' eerily presaged today's world of chat rooms, where men pretend to be women, having lesbian cybersex with other women who are, in fact, men. - NYT Magazine, 8/3/2002
3839 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Computers are crap, but the Apple store offers a world without toilets. - James Grimmelmann
3840 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please, serious &nbspinquiries only.
3841 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He that steals a Bell-weather, shall be discover'd by the Bell.
3842 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To avoid undesired effects of optimizing compilers, use the SecureZeroMemory function.
3843 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A program that executes more instructions runs slower. - Pike's Law
3844 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The identity range managed by replication is full and must be updated by a replication agent. The INSERT conflict occurred in database 'prevacid', table 'PROCESS_CODES', column 'ID'.
3845 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Don't go with a spineless ISP. We have more backbone!
3846 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull *** {02.38.001} Win - Multiple Trillian vulnerabilities
3847 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Isn't it funny how people say they'll never grow up to be their parents, then one day they look in the mirror and they're moving aircraft carriers into the Gulf region? - the Onion
3848 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're like most people, and chances are pretty good that you are, ...
3849 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull PCMCIA == "People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms"
3850 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Do not be distracted by meaningless messages.
3851 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull c++ -O2 -fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -Wall -pedantic -W -Wpointer-arith -Wmissing-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-long-long -fno-builtin -O -pipe -DBSD -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE -DQT_NO_COMPAT -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST -o konq main.o mainwindow.o -Wl,-export-dynamic ../kdesrc/kio/http/kcookiejar/.libs/libkcookiejar.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -ljpeg -L/usr/lib -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../kdesrc/kio/.libs/libkio.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../kdesrc/kparts/.libs/libkparts.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../kdesrc/khtml/.libs/libkhtml.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../kdesrc/kio/http/.libs/libkiohttp.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../dropin/kparts/.libs/libkpartsdropin.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg ../kdesrc/khtml/ecma/.libs/kjs_html.a -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -lssl -lcrypto -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -lqt2 -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lXext -lX11 -lSM -lICE -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -ljpeg -lm -ljpeg -lgcc -lstdc++
3852 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please browse the site to see our full range of services, we can remain customer focused and goal-directed, innovate and be an inside-out organization which facilitates sticky web-readiness transforming turnkey eyeballs to brand 24/365 paradigms with benchmark turnkey channels implementing viral e-services and dot-com action-items while we take that action item off-line and raise a red flag and remember touch base as you think about the red tape outside of the box and seize B2B e-tailers and re-envisioneer innovative partnerships that evolve dot-com initiatives delivering synergistic earballs to incentivize. -
3853 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're calling to report a death, please press or say, "One".
3854 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull i'm running windows xp under vmware in a vnc on linux being viewed from plan 9. (got that?) - rob
3855 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull User: send to you mail with virus. Please check mail in attach !
3856 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Subject: I NEED YOUR ASSISTANT
3857 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Lucent's motto: Let's make things harder
3858 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/netscape-6.2.3-us
3859 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you haven't heard of XML yet, you must be living under a rock! - Programming in the .NET Environment
3860 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The second line computes the sinus of the result. - Programming in the .NET Environment
3861 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Where would Christianity be if Jesus got eight to fifteen years, with time off for good behavior? -- New York Senator James H. Donovan on capital punishment.
3862 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull rsc 5202 0:00 0:00 1710768K Rendez 8.portmapd
3863 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull
3864 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A short stranger will soon enter your life.
3865 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Click Here to GET the penis you want today!!!
3866 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The envMaxSize field is the environment file size. It must not exceed envMaxSize.
3867 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull parser.h:16: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `ConsumeOffendingSymbol'
3868 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Click on the following link if you don't want to recieve any more email.
3869 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull /usr/include/c++/3.2/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <sstream> instead of the deprecated header <strstream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
3870 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull with venti there's not a simple way to do anything. - rsc
3871 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
3872 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull static unsigned int minSz = sizeof(uslOBJECT_T);//calculate only the once!
3873 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Can be applied directly on top of Tornado AE1.1 Cumulative Patch3, or on top of Tornado AE1.1 Cumulative Patch3 + patch 82607 + patch 83172. Patch 82607 and patch 83172 can not be applied on top of patch 84031.
3874 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Existence of this file indicates that the Nautilus configuration druid has been presented. You can manually erase this file to present the druid again.
3875 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull EXECEPTION TABLE
3876 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull H e ll o, I a m lo ok in g fo r a ni c e m a n. I f yo u w oul d li k e t o co rre on d wi th m e, pl ea se c li c k t h e li n k be w.
3877 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If email advertising won't sell your product than nothing will.
3878 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The colorful name kill() harks back to the origin of these interfaces in UNIX BSD.
3879 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Earthquakes don't kill people; buildings do. - seismologists' saying
3880 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sorry, There are no Williams-Sonoma stores within 1400 miles of your location.
3881 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Few, few the bird make her nest.
3882 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Four eyes does see better than two.
