
change wording of about:help

update the about:help page * don't recommend to enable olivetti-mode and fill-column anymore, since they're already the default. * add some text wrt history navigation

sync new config syntax for prefix

improve help page

last improvement to the suggested style line.quote

change suggest prefix/cont for line.quote BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL (┃) seems way cooler than RIGHT POINTING GUILLEMET (»)

mention olivetti-mode in about:help

switch include

improvements for about:help and about:new

added about:about, about:blank and about:help pages

fix search engines drop both GUS and houston, long live

drop tests from about:new

don't assume everything is text/gemini!

1X input, load/edit current URL * rework response code handling * support 10/11 input requests * load a url from minibuffer * edit current url and load it from minibuffer

add some links to the initial page