3883 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull So many heads so much opinions.
3884 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull What come in to me for an ear yet out for another.
3885 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The walls have hearsay.
3886 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has a part in the coke.
3887 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has the throat paved.
3888 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Its are some blu stories.
3889 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He go to four feet.
3890 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Nothing some money, nothing of Swiss.
3891 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has discorvered the pot to roses.
3892 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Laugh at throat displaied.
3893 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That make to come water in the mouth.
3894 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To become of bishop miller.
3895 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He sleeps as a marmot.
3896 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take the moon with the teeth.
3897 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has a good beak.
3898 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is armed of foot at up.
3899 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull In the country of blinds, the one eyed men are kings.
3900 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To build castles in Espagnish.
3901 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Cat scalded fear the cold water.
3902 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A take is better that two you shall have.
3903 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To eat of the cow mad.
3904 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To have a hare memory.
3905 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That which feel one's snotly blow blow one's nose.
3906 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To be weted even to the bones.
3907 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dress don't make the monk.
3908 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The man propose, and God dispose.
3909 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To throw the handle afterwards the axe.
3910 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take out the live coals with the hand of the cat.
3911 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A horse baared don't look him in the tooth.
3912 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Take the occasion for the hairs.
3913 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To buy a cat in pocket.
3914 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He eat untill to can't more.
3915 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has a good top tongue.
3916 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The dog than bark not bite.
3917 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It freezes to break the stones.
3918 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It want to beat the iron during it is hot.
3919 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To the foulish words, no answer.
3920 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is mad to bind.
3921 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has the tongue very free.
3922 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is more in debt but he weigh.
3923 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He is a good devil.
3924 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He don't know where give with the head.
3925 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I upon the night all cats are gray.
3926 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The stone as roll not heap up not foam.
3927 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Every country has their uses.
3928 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull They shurt him the doar in face.
3929 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull With the time come one s to the end of all.
3930 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Big head, little sens.
3931 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He has fond the knuckle of the business.
3932 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Words and feathers the wind carry them.
3933 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull He turns as a weath turcocl.
3934 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A barber shave another.
3935 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Belly famished has no ears.
3936 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To good appetite it not want any sauce.
3937 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull There is not better sauce who has the appetite.
3938 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The pains come at horse and turn one's self at foot.
3939 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is not for you that the oven is heated.
3940 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To force to forge, becomes smith.
3941 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep the curtains, the farce is played.
3942 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Keep the chestnut of the fire with the cat foot.
3943 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Friendship of a child is water into a basket.
3944 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Burn the politeness.
3945 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tell me whom thou frequent, i will tell you which you are.
3946 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull After the paunch comes the dance.
3947 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Drink as a hole.
3948 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Of the hand to mouth, one lose often the soup.
3949 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To eat as ogre.
3950 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It is a basket bored.
3951 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To look for a needle in a hay bundle.
3952 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Tu dispute upon the needle top.
3953 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To live in a small cleanness point.
3954 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull It must to break the stone for to have almond.
3955 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To make paps for the cats.
3956 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To fatten the foot.
3957 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull To craunch the marmoset.
3959 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Linux programmer's mind: don't invalidate the D-cache unless it wasn't enabled
3960 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You should be automatically redirected to the new page in 0 seconds.
3961 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull `An improvement is something your program will not work with and a bug fix is something it will not work without' -- Roger Needham
3962 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull PLEASE! Don't urinate on the specimen.
3963 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull For those who only have time to read Slashdot, may God protect you on your journey towards technical obsolescence. - David Patterson, on Slashdot
3964 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Homeland security begins at home. - Seattle mayor Greg Nickels
3965 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull 1 Dir(s) 70,368,744,161,280 bytes free
3966 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Has Your Life Been Ruined by Evil?
3967 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull smtpdaemon is needed by diskcheck-1.4.2 - Red Hat Linux
3968 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You want to make your way in the CS field? Simple. Calculate rough time of amnesia (hell, 10 years is plenty, probably 10 months is plenty), go to the dusty archives, dig out something fun, and go for it. It's worked for many people, and it can work for you. - Ron Minnich
3969 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Recent studies have proven what most people already know: That most Penis Enlargement Pills are completely useless. We set out to design a program that really works.
3970 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull From a Walgreen's receipt: I'm JESUS. I'm here to serve you with our "7 Service Basics"
3971 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull I just realised something... I am NOT a nerd, and none of this stuff matters. I'm Outta Here! - some guy on Slashdot
3972 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Everything in UNIX is modelled as a "file", whereas in Plan9 everything is modelled after a "burrito" - some guy on Slashdot
3973 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Sense of terminal's easiness and functional file server!
3974 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Practically noiseless and impossible to explode. - ad for the 1897 Oldsmobile
3975 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull info: Terminal type `dumb' is not smart enough to run Info.
3976 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull k=k; /* To suppress warning */
3977 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull debug1: Miscellaneous failure
3978 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull That doesn't make sense to me. But then, you are very small. Perhaps you're right.
3979 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull A company is only as good as its least imaginative manager.
3980 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Thank you for ordering from MEDCO SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., where 100% satisfaction is gu
3981 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull (mozilla-bin:3115): Gtk-WARNING **: A floating object was finalized. This means that someone called g_object_unref() on an object that had only a floating reference; the initial floating reference is not owned by anyone and must be removed with gtk_object_sink() after a normal reference is obtained with g_object_ref(). - exit message from Mozilla
3982 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hurray! We have successfully exploited a buffer overflow on the plan9 operating system! And most importantly, we did the most useful thing possible: we exited the shell. If you ever gain access to a plan9 box, remember that the smartest thing you can do is logout. - phrack article
3983 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull You have synapses? I wish I did. My neurons communicate by shouting. It gets pretty noisy in my head. Some times all six of them are shouting at the same time. - presotto
3984 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Failed silent installation. May be failed to allocate Memory.!
3985 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull An extended error was returned from the server. This is typically a string or buffer containing a verbose error message. Call InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text.
3986 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
3987 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull if_de.c:2401: sc->tulip_mediums[media] = mi;
3988 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your stay more magical. Please note the field below is limited to 29 characters. - Disney World hotel reservation web page
3989 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head meows in Los Angeles. And radio operates exactly the same way — you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat. -Albert Einstein
3990 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Hi. My name is %{NAME%}%, I am 25 years of age. I happen to see your profile on the internet. Come visit me some more by viewing my site. Ethel
3991 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull As complicated as the semantics of virtual inheritance may seem, its support within the compiler has proven even more complicated. - Stanley Lippman, Inside the C++ Object Model
3992 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Who needs hallucinatory drugs when we've got quantum physics?
3993 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull The essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and it does not solve the problem well. - Phil Wadler, POPL 2003
3994 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull tcp_extensions="YES". really i wanted "MAYBE" or "GOODQUESTION" or "YOUTELLME" or "YOU'RETHECOMPUTER!" - forsyth
3995 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull int parse_url(unsigned char *url, int *prlen, unsigned char **user, int *uslen, unsigned char **pass, int *palen, unsigned char **host, int *holen, unsigned char **port, int *polen, unsigned char **data, int *dalen, unsigned char **post)
3996 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Please select an Aardvark
3997 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull This thing is like a quarry where every pebble has something bad hidden underneath - Presotto about the Links source.
3998 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull fortune 1907: suicide: sys: trap: divide error pc=0x00001b33
3999 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull i'm not real convinced about this but I could be interesting. - boyd
4000 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull If you are what you eat, then I'm cheap, fast, and easy.
4001 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull / Permission denied
4002 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull return ({goto L; p;}) && ({L: 5;});
4003 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing. - rob
4004 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull Java is the f*cking COBOL of the 90s, and future generations of geeks are going to fly back from Mars to piss on our graves for inflicting it on them. -
4005 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull httpd_server* httpd_initialize(char* hostname, httpd_sockaddr* sa4P, httpd_sockaddr* sa6P, unsigned short port, char* cgi_pattern, int cgi_limit, char* charset, char* p3p, int max_age, char* cwd, int no_log, FILE* logfp, int no_symlink_check, int vhost, int global_passwd, char* url_pattern, char* local_pattern, int no_empty_referers )
4006 478bbc75 2004-03-26 devnull it's easier to post to 9fans than to think. - boyd
4007 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull We assume familiarity with Rubik's Cube, the delights of which cannot be presented adequately in a textual description! - an algorithms textbook
4008 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull If you are idle for more than 1000 hours, the system will log you out. Please save reviews frequently.
4009 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull We lead by following standards. - sape
4010 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull -bash: /home/r/.bash_logout: Permission denied
4011 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. - forsyth after Lennon on authentication
4012 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Network services at the Murray Hill, NJ, location (100001) will be unavailable due to UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) maintenance from 8:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, June 26, to 4:00 a.m. EDT on Sunday, June 27.
4013 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Don't show this message again.
4014 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Service error -27.
4015 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defence against complexity. - David Gelernter
4016 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Zatoichi: in theaters December 31, 1969.
4017 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull recordio.h:992: type `__true_type' is not a base type for type `__false_type'
4018 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Telephone number has to be 10 numbers. For example, enter '8002158482'. Please contact us at 1-800-215-8482 for any assitance.
4019 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull No one but a theorist believes his theory; everyone puts faith in a laboratory result but the experimenter himself. - Einstein
4020 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull (Okay, Plan 9 isn't Linux, but it's a close relative).
4021 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Tux is not cute. Tux has the expression of someone right after knitting needles have been used to scramble the front side of their cerebral cortex. Tux scares me. - Ron Minnich
4022 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Setting up your SIP account will allow you to call both other SIP users as well as pstn phones. - Wim Sweldens
4023 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull ntifs.c(202) : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 25732904 arguments
4024 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull There's no "I" in team, but there's both a "me" and an "I" in media.
4025 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Oh, I'm sorry, sir, go ahead. I didn't realize you were root.
4026 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull C++ is to C as lung cancer is to lung.
4027 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
4028 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Those days [of "one tool doing one job well"] are dead and gone and the eulogy was delivered by Perl. - rob
4029 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull We have found that the Real Player plugin, which is used by the BBC Radio Player, may or may not function fully depending on a combination of what flavour of unix/linux you are using, which browser you are using, which version of browser you are using, and which version of GCC built the plugin during installation.
4030 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Sheer [program] size is often an illusion, reflecting only a need for improvement. - Kernighan and Plauger
4031 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull bootsplash: silent mode.
4032 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Trusting every aspect of our lives to a giant computer was the smartest thing we ever did! - Homer
4033 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Courts are not equipped to execute the law. - John Ashcroft
4034 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull The Ken Thompson school of thought on expert systems: there's table lookup, fraud, and grand fraud. - Andrew Hume, quoted in ;login:
4035 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull I am Davros, my Daleks are my servers and plan9 is my control board mwahahaha - Matt
4036 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull What's grey? A melted penguin.
4037 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
4038 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Two goldfish are in a tank. One turns to the other and says, "Do you know how to drive one of these things?"
4039 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull What do software pirates say? CD-Arrrrrrr!
4040 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull Select only drivers expected to compile cleanly. - Linux kernel configuration option
4041 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull usage: tar [-][{ruxXtcC}acdefhlm{o|S}pqvwLUBDRV{O|K}fb] [dir] [tapefile] [blocksize] file ...
4042 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull /opt/exp/lib/firefox/bin/ line 451: 16207 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
4043 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /opt/net/exp/lib/mozilla/bin/plugins/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ [/opt/net/exp/lib/mozilla/bin/plugins/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ undefined symbol: _ZdlPv]
4044 c8b6342d 2005-01-13 devnull This 43 minute video FEATURES the 22 year-old, 6'6" (6'11" in heels) 300+ pound, size 14 shoe size Blythe
4045 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull Linux is good if you want to run Apache or compile the kernel. Every other application is suspect. - Andrew Hume
4046 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull /etc/bash.bashrc: alias unmount='echo "Error: Try the command: umount" 1>&2; false'
4047 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull Book-burning is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to think of it as "English lit". - Larry Hollister
4048 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull panic: bad rob
4049 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull ulong when; /* may underflow in clock(); must be signed */
4050 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull There is no interest in a WWW browser. This fad is clearly not going to have any staying power. -, Oct 22 1994
4051 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull the representation of characters, but not the character set itself, was changed this weekend. we believe that the representation we are using now will become the one used by unix-like systems everywhere. - rob's news about utf-8, sep 6 1992
4052 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull Linux: the world's best text adventure game.
4053 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull MessageSocket::setHostname(): gethostbyname() failed: Success
4054 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull /* This variable is here only because of a historical reason. */
4055 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull It's almost as though someone is creating billboards that read, ``If you can#t splel VaigrA, you cn mkae big $M$O$N$E$Y$ wtih b.ul.k adtervising on teh I*N*T*R*E*N*E*T.'' - Rob Kolstad
4056 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull And, as you read, please forgive the necessary typos - I'm going for rock-solid facts, rather than spelling.
4057 fe9be58c 2005-03-06 devnull mp3riot - Directory search utility
4058 3e635a65 2005-03-08 devnull val.h:152: class `FloatVal' is implicitly friends with itself
4059 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull The MOV mnemonic, which stands for `move', is a misnomer. A copy function is actually performed instead of a move. - AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 1
4060 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull It's not foolproof, but maybe if we don't act like fools, it will work. - Sara O'Brien
4061 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull May God forgive you for what you have done! - Pope John Paul I, to the Cardinals who elected him
4062 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull hb = 0x80; hb = hb << 24; /* hb = 0x80000000UL */
4063 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull setenv I_WANT_A_BROKEN_PS
4064 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.
4065 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull CPU0 states: 0.0% user, 150.0% system, 0.0%nice, 0.0% idle
4066 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull i know what jmk did. he added reentrancy for threads. - boyd, about uintptr
4067 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull i hate all sorts of zealots - boyd
4068 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull /* Watch the brackets - even Ken and Dennis get some language design wrong */
4069 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Not related to the portable reciprocating power saw trademark of the Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation.
4070 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull GNU C++ does not support old-style function definitions, so this extension is irrelevant.
4071 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Here we have twenty-eight letters.
4072 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Here we have twenty-six letters.
4073 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Even if you could revive someone who has died, you haven't really done anything that deals with that person's central problem, which is sin.
4074 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to sharpen sticks. - Thant Tessman
4075 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. - Joseph Campbell
4076 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark. - Thant Tessman
4077 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull (Of course SML does have its weaknesses, but by comparison, a discussion of C++'s strengths and flaws always sounds like an argument about whether one should face north or east when one is sacrificing one's goat to the rain god.) - Thant Tessman
4078 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce. - Scott McKay
4079 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Applicants must also have extensive knowledge of UNIX, although they should have sufficiently good programming taste to not consider this an achievement. - Hal Abelson, MIT AI Lab job ad
4080 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull I recently visited and I would like to offer my web design services. I can help you with your Plan 9 website. - spam
4081 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull There are no network problems with scone, hale and poptart. IT support is working these issues and we will notify you when the problem is resolved.
4082 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, but we don't serve minors."
4083 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull exhausted("sleep");
4084 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull /// The ForTo class avoids confusing syntax of "for (int i=1;i<=4;i++) {...}". This can be replaced with "foreach (int i in new ForTo(1,4)) {...}".
4085 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Linux is for people who hate Windows. BSD is for people who love UNIX.
4086 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull If plan9 was a village then I'd probably be the village idiot, but it would still be better than living in the city. - Dave Lukes
4087 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Software has gotten too fat and unreliable, so we started with Linux. - Nicholas Negroponte
4088 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Forgive my ignorance, I am a layman and nowadays get my schooling through search engine results. - Vester Thacker
4089 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull By tradition, the return value of functions report what they did, not what they considered doing. - rob
4090 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull If the restaurant serves poor beer, don't switch to wine. - sape
4091 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull There is nothing quite like looking up and seeing YOUR star. Order now for FREE SHIPPING.
4092 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull gcc is the holy cow of compilers, not the holy grail. - forsyth
4093 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull NOTE 3: Each bit has the value either ZERO or ONE. - ECMA-035 spec
4094 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull cpu90112: exiting
4095 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull cpu0: existing
4096 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull The operation timed out while trying to contact void.
4097 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull On the Internet nobody knows you're running Plan 9. - Jim McKie
4098 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Deleted code is debugged code. - Jeff Sickel
4099 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull DEAR ALL, I am newbie! pls guide me,
4100 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Google does not appear to be in the kludge-making business ... - Ashlee Vance, The Register
4101 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **
4102 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Revision control is like any other form of accountancy -- worthy but dull. -forsyth
4103 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull There are but 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand the binary numbering system and those who don't.
4104 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull we live in a world of dogmas, probably trying to fight it with a stronger dogma is a bad idea, but trying to fight it with preumpted objectivism clearly doesn't work. - uriel
4105 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Equations are the devil's sentences. - Stephen Colbert
4106 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull cpu: can't dial: The operation completed successfully.
4107 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull A kiss without a beard is like an egg without salt. - Dutch proverb
4108 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Nothing is good enough for the fortune file! - Dan Cross
4109 e5c98464 2006-02-23 devnull Tried to read 71776119061217303 bytes. Read only 23
4110 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull /dev/shm/root has gone 49710 days without being checked, check forced.
4111 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull x11 code is just so bad. by which i mean bad of course, and not good. - forsyth
4112 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Peter Seebach is not POSIX compliant but runs most UNIX applications.
4113 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Glyph 390 is called ".notdef", a singularly inept choice of name.
4114 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Well, I have tried to learn as much as possible from prior attempts. If nothing else, we are committed to failing in a new way :) - Elon Musk, SpaceX founder
4115 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull You've got a syntax error somewhere in your code. It could be around line 15. Good luck finding it. - the Mini-C compiler
4116 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Lucent is the best place 4 me to work. (Please keep confidential)
4117 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull It might be comfortable, but so is lounging in a big enough pile of shite. - jmk, about ioctl
4118 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull i'm sure ken said we had persistant objects: ''they're called files'' - boyd
4119 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull But macros are like having these high-powered band-aids, when what you want is not to be wounded in the first place. - Steve Yegge
4120 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull You’ve followed a link to a topic that doesn’t exist yet.
4121 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Metaphors about deck chairs abound.
4122 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull After you have rotated your monitor, you need to complete the procedure below to rotate your operating system.
4123 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull The human genome is about 3 gigabases long, which boils down to 750 megabytes. Depressingly enough, this is only 2.8 Mozilla browsers. - Bert Hubert
4124 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull cc: The parameter is incorrect. - cygwin cc
4125 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Some people are like slinkies. They don't really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
4126 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull /* Not static, because we don't want the compiler removing it */
4127 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull It appears that you are accessing from a location that is not authorized to view our licensed videos. Please go to the United States or its territories and try again.
4128 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Subject: There's More to Nevada Than You Think
4129 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull The user of distributed operating systems will know a new kind of reliability. - MIT video about computer networks, 1972
4130 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull I don't think there's a support group for people who don't have cancer - Fiona McKie
4131 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull vi vi vi - the roman number of the beast
4132 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... - Linux
4133 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull One of the silliest things you can do with a modern Unix machine is run the Eliza mode of Emacs against random quotes from Zippy the Pinhead. - Eric Raymond
4134 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull * Description: WHEN YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT THIS FILE DOES, PLEASE DESCRIBE IT HERE!
4135 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Never smack a Bulgarian. - Ron Minnich
4136 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull The Adobe Updater must update itself before it can check for updates. Would you like to update the Adobe Updater now?
4137 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull I'm not sure if that's true or not, I got that from an Internet web page:... - Lluís Batlle
4138 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull We're sorry, the page you're looking for is no longer here.
4139 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull We've recently reorganized our site and streamlined some of our content. You can look for content using the search box at the top of each page.
4140 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull /* keep the code below somewhat more readonable; not used elsewhere */
4141 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull When we order T-Shirts to give away at conferences (like OSCON), we always order "Medium", "Large", "Extra-Large", and "Programmer" sizes. _ Randal Schwartz
4142 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull THANK YOU FOR AN INTERESTING GAME.
4143 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull main: 7,913,578,496 used + 35,178,551,926,784 free = 2,093,416,448 (378% used)
4144 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Bitfield endianness not defined! Check your byteorder.h
4145 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull All I know about print is that you can do it too soon. - Ron Minnich
4146 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull acid: <stdin>:82: (error) 82: <eof> eating symbols
4147 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull 1 2034 9/01 17:54 bye
4148 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Girija pointed out a couple of bugs (I think of them as typos myself :-) -Sape
4149 b46716cf 2006-10-12 devnull Plan 9 makes BeOS look like a market leader.
4150 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull I'm doing it very slowly, so results will be as soon as possible...
4151 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull GTK+ is written in high quality object-orientated C. - Programming with gtkmm
4152 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull swapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/928aaabd-5744-4f0a-b9ef-aa101f286514: Invalid argument - Linux
4153 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull We apologize for any inconvenience this causes - Lucent Convenience Centers
4154 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski
4155 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull [Perl] combines the power of C with the readability of PostScript. - Jamie Zawinski
4156 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF). Indicates which industry standard command block definition to use.
4157 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull Globus is an unstoppable monster - rminnich; No, Globus is an unstartable monster - ericvh.
4158 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull Multithreading is just one damn thing after, before, or simultaneous with another. - Andrei Alexandrescu
4159 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull ArrayList of int / my list of int, equals new / ArrayList of int - Steve Yegge
4160 ad2922ef 2006-12-13 devnull In the land of the clueless, the man with half an idea is king. - Todd Robbins
4161 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Chebyshev said it, and I say it again / There is always a prime between n and 2n. - Paul Erdös
4162 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Using Linux is like rediscovering your childhood and realising it really was pretty miserable. - jmk
4163 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull remove is identical to install except that packages are removed instead of installed. If a plus sign is appended to the package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be installed instead of removed. - apt-get(8)
4164 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull I guess the idea is that ... even though the structures are all different. Everythings fine, dont worry, lie back and think of England. ... I think we can call it Pollyanna-morphism. -- Ron Minnich on Python libraries.
4165 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Can't get device information: Success -- Linux Bluetooth discovery.
4166 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Linux is neither Unix nor Windows — it's the worst of both worlds -- jmk
4167 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Did you ever try to write poetry in a committee meeting? It's like a bunch of fat construction guys trying to write an opera while sitting on the couch watching Baywatch. The more fat construction guys you add to the couch, the less likely you are to get opera out of it. - Joel Spolsky
4168 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull Don't interrupt! Let me finish! - Rae McLellan
4169 09cd35eb 2007-02-22 devnull bool x = "false"; // valid C++ [sets x to true]
4170 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc # The below line not be changed otherwise we refuse to work
4171 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc having read AF_UNIX(7) i'm still don't see the point. portable programs should not do this. portable programs should not do that. the details of this varies from implementation to implementation. none of the following socket things ... are implemented. the name is limited to 107 bytes. - forsyth
4172 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Please wait. This can take some time.
4173 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc I love troff. It reminds me of runoff, which reminds me of my youth, when VMS was in flower and knowledge of EDT and runoff was all a lad needed to make a good living as a tech writer. - Frank Willison
4174 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc General Internet error has occurred. - [ 2.0]
4175 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Remember to drink responsibly during this St. Patrick's Day season.
4176 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc File under POPULAR: Male Vocal - Syd Barrett LP sleeve
4177 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc N = C + {fb (cm) . fb (tc)} + fb (Ts) + fc . ta, where N=force in Newtons required to break the cooked bacon, fb=function of the bacon type, fc=function of the condiment/filling effect, Ts=serving temperature, tc=cooking time, ta=time or duration of application of condiment/filling, cm=cooking method, C=Newtons required to break uncooked bacon
4178 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc #define v6addrcurr(lifc) (( (lifc)->origint + (lifc)->preflt >= (NOW/10^3) ) || ( (lifc)->preflt == 0xffffffff ))
4179 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc It seems that subjective C is more popular than objective C - brucee
4180 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Eta aquarid meeteeor shouwer - astro -k
4181 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc The program 'apt-get' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install apt - ubuntu linux
4182 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Subject: Re: [9fans] speaking of kenc... can you imagine a c compiler that does not translate to asm first? or can you imagine porting a c compiler when you dont have an assembler? -- Rogelio Serrano
4183 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc I expect to be quite wealthy once the dust from the Linux IPOs has settled. - Eric Raymond, "Doing It For the Cause", December 1999
4184 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc A handful of characteristics of Unix are responsible for its resilience. First, Unix is simple: whereas some operating systems implement thousands of system calls and have unclear design goals, Unix systems typically implement only hundreds of system calls and have a very clear design. -- Linux Kernel Development, 2nd Ed. by Robert Love
4186 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc If you go and talk to our people and ask why they are doing something, they will give you a good reason why they are doing it. - Ravi Sethi, President, Avaya Labs Research
4187 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc hi uriel!
4188 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Gianfranco Luigi per tutti bezahlen.
4189 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do. - Donald Knuth
4190 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc process `sysctl' is using deprecated sysctl (syscall) net.ipv6.neigh.eth1.base_reachable_time; Use net.ipv6.neigh.eth1.base_reachable_time_ms instead.
4191 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
4192 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Th' canny man keeps his money in sheep - or he keeps it in th' First Presbyterian Bank o' Scotland
4193 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc ttcp-r: 3689238521928343900000000000000 bytes in 41.02 real seconds = 87829643931512629000000000.00 KB/sec +++
4194 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc By the time you finish reading this article, you will be able to take advantage of the coolest file system feature to be implemented since the symbolic link. - CLI Magic: Use Extended Attributes for better file management By Ryan Paul
4195 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Intel Pentium 4 2.0Hz processor - TigerDirect catalogue
4196 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc You are roughly 2^90 times more likely to win a U.S. state lottery *and* be struck by lightning simultaneously than you are to encounter [an accidental SHA1 collision] in your file system. - J. Black
4197 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc prelink - prelink ELF shared libraries and binaries to speed up startup time
4198 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc schedule(); // XXX poll? waitqueues?
4199 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc gsoc | doc archive | uriel | harmful | 9P |
4200 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc /*FIXME: what about parameter checking: context, etc? have a macro too? */
4201 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Results 1 - 10 of about 34,900,000 for all else is the work of God.
4202 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc This is Radio Clash on pirate satellite.
4203 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc We already agreed on a solution. Nobody is interested in implementing it. - Lucho
4204 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc This resource fork intentionally left blank
4205 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc checking size of char... 1 - gnu configure
4206 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Nobody wants to argue with Knuth – it is the equivalent of arguing against the second law of thermodynamics. - Mick West
4207 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Customer stickiness reduces churn making it a valuable benefit.
4208 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc SIP is the Linux of telephony. - Sape
4209 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-not-possible'.
4210 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc The following recipient(s) could not be reached: OpenView Service Desk on 11/7/2007 4:24 PM The message could not be delivered because the recipient's mailbox is full. - automated response to mail complaining that limits on mailbox size are too low
4211 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Dear Valued Customer #88143191!
4212 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc rusty: kernel pseudo files are not the place for chit-chat
4213 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc I define UNIX as ``30 definitions of regular expressions living under one roof.'' - Don Knuth
4214 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc ADDITIONAL METAPHOR SPOILER ALERT: ``The Old Man and the Sea'' is not just about an old man and the sea.
4215 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc 2008-06-18 00:00:37: [650] DEBUG: msg 5 not interesting
4216 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc Your IP address is: <? echo getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); ?>. By continuing to browse this website, you agree to the following terms.
4217 c9894602 2008-07-10 rsc /* dummy = malloc(0); *//* prepare for garbage-collection */
4218 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc You chose to apply Shadow Ram extend feature, while you knew it was risky. If the system hangs during boot, please restart the system and come here to change the setting.
4219 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc An amateur thinks it's really funny if you dress a man up as an old lady, put him in a wheelchair, and give the wheelchair a push that sends it spinning down a slope towards a stone wall. For a pro, it's got to be a real old lady. - Groucho Marx.
4220 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Error Code: -2147483648
4221 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Pardon the abruptness of this letter; it is due to its exigency.
4222 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc The source of the money is legal and authoritative.
4223 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Please note that I do not intend to waste my time and yours.
4224 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc The Internet is still a fascination to me.
4225 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Sometimes one needs to take chances.
4226 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc #define MIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE -307 /* array not large enough */
4227 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc If you cannot read this, reply. Otherwise, disregard. - Pietro Gagliardi
4228 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc "Come _on_. I'm not that subtle a 'baiter,' or... am I?" - Eris Discordia: "You're a master baiter." - Skip Tavakkolian
4229 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your service request number 110738516 - DEAD MOUSE IN GLUE TRAP - 2C501 was completed on 10/07/2008.
4230 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your service request number 110740079 - Remove Squirrel - 2C-516 was completed on 10/21/2008.
4231 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Sorry but there is no description for this item ... (less)
4232 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Sorry but there is no description for this item ... (more)
4233 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc NOTHING FOLLOWS
4234 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc The problem is there's no data to fake yet. - Noah Evans
4235 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc `You could pound nails with [the Motorola StarTAC] and it still worked. This phone is like that: you could set it on fire, and you'd still get your e-mail.'
4236 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Cookies! Thanks NFS Anonymous Access User!
4237 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Closing this window will terminate the running processes: login, bash, acme, acme, devdraw, 9pserve, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win.
4238 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc "Transitive trust is metastable." - Brucee on the banking crisis in 2008
4239 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Your Real Estate Building Service request has been completed. Your service request number 110746368 - 2C523, BIRD FLYING AROUND IN CORRIDOR,MH was completed on 12/22/2008.
4240 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc There is no organization (dept/cost center) in Lucent Technologies whose name matches "convenience"!
4241 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc buf[0] = '\0'; /* make sure it's empty (silly 3b2) */
4242 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc #ifndef bool /* Linux 2.6.19 C++ nightmare */
4243 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc slashdot: the consensus of the ill-informed - brucee
4244 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc "People aren't wearing enough hats" - Truism from brucee
4245 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc to kill the postman that delivered this email to you press here
4246 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc A Man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. -Thoreau
4247 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Just getting something to happen might be training, but it sure isn't education. -Brian L Stuart
4248 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc This page has an unspecified potential security flaw. Would you like to continue?
4249 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Comeau C/C++ beta: Now in our 22nd year!
4250 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc size: q.out not an a.out
4251 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Sharing your DNA hasn't been this exciting since the good old days. -
4252 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc *WASH_Eyes_outWith_soap*
4253 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc -rwxr-xr-x 1 rae rae 141307906 Nov 10 16:55 arm-2009q3-67-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin # shell script
4254 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Beam to 1.04TeV... Lost due to tune drifting [sh*t!]... Tunes for beam 1 were different when we returned to injection energy (no precycle)... Trimmed and incorporated... Ramped 2 beams, all the way to 1.18TeV !!
4255 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc anguish up -1 days, 00:00:01
4256 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc People admire complexity. - Rob Pike
4257 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc Due to a technical error with the distribution of Ottawa Newsbreak, you may have received the newsletter this morning. Please accept our apologies.
4258 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc DON'T throw lefts of coffee, tea or chocolate milk into this recipient! Thank you.
4259 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc You tried to access the address opera:crossdomainerror, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
4260 e18f0a49 2010-04-15 rsc Mandatory options: - xen-create-image(8)
4261 e18f0a49 2010-04-15 rsc We are unable to complete the check-in process at this time. Please proceed to the airport for assistance.
4262 e18f0a49 2010-04-15 rsc As low as possible isn't a number yet - Ron Minnich
4263 e18f0a49 2010-04-15 rsc Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search".
4264 bbdebeff 2010-03-24 rsc ./home/gri/go1/doc/test.go:3:1: expected declaration, found 'IDENT' notwithstanding
4265 e18f0a49 2010-04-15 rsc rm: remove write-protected regular empty file `some_random_file'?
4266 fb1834db 2011-02-23 rsc !factotum protocol botch 0 ok bad authentication failed
4267 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc exception: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'exception'
4268 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc what bug does this fix that you think you've fixed that addresses this particular bug? - erik quanstrom
4269 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc With functional programming languages, you can never make small mistakes, only very large ones. - Kedar Namjoshi
4270 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc Subject: Departs: 7:00 PM Thu Dec 02 2010 Washington, DC - Union Station (WAS) Station News Arrives: 9:16 PM Thu Dec 02 2010 Metropark- Iselin, NJ (MET) Metropark-Iselin, NJ Metropark-Iselin (MET) Station News PT2H16M Duration: 2 hr, 16 min (Internal Document ITD-10-49997V)
4271 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc complete SoC on a chip - Tilera
4272 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc There is no application installed for executable files. Do you want to search for an application to open this file?
4273 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc There's no 'I' in team, but there's a 'u' in suck.
4274 f444695a 2011-05-01 rsc Mandatory post fields are username,password,backto
4275 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc Spa Rood, met toegevoegd koolzuur -> Shovel red, with added cabbage heartburn. - Yahoo! Babel Fish
4276 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc Everything happens automatically and there is nothing new to learn. - Steve Jobs
4277 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc wrong malign list
4278 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc Sorry you try to use the function during a critical time. Out of technical reasons between 3:30 and 5:00 WET and 15:30 and 17:00 WET activations may be lost.
4279 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc Major funding for The Fabric of the Cosmos is provided by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
4280 425a2b78 2011-02-08 rsc i dont understand the physical processes that will produce a 40 year fifo. -ken, after receiving the Japan Prize in 2011
4281 f444695a 2011-05-01 rsc Polydactyly mutations relax control of sonic hedgehog. - Armand Marie Leroi
4282 37234309 2011-12-09 rsc Your 20333x1 screen size is bogus. Expect trouble. - Linux ps